Dual nationality question

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Re: Dual nationality question

Post by lee » June 19, 2010, 10:53 am

It took just over a week to receive my daughters. Give the Udon Thani passport office a call, they may have an express service. Tel. 042 212827, 042 212318 Fax. 042 222810

http://www.udonmap.com/en/udonthani-bus ... ffice.html

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Re: Dual nationality question

Post by thanuhak » June 19, 2010, 11:12 am

Thanks guys. Don't think I'm gonna mess with Thai Emb. in US - we're only there for 2 weeks. Not worth it.

Will call the UDN Psprt Office Mon to check about Xpress service, but from what I am gathering, don't think they have it.

Been told can do in 1 day in BKK. Anyone have experience with them? Can do it in a morning?!?

Otherwise, sticking to VTE (Vientiane) Plan, which I think should be fine...

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Re: Dual nationality question

Post by Aardvark » June 19, 2010, 11:47 am

If your only in Thailand for 2 weeks don't worry about a trip to Vientiane as you will get a 30 day visa on entry, so not necessary. Just as a matter of interest, several years ago I was travelling to Phuket and left Oz on an Aussie Passport. When I arrived in Phuket I used my British Passport to enter Thailand, just to get some Stamps in it. No problem at all however, when I was leaving the lady at Customs asked me if I had a second Passport as she could not see where I had come from before entering Thailand. I showed my Aussie and she Stamped them both, no problem :D In Oz it was never questioned as they were happy to get back one of there finest Citizens ;)

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Re: Dual nationality question

Post by thanuhak » June 19, 2010, 11:48 am

Think my wife just had a breakthrough... (although I claim to be the one who has all the good ideas!)

Go to Udon Monday, apply for his passport. When it is sent here in a week, have her sister EMS it to the States, so we'll have it to re-enter Thailand.

BTW, I just EMSed my MOM a Driver's License form. Cost THB 600 but got there amazingly (to PA) in 3 days.

So ... that ... should ... work, right?

I guess the only thing is we check out of Thailand and into US with American passport, then use Thai passport to come back in here; so next time...when we enter America, it will not show us as having ever left the US. Assume this is NOT something to worry about though...enough to worry about as it is, with a 2-year-old travelling for about 30 hours!!! <whew>

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Re: Dual nationality question

Post by thanuhak » June 19, 2010, 11:50 am

Aa: We live here. We will visit the US for only 2 weeks. Thx for the other info, though.

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Re: Dual nationality question

Post by Aardvark » June 19, 2010, 12:19 pm

Sorry for my confusion :oops:

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Re: Dual nationality question

Post by thanuhak » June 19, 2010, 12:36 pm

No worries, Aardie.

Guess I should go vote for Jack's avatar now, even though I have just had to field a few questions on it.

Yours fine though, Aa, even if he (she? it?!?) is naked! Think it's a male, though, eh?

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Re: Dual nationality question

Post by ergman » June 19, 2010, 3:35 pm

Just my silly 2 cents worth but you will be using the US passport when leaving the States yes? I'm just assuming you are but your comment was, as I understood it, that you will not. The reason I'm saying this is that it would look strange if you were re-entering the US and their system does not show your child ever leaving.This will raise flags for sure I would think??

If I misunderstood then I'm sorry....by the way we have a new baby girl and now have her Thai passport. Next month we will get her US birth certificate and passport too so I'm in the same boat as you :D


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Re: Dual nationality question

Post by thanuhak » June 19, 2010, 4:39 pm

Hey Ed - No, we'll use US passport in US, entering & leaving. I know you gotta be careful sometimes.

I once led a tour group travelling from Cambodia to Burma, and passing through Don Muang in transit. I made the mistake of checking them all into Thailand to get their luggage, forgetting it would be checked through.

Plane to Burma leaving shortly; what to do? I told them to just follow me and not say a word, took them back up the stairs behind immigration, where people were coming through, and marched them through the aisle "backwards" into transit and on to Burma.

When we came back into Thailand, we were stamped IN to Thailand, but not OUT. Ooops! What?!? How'd that happen?!? No idea. Played dumb until they got tired and let us all back in.

Excuse the digression, just illustrating a point. Thanks again for the help.

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Re: Dual nationality question

Post by valiant » June 19, 2010, 4:52 pm

The Wife and stepdaughter now have both passports British and Thai. We are arriving in Bangkok August 5th Will Immigration stamp both passports.

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Re: Dual nationality question

Post by goronnie » June 21, 2010, 4:06 pm

The Wife and stepdaughter now have both passports British and Thai. We are arriving in Bangkok August 5th Will Immigration stamp both passports
Don't show both passports to Thai immigration. It is not allowed to have dual nationality in Thailand.

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Re: Dual nationality question

Post by papaguido » June 21, 2010, 6:37 pm

goronnie wrote:
The Wife and stepdaughter now have both passports British and Thai. We are arriving in Bangkok August 5th Will Immigration stamp both passports
Don't show both passports to Thai immigration. It is not allowed to have dual nationality in Thailand.
Dual nationality is not recognized, but there are exceptions:
Chapter 2. Loss of Thai Nationality.

Section 13. A woman of Thai nationality who marries an alien and may acquire the nationality of her husband according to the nationality law of her husband, shall, if she desires to renounce Thai nationality, make a declaration of her intention before the competent official according to the form and in the manner prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

Section 14. A person of Thai nationality, who was born of an alien father and has acquired the nationality of his father according to the law on nationality of his father, or a person who acquires Thai nationality under Section 12 paragraph 2 is required, if he desires to retain his other nationality, to make a declaration of his intention to renounce his Thai nationality within one year after his attaining the age of twenty years, according to such form and in the manner as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

If, after consideration of the said intention, the Minister is of opinion that there is reasonable ground to believe that such person may acquire the nationality of his father or a foreign nationality, he shall grant permission, except in cases where Thailand is being engaged in armed conflict, or is in state of war, he may order the dispensation of any renunciation of Thai nationality.
Thailand’s Nationality Act B.E. 2508 as amended by Acts B.E. 2535 No. 2 and 3 (1992)

http://burmalibrary.org/docs3/THAILAND% ... ty_Act.htm

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Re: Dual nationality question

Post by thanuhak » July 14, 2010, 7:32 pm

Quick update: My son's Thai passport arrived in US in time for us to use it upon re-entry to Thailand; however, they told us:

1) To choose and use only one passport for our 2-year-old; and

2) Not to worry about using the US one for him to enter, given his age. They said he'll need to decide which one to use at 14, but for now, not to worry about visas expiring or anything.

3) Instead of an expiration date for the entry visa, she just squiggled a line & signed it, meaning he's good to go - or rather to stay - indefinitely.

Good to know these things. Hard to find them out short of experience. Turns our it's best just to be honest with them, and ask them what's best, and how to proceed - at least in this case.

Finally, I for one will never be taking a 2-year-old on a 36-hour odyssey through 11 time zones to the other side of the world again.

(Our 7-year-old daughter, on the other hand, just put her head on my lap and took one helluva nap until she woke up in Queens - or wherever that god-forsaked JFK "island" is located - Jamaica perhaps?)

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