supporting thai wife

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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by jetdoc » September 9, 2009, 9:57 am

Listen up guys, I've said this before, MEN WANT SEX, WOMEN WANT SHOES, simple as that. :D

I pay a fair amount to maintain a wife here in Thailand, and am very happy and really injoy the YTP. :D :D

Now the alternative would be, trying to scratch out a decent life in the U.S. of A. and paying a Psychiatrist much more to tell me why I'm depressed. Not rocket science a very easy choice for me. :D :D :D

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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by part-timer » September 9, 2009, 10:55 am

wow, 45,000 is a lot of cash. I'm sure a few girls get that kind on money from the husband but most probably get a lot less.

My tw works and pulls in 18,000 a month and I giver her 7,000 which gives her a nice 25,000 to do with what she likes (I pay all bills etc).

I do not live in Udon but might come to live in the future and I would be interested to get an idea of monthly spending budgets if anyone can help.

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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by Aardvark » September 9, 2009, 11:16 am

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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by Arnold.J.Lane » September 9, 2009, 2:26 pm

Some of the amounts mentioned are crazy.Perhaps alright if the money is for all the food shopping and bills for electric,water,internet etc.but if its just for the lady to pamper herself....too much imo !
For those that like to show off their lady they should bear in mind you can get a different lady per night in places like Pattaya for 31 x 1000 baht a month which gives you a bit of variety and is a lot less than some of the money mentioned here.
Some guys come here for the first time for a couple of weeks,meet a girl,then start sending her in excess of 20k baht a month hoping to come over again in the next 12 months to see her.
These are the guys you see walking around the complex in Udon with the letters M U G tattooed on their foreheads !

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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by beer monkey » September 9, 2009, 3:45 pm

Jetdoc wrote:Listen up guys, I've said this before, MEN WANT SEX, WOMEN WANT SHOES, simple as that.
You forgot Handbags too.
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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by Bandung_Dero » September 9, 2009, 5:01 pm

polehawk wrote:Guess I must be the only one in here who "gave" his wife ATM cards.
Guess not. Along with her Thai banking TW has always had an ATM card on her own Australian account although she is seldom there. Works for me in several ways and other than the obvious it provides me with an alternative should I loose or get into strife with my own. A simple Internet banking transfer and we are still in business.
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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by old-timer » September 9, 2009, 6:12 pm

quote "I like to give my wife as much as I possibly can" un quote... you know who says that?... O/T.... \:D/
Question - My cousin is working in BKK earning, after tax, 348,000 baht a month, so how much of that should he give his thai wife living in isaan who he has been married to for years and loves dearly, should it be 50k, 100k, 300k or more? or should he just give her the minimum on what she can survive on just to keep her in her place so to speak? ... :-k

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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by lee » September 9, 2009, 6:39 pm

old-timer wrote:My cousin is working in BKK earning, after tax, 348,000 baht a month, so how much of that should he give his thai wife living in isaan
If I was was working in Bangkok my wife wouldn't be living living in Issan, she'd be staying with me in Bangkok. And why is it necessary to give her a set amount of money each month? If you're married then you share everything including the ATM card.

I don't give my girlfriend a salary, we work together and share the same bank account. If she wants to buy something she doesn't have to ask, she just buys what she wants when she wants, though I must admit she's very careful with money so I'm lucky.

Personally I wouldn't do the long distant relationship thing where I'm sending money each month. If I really wanted to be with her I'd make plans for her to join me in my home country or move to her country.

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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by arjay » September 9, 2009, 6:51 pm

Old-Timer wrote:Question - My cousin is working in BKK earning, after tax, 348,000 baht a month, so how much of that should he give his thai wife living in isaan who he has been married to for years and loves dearly, should it be 50k, 100k, 300k or more? or should he just give her the minimum on what she can survive on just to keep her in her place so to speak? ...
Old Timer, I don't know if you are playing devil's advocate here, or not ** (see below). But either way I would answer your question by saying, how much does she really need? If the overall income is as you state, then I would suggest neither of them would need it all each month. In which case he should give her what she needs to live comfortably. Some should then be saved/invested. So between them they should decide on what their priorities are, and who is best qualified to decide where and how to invest the excess.

(E.g. If she is a simple rice farmer, she would unlikely be the best person to make those decisions. If she is an Investment Advisor, then maybe she is.

