Deaths in Bangkok

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by Laan Yaa Mo » April 15, 2010, 5:13 am

You are getting off topic maaka, but England and Scotland went many years with democracy and a class system. India has democracy and a caste system, as does Sri Lanka.

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by trubrit » April 15, 2010, 8:23 am

Interestingly Izzix link to France 24 is now 404 not found . :-" :confused: :evil:

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by jackspratt » April 15, 2010, 8:48 am

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by Aardvark » April 15, 2010, 9:28 am

Seems your link doesn't want to work Jack ? Sorry, should say Vid wont work.

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by jackspratt » April 15, 2010, 9:40 am

You may need to look at your browser Aa - works fine for me.

You may also need the latest version of Flash Player.

But here is my Songkran present. :D

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by rick » April 15, 2010, 10:11 am

what is clear is that for weeks protests were held and no-one was killed. That was pretty impressive and shows that violence was not the intention of the red shirts and, probably, the military. What happened on saturday looks like it was instigated by a few people (i.e. the grenades) which got both sides fighting. Unfortunately there are always elements in any country who will exploit such an opportunity; but I doubt it had anything to do with the redshirts themselves. But it is always a mistake to use the army for crowd control, particularly with live ammunition.

Lets hope we are seeing real democracy in the making.

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by trubrit » April 15, 2010, 10:38 am

I found this article in The Straits Times very interesting, It was an interview by their reporter here in Udon Thani with the boss of Radio Udon in February, when apparently unexpectedly,the maverick Major General Seh Daeng arrived with a quasi military group he called his "Black Warriors".In view of the earlier reports on here , I wonder if there is any connection? ... t-thailand

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by Aardvark » April 15, 2010, 11:00 am

Thank you Jack, that was very kind of you :D

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by jackspratt » April 15, 2010, 11:32 am

trubrit wrote:I found this article in The Straits Times very interesting, It was an interview by their reporter here in Udon Thani with the boss of Radio Udon in February, when apparently unexpectedly,the maverick Major General Seh Daeng arrived with a quasi military group he called his "Black Warriors".In view of the earlier reports on here , I wonder if there is any connection? ... t-thailand
Absolutely a connection - the mad Sae Daeng has admitted as much, vis-a-vis the events of last Saturday night.

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by maaka » April 15, 2010, 12:06 pm

sorry Tilo if you thought I wavered off the me I thought my little point had some merit. indeed here we are disecting the pro's and con's of the shoot out at the Ok Corral, and looking at it thru western democratic eyes mayhaps, and mayhaps the poor thai red shirt farmers have this notion of what is called democracy , and indeed are getting shot for the cause, but from , yes dare I say it, my grasp of thai history, havent the boys in military attair, and those in power, always run the ship thier way, and noit neccesssarily the democratic way..even if these deaths in Bangkok will bring about new elections, will those who win the day, still be cast from the same mould, and the poor farmer will / may only end up with and elusion of democary...

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by bumper » April 15, 2010, 12:48 pm

I hadn't looked at Utube yet. I'm amazed it hasn't been blocked here again.

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by Aardvark » April 15, 2010, 2:46 pm

bumper wrote:I hadn't looked at Utube yet. I'm amazed it hasn't been blocked here again.
There's a lot that has been blocked Ray, but a bit still sneekes through 8)

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by Khun Paul » April 15, 2010, 3:58 pm

he we are debating the pros and cons of the violence in Bangkok,where a so-called rally for peace has turned nasty again. Some blame the Military, some blame the Police, some blame the Red shirts, now we are having people dressed in Black described as military malcontents who wish to end the current Govt .

What is the truth, in cases like this no-one wins and everyone loses, the blame culture has started and will continue for years. The person who could stop it wont, as he is out of the country and funding the rebellion ( yes / no ) , no-one really knows and those that do wont say anyway.

