Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

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Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by Jockey » September 7, 2010, 8:30 pm

The top companies these days operate without boundaries. Multi National companies invest in countries where the labour market suits them and where the resources can be found. It seems the only growing market in America right now is the war industry which is expanding 10 fold. The US is struggling with massive debts, rising unemployment and a deteriorating economy. The criminal bankers stole trillions in the so-called "bail out" scam. The after shocks of this massive heist are only beginning to materialize.

I've read reports that many Americans who were once considered rich have lost their homes and many are now forced to sleep in their expensive cars parked in the city's corners and these people have been labeled America's "New Poor".

Is the American middle class disappearing? I have friends living in California who tell me the situation is becoming dire. During recent years, the gap between the rich and poor has increased at a staggering pace, systematically wiping the existence of the middle class from America. Income inequality in the US has reached a stage where only one percent of Americans own as much as 37 percent of the total national wealth. An average CEO earned 30 times as much as an ordinary worker in 1950, today he earns 300 times as much.

The official unemployment figure is 9.6% but real unemployment is reported to be over 20%? (Real unemployment = people without jobs but don't qualify for unemployment benefits, therefore are not counted in official figures).

One in eight adult Americans and one in four children now survive on government food stamps. These are unbelievable numbers for the world's richest nation!

I think most of the worlds western population will steadily lose their wealth to the level seen in 3rd World Asian countries. The average Thai will be as well off as the average American. What do you think? :-k

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by Prenders88 » September 7, 2010, 9:51 pm

Household income in America has not moved, for instance, which means many working and middle-class families are barely keeping up with inflation. The federal deficit buggers the government's ability to help. The cupboard is bare. Healthcare is way too expensive, America's manufacturing base is eroding, and can't compete on price with the Chinese. Two Wars are emptying the treasurys coffers. Not making enough goods that people want to buy.

Britain is sailing up nonsense creek in the same boat, but add uncontrolled immigration from member states of the EEC.
Social security and healthcare too expensive. Two Wars, that will gain nothing, but thousands more asylum seekers.
House prices dropping £90 a day.

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by MALC » September 7, 2010, 10:22 pm

you are spot on prenders the next 2yrs will be intresting thats for sure

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by tigerryan » September 7, 2010, 11:07 pm

I beleive the only hope is for the "Tea party" movement to take control of the Rebulican party and hold the federal budget hostage in return for a complete scrapping of the current tax code in trade for a consumption based tax. I would be excited about letting the chips fall where they may with regards to the gov balancing its books every year even if that ment my VA pension taking a 100% hit.... so be it .

I know people who don't agree with the war efforts and would like to defund them but would it really make a "net" difference in the federal budget?
If you had any remaining federal jobs program left after I got done ripping the face off of the federal government it would be the military it would be leaner but much meaner.
I have pushed off retirement mostly because sitting in a bar all day long would be the end of me and I really enjoy the work I do, plus I think its a good thing to keep working and saving much more then what you have been told you are going to need to retire. People are going to need to be productive much later in life and some are going to need to go back to work to pay for the misgivings of our parents and other slackers amoungst us.

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by Jockey » September 8, 2010, 12:00 am

Yes, I agree, the next two years will be very interesting.

If America is to survive it needs to get rid of the privately owned criminal controlled Federal Reserve Bank which has sucked Americans dry. “The last act of a corrupt government is to loot the treasury and rob the people". This has already happened. On September 10th 2001, Donald Rumsveld came on TV and announced 2.5 trillion dollars was "missing" from the Pentagon. That was conveniently forgotten about the next day when all investigative records were destroyed after WTC7 collapsed. The WTC7 held not only the investigation of the missing Pentagon fortune but all the criminal activities of companies such as Enron & Worldcom.

Israel owns America and has infiltrated all aspects of the US government. It also owns the American media, entertainments and all major offices. By "Israel" I'm not talking about ordinary "Israelis", I'm talking the Jewish criminal mafia. Unless ordinary Americans stop their Muslim hating obsession and realize who their true enemy is, the Zionist infiltration of America, then the USA is doomed to fall like the Roman Empire.

