Expat Club August 30th 2009

Udon Thani clubs and organizations
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Lars Erik Brandt
Posts: 37
Joined: November 5, 2008, 12:24 am

Expat Club August 30th 2009

Post by Lars Erik Brandt » August 9, 2009, 9:17 pm

Now we are back again after 1 month of "hard work" planning to what will come on the months from august to december 2009 and that will be very good meetings for YOU!!
We are very good listener at the board so to start with in august the 30th we have invited from Nong Khai a company who have a lot of experience about the "Yellow Book" and with all the staff they are ready to serve YOU wiyh the latest information about that Book, why you need it, how you get it, how you use it and much more! Even if you have one its not wrong to come and listen because there maybe are some changes from the dy you got yours! Who knows?
Of course we have more on the agenda this sunday but telling you wont make you courius, so "pop" in at the Panyavejinter Hospital, Prajak Road 111, 4th floor(audithorium) and get a good sunday aftenoon.
Please be in time,,,14.00 is the time we start. Coffee is served and water!
Hope to see you and some new friends there!

Lars Erik Brandt :mrgreen: /President Expat Club in North-East of Thailand
ps. Our annual meeting will take place in november 2009 ds.

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Re: Expat Club August 30th 2009

Post by BobHelm » August 9, 2009, 9:34 pm

Lars, personally I am always "wary" of a "company" (or individual) who offers to "help" me obtain anything that it is easy & legal for me to obtain on my own. This Forum contains excellent information on the requirements on how to obtain a yellow book by individuals who have personally obtained (& have) one. If they are offering, out of the kindness of their hearts, to obtain one, for me, for free then that would, obviously, leave me in no worse a position than I am today. If they are suggesting that, in some way, the 'rules' have changed & it is impossible for an individual to obtain as stated on here then that would also be of interest. However I have heard of nothing on "the grapevine" that suggests that is in any way the case....


Re: Expat Club August 30th 2009

Post by laphanphon » August 9, 2009, 10:34 pm

8 yrs ago, to convince the amphur office to give me a yellow book was the only stumbling block. explaining it was possible, they either finally listened or got tired of me, and simply wanted me to go away. today, with the proper paperwork, it isn't a problem, and easily issued if applicable. as Bob says, if they wish to assist and maybe make things easy, great, if a service charge is involved, it's unnecessary, as most things can be done by one's self.

the same as people recommending lawyers to assist with leases or usefructs at land office, unless something special added, it only cost less than 100 baht to do your self, why pay thousands of baht service fee for no extra services. it all is really too easy. they are all basically fill the bland forms, preloaded on the computer, which the rep simply asks you or translator what type you want. push a button, and it's done.

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