Night Market Get Together

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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by mortiboy » September 6, 2009, 5:31 pm

Good Idea Dave.
But seems to me ,not a policy for Moderators to attend NM meetings.Never seen any yet attend.
Whether it is because they dont want be bought into crititism or abuse( which is aften done online) I dont know.

For me, if a mod I would never attend as there are a few members that surely give them stick! Hardly an enjoyable evening!
How do you expect them attend when certain members P1ss them off with insults ect on UD!
We dont really know what goes on behind the scenes.Maybe threats! They cant disclose this stuff.
Nah they wont come. Dont blame em either

Mai mee tahng !

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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by beer monkey » September 6, 2009, 5:35 pm

As its next saturday the next Udon map night market meeting i was wondering if there is any mileage in asking for your opinions on an idea i had... as it is the monthly uM night market meeting would it be a good idea for a member of the Um team to attend, you know to let us know whats happening, whats in and not in this month as far as topics go etc, maybe a moderator or two.. It would be a good experience for the mods and for us to get to know them..

then UM could be a sponsor of a tower or two for the members who attend
'Udonmap'....Helping People get Pi$$ed since 2002.... :lol:

Can't all the ideas be done through the forum..? there is a section for it, any ideas i am sure are always listened to, Heyyyy just like this one, now if you had discussed this idea at the market all those that don't go wouldn't know..!! keeping it on here that way others that don't attend can join in., can't see the thing taking off somehow seemore. :D
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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by old-timer » September 6, 2009, 6:09 pm

My application for moderating the fantastic Udon Map forum is either lost in the post or being seriously considered, and when I get appointed to this high position I will, not only serve Udon Map, but also go to the NM meeting to hear you....... :guiness: ....... \:D/....OT - working for the comminity.... ;)

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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by aznyron » September 6, 2009, 6:23 pm

you got my vote O.T. I did meet one of the mods in the Irish Clock we had a very nice chat
O.T it really not a fun job I know I would not accept it if offered to me. you see I have a choice
I can tell a mod off & quit when your a mod you have to be a diplomat in many ways

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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by seymourbutts » September 6, 2009, 7:18 pm

There is never any problem at the NMM. some of us disagree on here but at the meeting its a case of "what happens on the mile stays on the mile" (in a souther american accent) and we have and always have a great social evening!!!
Weve had mighty chang there, we had no problems we all had a laugh and a drink, and as always anything that happens is always reported the next day on here anyway.. just thought it would be a good way of meeting each other or putting a face to a name for both parties... for sure we are adults at the NMM !!!! Well except for ??? Me, doug, simon, ron, roy, geordie etc etc etc :D :D

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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by trubrit » September 6, 2009, 7:29 pm

Seymour. The night market meeting idea was.actually the brain child of Paul , a moderator. In the early stages he was sometimes the only attendee. Ocassionally Admin, Lee popped in but soon left when others suggested it was the bosses round :lol: (Joking Lee) Nowadays Paul has said he prefers mixing with people his own age so never appears.Regards the others, who knows? Could be a hang over from the military rule of not fraternising with the OR's :lol: :lol:
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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by beer monkey » September 6, 2009, 7:31 pm

In the early stages he was sometimes the only attendee
That must of been very quite meeting....... :(
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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by seymourbutts » September 6, 2009, 7:41 pm

Well i think i speak for all who attend in that if a mod should ever turn up he will have a very warm welcome from all of us and a great night with good conversation, beers and his other half will be well looked after by the ladies.

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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by trubrit » September 6, 2009, 7:43 pm

beer monkey wrote:[That must of been very quite meeting....... :(
Guess who picked up the bill? :lol:
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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by beer monkey » September 6, 2009, 8:07 pm

Not too bad when its only 45 baht.....Image
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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by Goldcoaster au » September 6, 2009, 10:14 pm

mortiboy wrote:Good Idea Dave.
But seems to me ,not a policy for Moderators to attend NM meetings.Never seen any yet attend.
Whether it is because they dont want be bought into crititism or abuse( which is aften done online) I dont know.