The Govt is facing yet another Songkran spoilt by a relatively few people in broad terms ,in Bangkok and they state they want DEMOCRACY, but it is only on their terms.
We are witnessing a combined Thai illogical thought process being acted out on the strees causing disruption to many people and tourists and the so called democracy colour RED, don't seem to care either.

The only question I ask is why are they continuing and just how long are the peace loving folk of Bangkok going to put up with this, I have a relative (Thai) who is losing thousands in Bangkok daily and is considering suing the Red Shirt leaders for his losses, they have told him to ask the Govt. Why they do not have any money.
This is the thought processes , whatever happens the Govt will either have to pay compensation, clean up the fiflth left behind and try to allay fears of the Tourists. The Red Shirts will have to pay nothing and then we have a Court refusing to issue an arrest warrant because a man is an MP, what hope do the people of this country have...I ask you....

They deserve the Govt they get or the Govt that pays them.......................

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by bumper » April 15, 2010, 5:26 pm

Very true Paul the other truth is that is Thailand today and probably for a lot tomorrows. Not exactly the game plan we were given is it? My slice is just fine and that is all I'm hoping for.

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by Aardvark » April 15, 2010, 5:37 pm

My answer is xxxxxx KP, who cares what your family gets out of it :evil: there are Millions going hungry cause your would e Elite want to fek the Country. I must say, you are slime :mrgreen:

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by Khun Paul » April 16, 2010, 7:18 am

Aardvark, please if OU have nothing constructive to add to the discussion, DON'T. I gather reading your post that anything intelligent would be a tad difficult. Apart from commenting on one very distant member of a family who is poor shop-keeper, the rest was a generalisation, which you obviously did not understand.

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by nkstan » April 16, 2010, 7:45 am

Maybe i have heard it,but i don't believe I have!

Heard what?

The poor people that are involved with the ''Reds'' protest ,especially,but generally speaking,any ''poor'' of Thailand,addressing their ''specific needs'' from the gov't or a gov't of Thailand!

What I see and perceive is that the rich elitist ''Red leadership'' yapping about all the unfairness towards Thaksin,promoting and applauding his ''giveaway promotional programs'' of the past,their reminding the poor how until Thaksin the poor were ignored by all the elite,which,by the way, included them and their parties!

What I see and perceive is that many are paid to protest,carried along in their ignorance about what is really happening,promoted into believing that everything they do is good versus the other sides negatives!

If they are poor and disenfranchised,where is the protest for equal rights,freedom of speech,demands to be able to question political candidates directly and then protest against them if they don't perform,why are they not screeming about the lack of economic and education opportunity!

Now I see falangs,echoing the same BS,probably mirroring the ignorant views of their housemates.Being part of the mob,rather than looking at the real issues!How pitiful,all in the name of one man one vote and thinking that is democracy! [-X

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by trubrit » April 16, 2010, 8:06 am

nkstan wrote:

Now I see falangs,echoing the same BS,probably mirroring the ignorant views of their housemates.Being part of the mob,rather than looking at the real issues!How pitiful,all in the name of one man one vote and thinking that is democracy! [-X
Rather naughty that last paragraph Stan :evil: Not sure if my wife was included in your synopsis so I won't make my answer personal . Just say.That she is certainly not ignorant , nor by implication , am I , as I don't mirror her views, but I definitely support them .I gather from reading some of your postings over the last few days that you may be having a bad time in NK presently . May I suggest you take a cool shower before hitting the submit button till things get better . :roll:

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by nkstan » April 16, 2010, 8:24 am

It was not my intention to take a shot at you or your wife specifically,TB and ! apologize if it seemed to sarcastic or derogatory!

However,it is my impression that those supporting this protest,don't express their personal goals specific to the protest!

If my perception is wrong,please enlighten me! :D

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Re: Deaths in Bangkok

Post by Galee » April 16, 2010, 9:26 am

Looks like a police check point may have prevented more deaths in the future. ... -with-guns

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