Texpat wrote:Let's hope democracy becomes more than a catch phrase and elections are held.
Democracy means different things to different people at diferent times.
Thailand is a constitutional monarchy. Its head of state is an individual and the head of government is the prime minister.
I'm from the USA which is a nation state established as a limited federated constitutional republic, not a democracy and never has been.
While I am ignorant of the powers granted to the state IAW Thailand's Constitution, it is common, and necessary, for the nation's people to empower their governmnet with the exclusive right to a monopoly on and use of force. The U.S. Constitution grants additional powers, such as the right to suspend habeus corpus, when dealing with a citizen issurection. The Thai Constitution may do the like.
The Thai Constitution should clearly define the process and requirements for electing representitives to the governing bodies and offices, their terms of office and means of removal or replacement. This should be respected and protected.
Is should be the duty of the Thai State to excercise its constitutional powers to protect its citizens from mob violence.
If anything should be a catch phrase IMO it would be: take immediate action to protect threatened citizens which is the duty of the government by law as established by the Thai Constitution and administered by the properly elected government officials and their appointed agents.