For me, if a mod I would never attend as there are a few members that surely give them stick! Hardly an enjoyable evening!
How do you expect them attend when certain members P1ss them off with insults ect on UD!
We dont really know what goes on behind the scenes.Maybe threats! They cant disclose this stuff.
Nah they wont come. Dont blame em either
Maybe you drink at the nw meetings with some mod's...........on line they might use two names.
You just never know. :? :^o

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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by arjay » September 6, 2009, 10:46 pm

Most of the Mods have attended at one time or another, more so in the early days.

As said earlier, Paul started things off, though I don't believe he was actually the only one there!! I subsequently attended several meetings, as did Lee and Banpaeng. Sometimes one or other of us attend, sometimes discretely or incognito, or just pass by. Bob and Dave came on the scene more recently. Between us, we do know many of the longstanding members.

We even occasionally have our own meetings when enough of us are in town at the same time. ;)

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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by seymourbutts » September 6, 2009, 11:00 pm

its a bit sad that you have to come ingognito!!!! We wont bite you know!!! it will i'm sure be a good "ice breaker" if some of you were to attend and make yourself known!!
i feel strange to think that one or more of you came incognito and never introduced yourselves!!! like we are the enemy and you came to spy!!! well we all do our bit on here for udon map i just thought it would be a good gesture to turn up once in a while!!

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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by arjay » September 6, 2009, 11:09 pm

We don't bite either. ;)

I've stopped off in the past, but am more usually on my way to somewhere else, and prefer not to sit long due to back ache problems, so never stopped long.

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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by Fawn » September 7, 2009, 12:08 am

arjay wrote:Sometimes one or other of us attend, sometimes discretely or incognito, or just pass by. Bob and Dave came on the scene more recently. Between us, we do know many of the longstanding members.
Who's Dave? :-k
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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by Prenders88 » September 7, 2009, 12:20 am

Udon Thani, best seen through your car's rear view mirror.

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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by Fawn » September 7, 2009, 12:22 am

Yeah, but he's not real, just a vehicle for other moderators to utilise.
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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by JimboPSM » September 7, 2009, 1:29 am

trubrit wrote:... The night market meeting idea was.actually the brain child of Paul , a moderator.....
It was, as you say, the brain child of Paul who volunteered to get it going.

Although Paul is a moderator now he was not a moderator in those days; in my early days in Udon he was by far the most helpful and knowledgeable person of local matters that I came across.

The forum needed no moderation in its early days as virtually all members were helpful, informative and respectful both in what they posted and how they responded to each other. From memory, on the few occasions that some moron did post something in contravention of the forum rules they simply disappeared - Lee would know more precisely how they were terminated and where the bodies are buried :lol:

Attendance(s) at the first two UM Forumite meetings held quite some years ago were:
  • 1. Paul - no one else turned up.

    2. Paul, LA, Wokkawombat and myself (at Mojo’s).
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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by aznyron » September 7, 2009, 7:34 am

when I first went to the N/M /meets there were more people attended few of my American friends seem to wandered off to another bar were they have there social meets another one went back to the States so now it down to me Doug Ralph Geordie Old timer Dave Scotty LA Stan that bring it to 9 regulars and few pop up
I brought a few friends to ad. 2 from the UK 1 from Aus. and one from the USA oh and John comes (wokawombat) when he is in town. sadly Rito & Cliff went AWOL to another bar with WBU who never attended the N/M meet since I have been going. I have never seen any of the mods come if so I did not know they were mods. I want to say is let U/M stay on U/M and the meets we just have fun if the mods show up don't break there balls about deleting post of suspending members for a month this is why they will not come and a message to the mods if you come don't lecture any one about there behavior it a fun night not a night for B/S I think this pretty much covers it any one got some thing to ad please do

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Re: Night Market Get Together

Post by Zidane » September 7, 2009, 9:03 am

arjay wrote:Most of the Mods have attended at one time or another, more so in the early days.

Sometimes one or other of us attend, sometimes discretely or incognito, or just pass by. Bob and Dave came on the scene more recently.
Ah,so could this be either Bob or Dave pictured at the Nightmarket on a Saturday a few weeks back ?
Dont blame you for going incognito.....wouldnt want to draw attention to yourself would you ? :roll: :D
Udon Map MOD incognito.jpg
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Just when I thought our chance had passed,you go and save the best for last.

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