License plates for big bikes

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Re: License plates for big bikes

Post by Texpat » January 30, 2010, 5:46 pm

Its not just the licensing and registration that's a ripoff. The whole big bike market here is laughably inflated.

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Re: License plates for big bikes

Post by bumper » February 1, 2010, 8:40 am

Just to add a bit more to the mystery, lots of guys are still riding without books or import papers, here in Udon so far worse case a 200 baht fine these days. Can that change sure when they want more tax money they know where to find it.

These new dealer shops are just that, haven't been around that long. Just about all the books in Thailand were grey books and yes you paid dearly for them. I paid 70K for my 400's book. On the other hand I renewed the registration three time snow and never had a problem.

I can go to Lao, Cambodia and Malayasia with just the normal paperwork, I don't worry about the police. These days your better off just getting a new bike. Lots of sports bikes available, cruisers it's Harley or Kawasaki. If you buy a used one make sure it already has a book, if it can be transferred to another. You don't have problem. If it's a hobby you enjoy don't let things frighten you.

Yes big bikes are more expensive here and the import is a nightmare. If it's worth to do it. If not don't.

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License plates for big bikes

Post by drillpig » June 26, 2011, 3:56 pm

Am looking at buying a bike that has no green book, but the sellers says he has the import tax and excise tax certificates my question is who do I see to confirm the legitimicy of the tax certificates.

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License plates for big bikes

Post by Saboo » June 26, 2011, 5:35 pm

drillpig wrote:Am looking at buying a bike that has no green book, but the sellers says he has the import tax and excise tax certificates my question is who do I see to confirm the legitimicy of the tax certificates.
The Tax office is on Prajack road... Thungsi-Muang end... next to a little bridge... right hand side travelling towards Thungsi-Muang... the office looks like a cricket pavilion painted blue… take it to there for validation…

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License plates for big bikes

Post by bumper » June 26, 2011, 5:46 pm

Keep in mind that doesn't get you a plate or book on the bike. That is only the tax process. Most guys have gotten by with that tax certificate as of the last few years.

You can find Bikes with the proper books on them if you look around but, it will cost you more.

Might check GT Riders and see what guys have went through to get books.

It was only when they started doing tax collection that guys started having problems. Keep in mind that can change at any time just as the Tax deal did. Right now you might be looking a 200 baht fine each time your stopped.

So beyond that it's personal choice or for the days when BIB stopped you to just look at your big bike.

How you doing Saboo?

Missed you At the race yesterday. Spies finally got America a first

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License plates for big bikes

Post by drillpig » June 26, 2011, 5:57 pm

Thanks lads. :D

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License plates for big bikes

Post by bluejets » April 19, 2012, 1:19 pm

I wonder how you would go if you bought one of the "Monkey" bikes or similar, all legal etc. and squeezed a 1 litre car engine into the frame....???? 8)

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License plates for big bikes

Post by Stevo » April 19, 2012, 2:35 pm

A car engine wont fit in a Monkey bike frame, but a 4 cylinder Monkey bike has been done already


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License plates for big bikes

Post by jai yen yen » April 20, 2012, 4:17 am

People worry too much about the cost of a legal big bike here. You will pay more when you buy as opposed to the west but you will sell it for more also. It is what it is. I can buy a new Harley in Canada for less than a 3 year old one in Thailand but that is what they cost. Also buying a bike that does not have a proper book and plate might be cheaper at first but it can be a costly problem down the road. I would always go legal and not have to worry about it.

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License plates for big bikes

Post by Ricohoc » April 20, 2012, 2:54 pm

jai yen yen wrote:People worry too much about the cost of a legal big bike here. You will pay more when you buy as opposed to the west but you will sell it for more also. It is what it is. I can buy a new Harley in Canada for less than a 3 year old one in Thailand but that is what they cost. Also buying a bike that does not have a proper book and plate might be cheaper at first but it can be a costly problem down the road. I would always go legal and not have to worry about it.
We are definitely on the same page, jai yen yen.

You either want the bike and can afford it, or you don't and you can't. You either want to be legal, or you are willing to take the risk. I want it, and I want it with a green book. It's just my personal preference.

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License plates for big bikes

Post by panick » April 20, 2012, 11:39 pm

I've been 'Running the gauntlet' here for years!!!
Honda 400cc Steed (customised) ... No Tax, plate or insurance ... but the construction (not import) tax is paid!
Yamaha 400cc Dragstar (straight-thru pipes) ... No tax, plate or insurance ... have loads of paperwork for it which I keep copies of in the side panel for when I get stopped!
Suzuki 1400cc trike (registered!!!) ... No tax or insurance but it's got a green book!
I live and work here (It's 17yrs before I get a pension) and regularly go thru up to 8 spot checks per week!!
I've not had any fines for about 2yrs???? .....
Tip 1 .... Always wear a crash helmet.
Tip 2 .... Don't look at the police when you ride thru (eye contact will get you stopped)
Tip 3 .... Don't race off at high speed and try to avoid them.
Tip 4 .... If they flag you down and you're illegal .... slow down and do a 'fakie!' ... slowly pull in as if you're gonna stop and at the last sec. pull out and ride off ....
Will they try to stop you? ...
Yes, If they can try and kick you off! ....
Will they chase you? ...
No, the police budget can't afford the diesel! ....
Will they shoot you? .....
No... They have to have an order from high above to use firearms ... and ... each bullet they discharge they have to pay for out of their own wages between 22 and 30bht
Tip 5 .... Never pay more than 200bht for any offence that you might have committed (unless you're drunk! ... 3 to 5000 in the courts!)
I hope this makes sense to some people as I'm I'm tad drunk because I've actually got two days off!!!
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License plates for big bikes

Post by Stevo » April 21, 2012, 2:25 am

Spot on Nick!! =D>
The worse I've ever had from doing a road block 'Fakie', is have a clip board thrown at me... Ouch! :lol:
Don't do eye contact... always wear a lid... don't stop unless you have 200 Baht ready to spend.

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License plates for big bikes

Post by Ricohoc » April 21, 2012, 8:46 am

panick wrote:I've actually got two days off!!!
You should have called me to ride.

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License plates for big bikes

Post by fatbas***d » April 21, 2012, 10:07 am

Re Panicks post the only thing that makes sense is Tip 1 .... Always wear a crash helmet.

The rest is a load of Bollocks: I have had cops chase me in pick up going thru a red light (unintentionally).
I have seen a cop try and shoot tires out on a Thai chaps VFR 400 on a ride to kao yai. many years ago but it happened.
(it works in movies only)
Why not keep legal and obey the rules? works far easier over time.

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License plates for big bikes

Post by dwa1950 » January 6, 2015, 10:09 am

Hi there , first post here ....I have a Honda x4 1300 which has no plate , but the relevant paperwork . I have been told of the differing prices of obtaining a green book , but I have also been told that this could be a non official one as in a fake .....I am thinking of selling this bike and bringing in a Honda Varadero from Scotland , but a friend of mine here in Udon has showed me the new Triumph prices and also some of the Yamaha prices , both of which have dropped especially the Triumph prices.....
This is really a way of saying hi to other bike minded people ......Hi ....

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