buying a tuk tuk .

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Re: buying a tuk tuk .

Post by trubrit » August 30, 2010, 7:04 am


IMHO, it's also the safest vehicle to drive in Thailand. When was the last time you EVER saw a collison involving a samlor, or even collision damage? In a low speed collision a samlor wrapped in steel is going to crush a plastic bumper Toyota. I doubt the samlor would even be damaged; and if damaged, the repair would be a couple hundred bat versus thousands for the car.

Love, love, love it!
You were saying .!!!

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Re: buying a tuk tuk .

Post by old-timer » August 30, 2010, 3:46 pm

If OT ever sees a falang driving a samlor he will run them over because it's embarrassing. Get a fking honda wave or something.
That fan belt that screeches under one of those spasticmobiles is in fact the brakes. And if you ring up the samlor technical department for advise you will be connected to the nursery at Udons leading mental home.

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Re: buying a tuk tuk .

Post by Galee » August 30, 2010, 4:06 pm

IMHO, it's also the safest vehicle to drive in Thailand. When was the last time you EVER saw a collison involving a samlor, or even collision damage? In a low speed collision a samlor wrapped in steel is going to crush a plastic bumper Toyota. I doubt the samlor would even be damaged
On one of my earlier visits to Udon I was in a samlor that got one of it's wheels in a rut in the road. This caused the samlor to swerve 90 degrees left into a concrete power pole. I ended up in a heap next to the driver, no serious injuries but badly bruised. The person with me smashed their head on the overhead framework, splitting their scalp, resulting in a lot of blood running down their face. The samlor had two badly buckled wheels and bent framwork. Give me the safety of 4 wheels any day.

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Re: buying a tuk tuk .

Post by KHONDAHM » August 31, 2010, 5:38 am

That's a Tuk-Tuk, not a samlor. Nice try though! ;)

I remain amazed that people (especially foreigners whom I would like to think have more sense) persist to compare a samlor to a car rather than to a motorbike. The engine, transmission, brakes, tires, etc. are those of a motorbike. It makes about as much sense as comparing a room fan to a boat propeller. Completely different purpose.

Now if one PROPERLY compares it to a motorbike, the advantages are very obvious and I do not think I have to list them all.

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Re: buying a tuk tuk .

Post by KHONDAHM » August 31, 2010, 5:46 am

gougouluxembourg wrote: i like to know, can i have insurance for the thousands i have to pay (always farrangs mistake)

if i hit the Toyota ?
Good question. I do not know the answer. I do know that claims are generally settled on the spot without involving insurance companies because it is likely the case that one of the drivers is not licensed or does not have insurance anyway. I would think that if you were at fault and unless you were driving with enough momentum and recklessly enough to do serious damage, you would be able to slide with paying only a few hundred or less than THB 3,000. Just a guess and assuming the car you hit is not a Benz or whatever.

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Re: buying a tuk tuk .

Post by ting_tong » September 1, 2010, 2:22 pm

KHONDAHM wrote:@Trubrit
That's a Tuk-Tuk, not a samlor. Nice try though! ;)

Now if one PROPERLY compares it to a motorbike, the advantages are very obvious and I do not think I have to list them all.
Mine can be compared to a car, it will kick most cars, punks on modded bikes and pick up trucks @ss'es
Been offered 100,000 baht for it from 2 falang already, its the fastest bangkok style tuktuk in issan, maybe most of it to about 150kmph on tahan road, I had to weave around the slower cars.
850cc daihatsu and 5 speed gearbox and very very low ground clearance of 4 1/2 inches.

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Re: buying a tuk tuk .

Post by kopkei » September 9, 2010, 12:22 pm

tuk tuk have car engine like the ones you see in bangkok and nongkhai, the ones with the motorbike engines are samlor or skylab, 12 years ago i went to look first a skylab, not really my thing, to slow engine, uncomfortable, sit like monkey inside, so i bought myself a tuk tuk nongkhai style ( 65.000bath ), i had it for about 5 years, without any major problems
(i allways fixed it myself) , more problem was finding spare parts..., later i sold it to wifes family, and bought a tuk tuk bangkok style,120.000 bath, yes they drive on gas..., coming to original question, if you stay udon ,i would buy tuk tuk (not samlor), you can make porobo insurance (basic) , but these days you will need tuk tuk drivers license , go ask info at the car registration office......good luck....

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Re: buying a tuk tuk .

Post by Stevo » September 10, 2010, 9:12 am

ting_tong wrote:Mine can be compared to a car, it will kick most cars, punks on modded bikes
is that the sound of a gauntlet dropping?

time and place?

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Re: buying a tuk tuk .

Post by ting_tong » September 10, 2010, 2:44 pm

sure, if you are a punk on a modded 100 to 135cc bike, lets do it

If you want to race me on my 120cc bike against your 120cc bike or 250cc bike, come on down! it will be sick getting beat by a hello kitty bike!

...........................otherwise we can race to Aek Udon

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Re: buying a tuk tuk .

Post by old-timer » September 10, 2010, 5:20 pm

ting_tong wrote:sure, if you are a punk on a modded 100 to 135cc bike, lets do it

If you want to race me on my 120cc bike against your 120cc bike or 250cc bike, come on down! it will be sick getting beat by a hello kitty bike!

...........................otherwise we can race to Aek Udon
Ot will race you on his honda wave for a laugh. In fact I think it should be a group event. Everyone can bring what you want, wether it be yamaha, suzuki, honda or a land rover discovery just bring it along and race. and run over anyone with a "hello kitty" gaylord motorbike.

OT......... \:D/

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Re: buying a tuk tuk .

Post by ting_tong » September 11, 2010, 1:23 am

I think you would win the race to Aek Udon ...................... \:D/

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