To put my other point a little more directly, as you seem to prefer the direct approach, (as I said before) Newbies would gain more acceptance if they were not so contentious, aggressive or argumentative (particularly in their first few posts).

Dermot, may I draw your attention to the above part of my previous quote. Please keep that in mind.There are many things which go on behind the scenes that you and most posters are not aware of. And there is more than one way to make a point, or skin a cat (choose your phrase to suit). Just because you don't see sledgehammers being used for cracking nuts, doesn't mean that matters aren't addressed or followed through, in an appropriate way. Some make their points a lot more subtly than others.
Well at least I'm not up my own...toucheDermotC wrote:is it possible to get any further up his backside?
virginprune wrote:Dermot, why do you feel the need to reply with puerile statements just because somebody disagree's with you?
DermotC wrote:is it possible to get any further up his backside?
Addressing the topic:hahahahhahaahahahahhahah, your so funny! How long did it take you to think up that? All day? You name says it all! bye bye little man
As a newbie, postingwise, I have read with interest some of the posts on here. Most of the responders make good points.old-timer wrote: I would say that all newcomers are welcome on Udon Map providing they are not homos and start crying when they don't get the response they are looking for.
Ahh, someone who finally understands O/TFluster wrote:[background=][/background]As a newbie, postingwise, I have read with interest some of the posts on here. Most of the responders make good points.old-timer wrote: I would say that all newcomers are welcome on Udon Map providing they are not homos and start crying when they don't get the response they are looking for.
It takes all sorts to make an interesting forum, and no matter who you "vote for" you are welcome, or should be.
OT, we'll have to meet and have a drink or 3. We can talk about WFBs. (well fit boys).