"newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by Galee » September 3, 2010, 6:25 pm

Ok Dermott, you win. I give up.

My Mum was right when she told me never to argue with an idiot, they only bring you down to their level. :D

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by DermotC » September 3, 2010, 6:28 pm

Ahahahhaahhah, Hey Im only using exactly what you did against me, against you.

Unlike you I didnt see the need to DROP TO YOUR LEVEL by calling YOU NAMES! [-X

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by arjay » September 3, 2010, 7:01 pm

Dermot, the way you are carrying on, on this thread and the forum, is likely to get you a "Not Welcome" in answer to the OP's question. You are rapidly qualifying yourself as a troll.

Looking at your recent posts on this thread and on the "Are all Thai girls immature" threads, you do seem to constantly relish going to battle with other posters. You also seem to enjoy making mischievous or provocative posts, or responding in a rude, aggressive or petty manner. It's not good practice for a relative Newbie, or any poster, to be continually challenging other posters, nor is it within the spirit of the forum, or the rules.. In most people's books that would class you as a troll.

I've exchanged several PM's with you, and each time you reply in a conciliatory manner, saying you take my point(s) onboard and will endeavour to implement them, but you then continue as if you hadn't even read them, let alone taken them onboard.

I've taken the unusual step of posting this in open forum, in the hope that you will finally take these points onboard and adjust your behaviour accordingly.

Take note that trolls do get banned from this forum.


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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by DermotC » September 3, 2010, 7:04 pm

Im not a troll and just look at the insults being thrown my way arjay!

So in conclusion its ok to post once I know my place as a newbie then?

If thats the case aarjay, knock yourself out

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by BobHelm » September 3, 2010, 7:15 pm

Eventually the moderation staff will get fed up of all this antagonism & decide it is time to take action.
What would you do????
Ban 1 new poster who is involved in the problem, or half a dozen long term posters??

By the way... you have just fallen out with Galee. By my memory he is one of the most considerate & mild mannered long term posters this (or I bet, many other) Forum possesses. Infact the only thing he ever gets overly passionate about is his mistaken belief that Chelsea deserve supporters :D .
So I would request that you consider the situation. If you feel that it is necessary to be argumentative everytime someone has an opinion that is not the same as yours then maybe it would be better to look elsewhere to post.

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by thanuhak » September 3, 2010, 7:16 pm

I can't imagine I'm the only one considering visiting DermotMap less & less...

Lots of latitude granted already... Definitely OTT.

Definitely booooooooooring.

And off-putting.

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by arjay » September 3, 2010, 7:20 pm

Dermot, it's not who you are or what you are (or whether one is a Newbie or not). It's what you say and the way you say it that matters. :-k

Over (and out).

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by hey you » September 3, 2010, 8:16 pm

this thread reminds me of two of my mates who had an arguement about the difference between a spade and a shovel.

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by Adhoc » September 4, 2010, 11:56 am

hey you wrote:this thread reminds me of two of my mates who had an arguement about the difference between a spade and a shovel.
if you don't know the difference between a spade and a shovel, there really is no hope..!!! :lol:

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by Banjo » September 13, 2010, 2:06 pm

G'day to all UdonMap Members

I have been an avid reader of this Forum for the past two years and have finally taken the plunge to register as a Member. The information provided here has been of immense value to me in my travels and dealings throughout Thailand and I am continually learning more about life, love, trials and tribulations as a farang in LOS. This Forum is an outstanding resource and I certainly commend the facilitators on a fine job. =D>
I have been travelling frequently to UT and NK Provinces from the island of Little Penguins in Australia, having recently decided to semi-retire and work the soft option of being an investor and community volunteer. I am fortunate to be in a situation whereby I have a number of options available to live and possibly work (paid or volunteer), or even start a business, and am looking forward to setting up a residence in the Isaan Region in the not too distant future with a most wonderful local lady who has captured my heart. The process is slow but sure.
It is a daunting experience being a 'newbie', much like the first day at School or a new job though I feel I have an affinity with many of the Udonmap Members. I have, no doubt, seen many of you in various establishments in recent times throughout Udon Thani with a glance, a smile or a congenial acknowledgment. I look forward to learning more from the experienced members and will be more than happy to meet up in the future to put a face to a name, find a few new cobbers, have a few bevies and chew the fat. I recall being at the Night Market one time and seeing what I presumed were Members meeting, though I was hesitant to meet at that stage because I was getting my head around Som Tam and the Towers .... I do know what Towers are and those beer Sheila's are very cute \:D/ but drinking beer with ice is to be outlawed!


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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by Fluster » September 14, 2010, 11:17 pm

Banjo wrote:G'day to all UdonMap Members

I have been an avid reader of this Forum for the past two years and have finally taken the plunge to register as a...blah blah blah....
Stop waffling and say something.... :badteeth:

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by DermotC » September 14, 2010, 11:53 pm

So i guess that would be a firm ''NO'' from Fluster then!

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by Thats10Pence » September 15, 2010, 4:07 am

Guys Guys. Lets huG !

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by Fluster » September 15, 2010, 6:46 am

:lol: Please don't take it seriously, it was meant tongue in cheek :lol:

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by trekkertony » September 15, 2010, 6:53 am

Dermot's response can be attributed to someone who believes they have been dealt an unplayable hand, the glass is always half empty, etc etc etc.

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by kopkei » September 15, 2010, 9:08 am

well guy's , i start reading this topic, after the first 2 pages i still do not have a clue what's it all about, it look's like a book with a never ending story, and when it's finally finished you still do not know what's it all about.......
me as newbie i was thinking forums are made to help each other out...., look's like here it is the opportunity to sh*t on each other heads , you guy's most be all bored to dead, don't you all have something else to do than this nonsense???????
not meaning to offend anybody but bring you all back to common sense ....., please close this thread.......,thanks..

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by thedude » September 15, 2010, 9:25 am

Gotta agree a lot of truth in that, and sure many of us wouldn't mind seeing these "meta-threads" seriously cut back if not curtailed for the most part. "Meta-threads" meaning "threads about the Forum itself", which seem to me better placed in Forum Help, Support & Announcements, not Udon Thani...

There are so many potentially interesting topics living here, that discussing if "newbies" are welcome or not seems a bit, well, unnecessary, to put it politely.

And real newbies coming here must think, well, see post above, and probably move on. We lose.

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Re: "newbies" on Udonmap - Welcome or not?

Post by gulfman » September 16, 2010, 8:19 am

Can someone define a 'newbie'?

My father told me that during the second world war he was moved to new digs in a village near Oxford (UK). He went to the local tobacconist for a packet of cigaretts, only to be told that they we kept 'for regulars only'. He went into the same shop every day for two years with the same result. He never did find out how long before he was a 'regular'.

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