** or if it's just the affect of ....
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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by old-timer » September 9, 2009, 7:08 pm

arjay wrote:But either way I would answer your question by saying, how much does she really need?
quite a lot - burp!..ooopps.. excuse me ........... O/T..\:D/

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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by BKKSTAN » September 9, 2009, 7:36 pm

old-timer wrote:quote "I like to give my wife as much as I possibly can" un quote... you know who says that?... O/T.... \:D/
Question - My cousin is working in BKK earning, after tax, 348,000 baht a month, so how much of that should he give his thai wife living in isaan who he has been married to for years and loves dearly, should it be 50k, 100k, 300k or more? or should he just give her the minimum on what she can survive on just to keep her in her place so to speak? ... :-k
Seems to me that if they have been married for a long time,with that kind of income,what is she doing in Isaan alone and why does he have to ''give'' her anything?

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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by wiking » September 10, 2009, 12:51 pm

as soon you pay her a monthly amount, than in thai way, she look at her as, women for rent ad not your wife.

and I am not understanding, if a wife has 18.000 a month,why give her 7.000 extra


Re: supporting thai wife

Post by laphanphon » September 10, 2009, 4:36 pm

I am not understanding,
i'm scratching my head on that one also, plus pays all the bills, and doesn't even live here. frankly, i would have a very hard time spend 25000 baht a month, shy of 1000 baht a day, i have a hard time spending 500 a day, and that includes a farang meal out for 2. oh well, vanilla chocolate strawberry............. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by Aardvark » September 28, 2009, 12:15 pm

I've just re-read this post and can't believe what some people would consider a fare amount per month. The previous quote of 45.000 a month is ridiculous in the extreme. This equals $A 1515.00 per month or approximately 40% of my take home pay after tax. When you consider that I pay Mortgage, Car payments,Insurance on two Cars, Rego on two Cars, House Insurance, Annual land tax and water tax plus bills for every litre used, and all this before living expenses or savings its no wonder these people think we're crazy. If my Wife were still at her village, she Owns her farm, Owns her House (that Aardvark built) own's two motorbikes and has a house full of modern gadgets. So for Bt10.000 a month she would have to pay Bt20 for rubbish collection, Bt60 for Water and Bt700 for Electricity. That would leave her more than Bt9.000 per month for food and incidentals. If she couldn't live on that she would have to get a job cause I certainly wouldn't be giving her any extra. By the way, she used to work in an Udon Hotel as a cleaner, and a factory before that for Bt5.000 per month and supported her parents three children and a lazy husband and all survived long before I came along Anyone sending more than 10K a month is a Sucker in the highest order, or a Poser trying to look good !!


Re: supporting thai wife

Post by laphanphon » September 28, 2009, 12:39 pm

all survived long before I came along Anyone sending more than 10K a month is a Sucker in the highest order, or a Poser trying to look good
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by dee » September 28, 2009, 12:51 pm

i agree.the wife lives in the village with 2 18 months,one 10 years.she used to get bt20,000 a month.but since i been away working .i but it down to bt10,000.i have paid the rent and paid the cable tv for the year.water is bt400 ,electric bt500.that leaves bt9100 a month.i think thats enougth for her.


Re: supporting thai wife

Post by laphanphon » September 28, 2009, 1:55 pm

actually, there shouldn't be a water bill, unless using more than 30k liters a month, which is hard to do, especially during rainy season. gov't has been picking up all tabes less than 30k liters.

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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by old-timer » September 28, 2009, 2:10 pm

Aardvark wrote: and has a house full of modern gadgets............Bt700 for Electricity.
Can't be that many modern gadgets....
O/T... working for the community and doing the arithmetic...chock dee.. \:D/

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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by beer monkey » September 28, 2009, 3:52 pm

dee wrote:i agree.the wife lives in the village with 2 18 months,one 10 years.she used to get bt20,000 a month.but since i been away working .i but it down to bt10,000.i have paid the rent and paid the cable tv for the year.water is bt400 ,electric bt500.that leaves bt9100 a month.i think thats enougth for her.
Is that a standard Issan 'Family' Village...houses and red dust surrounded by Rice Paddys with Buffalo wandering by everyone knows everyone,nightly fires are lit and where women sit around under the shade chit chatting chewing betel nut and spitting out the juice and pulp ....?
What sort of houses are for rent in these places.....?
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Re: supporting thai wife

Post by jimboLV » September 28, 2009, 4:56 pm

beer monkey wrote: Is that a standard Issan 'Family' Village...houses and red dust surrounded by Rice Paddys with Buffalo wandering by everyone knows everyone,nightly fires are lit and where women sit around under the shade chit chatting chewing betel nut and spitting out the juice and pulp ....?
What sort of houses are for rent in these places.....?
You got it right BM (except for the Betel Nut). And the men sit around drinking beer bought by the falang husband of one of their daughters (in this case, yours truly). It doesn't get any better than that. :D

Don't know of any places for rent, though.

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