Important message for forum members!

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Important message for forum members!

Post by admin » January 5, 2010, 2:09 pm

Sadly the holiday period has resulted in some people having far too much time on their hands and the Forum has experienced the attentions of at least two if not three, Trolls. In time honoured fashion they have been dispatched into the ether.
One such Troll was Mighty Chang, or Danny West of Bangdung, now of Maidenhead. Having been thrown off the Forum in his latest guise he picked on a new idea. That was to log onto the Forum as an existing user & post inflammatory remarks under that users name. How did he manage this?? Quite simple, he guessed the password. Users that use easily guessed passwords are asking for trouble. Just repeating your username, using aaaaaa or 123456 is NOT a password, it is an invitation for somebody like Danny to steal your identity.
Passwords are a pain. If you read security' sites what they suggest is frankly ridiculous. IMO a password should be easy to remember. Some one using the 'guess' method only has a few attempts before he is frozen out. You will know next time you log on that someone has tried to access your account and should warn me. The best advice that I can offer is to use a phrase rather than a word. One that is easily remembered by you, but not to readily guessed by others. He failed dismally to guess one of our moderators.
I know that in the past some have seen Mr. West's actions & words as just harmless fun. This was not harmless fun, it was malicious & could have had serious repercussions on the lives of the people whose identity he stole. For that reason we have taken the serious step of reporting him to his Service Provider in the UK.
The demands he has made in a PM actually constitute a threat of 'denial of service'. This is something taken seriously by the authorities in the UK, once we receive details back from the ISP then these will be passed onto the relevant Police Authority.

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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by jingjai » January 5, 2010, 6:15 pm

Well, I was one of the victims. I was successful in finally being able to login after Lee's help. This is the PM I had waiting for me:
Subject: scoff scoff wibble wobble
Hello jing jai if you are reading this it means you have got you account back (burp) opps them onions are giving me some stick scoff scoff dribbley dribble
Nothing personal jing but send my love to bob helm and the gang and I will meet you all in july when the chang will be udon for real scoff dribble
such a easy site to hack I can be any user name i like . In fact i'm now pong pong the owner of the sabia sabia fish lake and there is a big elephant eating all my fish at the moment BURPPPPPP!!!! (slight taste of onions)


REMEMBER the woman lub you honest hahah now where did i put that popcorn \:D/

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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by BobHelm » January 5, 2010, 6:23 pm

Um, guess you should own up to having a poor password JJ :D :D
He failed to discover mine & will fail if he tries again - if he has any IPs left to try with that is. :D
If I was him I would not be too confident of making it to Thailand (or anywhere else) with a new criminal record in the system... :D :D

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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by Texpat » January 5, 2010, 6:29 pm

Oh dear. *Criminality* now for views outside the mainstream groupthink.

Sounds way familiar.

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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by jingjai » January 5, 2010, 6:34 pm

Um, guess you should own up to having a poor password JJ :D :D
Yes, you're correct, I guess I could have put more thought into it :oops: . But, I try to keep things simple. However, I forget I'm against such keen minds as the MC. :lol:

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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by BobHelm » January 5, 2010, 6:40 pm

Texpat wrote:Oh dear. *Criminality* now for views outside the mainstream groupthink.

Sounds way familiar.
Who mentioned VIEWS ?? I believe that we are talking about ACTS here.
Or are you defending these acts as being fair & reasonable ??


Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by laphanphon » January 5, 2010, 6:48 pm

also received a pm from pongpong, scoff scoff dribble dribble. saying he will be posting as me soon, though his attempt to be insulting and provoke a response was pretty poor. as have been a couple regular posters, trying to reel me in. guess they haven't figured out i'm not posting much or at all, but will send a pm if necessary. but no longer accept pm's.

i doubt very much if he'll be posting as me, as my password is personal, from 20 yrs ago, and incorrectly spelled on purpose, for those that good.

but nothing surprises me, and ignoring them seems to work just fine. some sad little lives out their. can think of much better ways of getting my kicks. oh well, mods can't say they are bored, bummer. i wish i cared enough or was vindictive enough, have a techy friend who would love to send him a little package, which would result in him having to buy a new computer.

with this exception, if any post are from me...........they aren't. same with pm's, if not something you asked about, they aren't from me either. 8)

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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by Bandung_Dero » January 5, 2010, 6:54 pm

Good on you Danny! Yet another MC thread, 4th in as many days. Still got em by the balls. =D>

Wake up you fools!

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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by nkstan » January 5, 2010, 7:35 pm

Well,at least he had SOME value!! :lol: Password security check :lol: :lol:

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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by jackspratt » January 5, 2010, 7:40 pm

If you want to steal people's identity ( no matter how poorly they may or may not have protected themselves), you must also be willing to suffer the consequences. Nothing to do with "views".

Som Nom Na Danny.

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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by Mr Natural » January 5, 2010, 10:31 pm

admin wrote: I know that in the past some have seen Mr. West's actions & words as just harmless fun. This was not harmless fun, it was malicious & could have had serious repercussions on the lives of the people whose identity he stole. For that reason we have taken the serious step of reporting him to his Service Provider in the UK.
The demands he has made in a PM actually constitute a threat of 'denial of service'. This is something taken seriously by the authorities in the UK, once we receive details back from the ISP then these will be passed onto the relevant Police Authority.
=D> Bravo! =D>
Give a troll enough rope..... :lol:

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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by Stantheman » January 6, 2010, 2:56 am

Give a troll enough rope.....
We can only hope :D :D

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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by Philrjones » January 6, 2010, 7:29 am

Hi all - an idea for passwords.

They're important - online banking, forums, etc, etc, so get a good 1 or 2 going.

Mine typically is a word that means something to me, some letters upper case, some lower, plus I add numbers (2, 3 or 4) at different places in the word. That way, someone can guess the word, but not the capitals and not the numbers or where the numbers are. Very hard to guess - virtually impossible.


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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by jingjai » January 6, 2010, 8:21 pm

Well, I was one of the victims.
It seems whoever got into my account, changed the date of my b'day.
I just looked at the index page...and it seems I have turned 100 today :shock: .
Where are my friends? Where are my gifts? Where are my accolades? I'm have 3 1/2 hours. :lol:

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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by Paul » January 7, 2010, 7:09 am

Can we keep this thread for discussing the recent cases of stealing peoples passwords on the forum.

Don't turn it into a debate on racism. Start another thread, or add to those already open on that subject


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Re: Important message for forum members!

Post by jackspratt » January 7, 2010, 7:48 am

To me this is a thread which should be locked.

Admin has made a very important announcement, and some necessary decisions.

What further is there to discuss?


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