Electricity Usage

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Kudjap or Bust
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Electricity Usage

Post by Kudjap or Bust » November 17, 2009, 8:48 am

Can anyone give me a definitive formula to work out electricity usage for individual appliances using maybe the appliance wattage, time of use, voltage etc etc.

I've found a couple googling but they just don't seem to work out right, both give me a result that boiling water in my kettle costs more than my whole bill per month...

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Re: Electricity Usage

Post by Philrjones » November 17, 2009, 8:59 am

HI - Have you tried this calulator?

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Re: Electricity Usage

Post by Philrjones » November 17, 2009, 9:02 am

Kudjap or Bust
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Re: Electricity Usage

Post by Kudjap or Bust » November 17, 2009, 9:15 am

Phil, yes looked at this one but apologies I should have mentioned in the OP the main reason I want this is to work out electricity usage for outdoor water pumps.

Didn't see the Yahoo page though that does help somewhat, thanks.

Kudjap or Bust
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Re: Electricity Usage

Post by Kudjap or Bust » November 17, 2009, 9:27 am

So next question, does anyone know how much electricity costs per Kwh?
The bill shows so much per cubic foot..........

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Re: Electricity Usage

Post by SanukJoe » November 17, 2009, 9:34 am

Kudjap or Bust wrote:Phil, yes looked at this one but apologies I should have mentioned in the OP the main reason I want this is to work out electricity usage for outdoor water pumps.

Didn't see the Yahoo page though that does help somewhat, thanks.
Maybe I don't understand the question, but I'm trying to help.

A 250W pump or other device uses 1kW in 4 hours. You know the price per kW from your bill, divide it by 4 and you have the cost per hour.

Electric capacity per group: Voltage x Ampere = Watt. Example 220 Volt, 16 Ampere fuse = 3500 Watt (3.5 kW) per group.


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Re: Electricity Usage

Post by SanukJoe » November 17, 2009, 9:40 am

Kudjap or Bust wrote:So next question, does anyone know how much electricity costs per Kwh?
The bill shows so much per cubic foot..........
As they take the usage from the (outside) meter it's always in kW. Have a good look at your bill :D

Cost per kW: 2.5 baht/kW
Extra: 0.9255 baht/kW
VAT 7%

There you are


Re: Electricity Usage

Post by laphanphon » November 17, 2009, 11:09 am

kw average on my bills is just shy of 3.8 per kw, no landlord surcharge, bill comes i pay it direct. the charge for electric itself is inexpensive, the service charge adds a bit, and of course, vat. but all relative to usage. i use anywhere from 300 - 600 a month, cool/hot season.

ac, set at 26C usually low fan, between 16-24 hrs. usually a fan on average, 1 load of wash a day, no dryer. minimimal microwave, water kettle use. gas cooking/bbq. 2 frigs, 15/5 cubic, set as cold as possible without freezing. 2 comp/tv/dvd from 6-12 hrs a day. average 4 phones charging, every couple days. one or two days of few hours ironing a week. water pump, less than 20 K liters of water. 4500 watts shower, 2-4 a day, me long 8 min shower, ree a bit quicker. ree, hair dryer, me, not enough hair.

hot season, bill runs about 2000, give or take couple hundred, cool season 1500, or less. live on 1st floor of house 16 hours, very well shaded, when coming in from outside, main room feels like ac already on. attached kitchen, but seperate, rarely used, butally hot. 3 bdrom upstairs, but only used at night for sleeping, so only one ac on at any one time. hot season, again, set at 26C low fan, cool season, on for just a bit, cool down room if needed, then fan all night, with lite blanket on. ac's are probably only 15 k btu's.

Jan 1268
Feb 1045
Mar ?? out of town 3 weeks
Apr ?? out of town all month
May ?? out of town 2 weeks
June ??
July ??
Aug 1853
Sept 2007
Oct 2045 out of town 3 weeks
Nov 840
Low of 240 units, high of 528 units.

Electric bill is for previous month than paid, meter read about 27th, bill comes after 1st, paid 1st week.

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Re: Electricity Usage

Post by bluejets » November 17, 2009, 2:47 pm

Get yourself one of these.... dial in local price .... plug in appliance... read off cost.... simple.

http://www.rockby.com.au/searchres.cfm? ... ower+meter

cost about Aus$26.00

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