Even the head of the US Homeland Security is Israeli! America has an enemy within and its not Muslim.

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by nkstan » September 8, 2010, 6:22 am

Jockey wrote:Yes, I agree, the next two years will be very interesting.

If America is to survive it needs to get rid of the privately owned criminal controlled Federal Reserve Bank which has sucked Americans dry. “The last act of a corrupt government is to loot the treasury and rob the people". This has already happened. On September 10th 2001, Donald Rumsveld came on TV and announced 2.5 trillion dollars was "missing" from the Pentagon. That was conveniently forgotten about the next day when all investigative records were destroyed after WTC7 collapsed. The WTC7 held not only the investigation of the missing Pentagon fortune but all the criminal activities of companies such as Enron & Worldcom.

Israel owns America and has infiltrated all aspects of the US government. It also owns the American media, entertainments and all major offices. By "Israel" I'm not talking about ordinary "Israelis", I'm talking the Jewish criminal mafia. Unless ordinary Americans stop their Muslim hating obsession and realize who their true enemy is, the Zionist infiltration of America, then the USA is doomed to fall like the Roman Empire.

Even the head of the US Homeland Security is Israeli! America has an enemy within and its not Muslim.
=D> =D> Now I understand everything,thank you!Reason for the WTC conspiracy and the awakening to your facts that the Zionists control America! =D> =D>
I was wondering,how long has this been going on in America and when did you come to realize it?

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by rct » September 8, 2010, 6:27 am

My thoughts are not quite as lofty as those above. I'm just a simple American.

America's situation is the result, at the individual as well as macro level, of a long term deeply ingrained culture of materialism and personal spending beyond one's means, coupled with low if nonexistient savings rate.

Easy credit allowed easy accumulation of ever bigger houses, cars, closets full of excess clothes and stuff, etc. leading to a perceived very high standard of living. It's called the American dream. It went too far, and is unsustainable, given that globalization is now unstoppable.

Globalization is the great equalizer. Hundreds of millions - if not billions - of people are willing to do the job for less. These "foreigners" are getting the jobs, and they are raising their standard of living in the process. So long as they learn and live below their means, they won't find themselves in the same boat as their fat dumb and happy counterparts in declining economies.

Americans made their bed, now they are lying in it. And most of them still don't see it. They just know something unfair is going on in global trade.

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by TJ » September 8, 2010, 7:27 am

rct wrote: America's situation is the result, at the individual as well as macro level, of a long term deeply ingrained culture of materialism and personal spending beyond one's means, coupled with low if nonexistient savings rate.
There is more to it than that. Progressivism or neo-communnisn, whatever you call it, took hold of the government, the media and most disasterously of all the public education system. Beginning with "Teddy" Roosevelt the U.S. government began a program of imperialism and intervention in Europeam wars. The U.S. had and has bad government programs and evil progressivism ideologies that have destroyed our culture, our wealth and our selves.

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by Jockey » September 8, 2010, 8:04 am

nkstan wrote: =D> =D> Now I understand everything,thank you!Reason for the WTC conspiracy and the awakening to your facts that the Zionists control America! =D> =D>
I was wondering,how long has this been going on in America and when did you come to realize it?
Watch this when you have time ... 2288566190# you might learn something!

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by Rideswings » September 8, 2010, 9:04 am

Hey Jockey, I guess anti-semitism and Jew hating is active and supported on Udonmap and within some of the expat community. I am a Jew and a third generation American and I am sensitive to your aspertions cast against the "zionists" and "Jewish mafia" which is indirectly blaming the Jews for everything. The Nazis had a similar state of mind when they tried to wipe us Jews off the face of the earth. If the economy is bad, blame the Jews for it.

I think you should find another avenue to write your jibberish, Im sure you can find plenty of neo-nazi forums to vent your hatred and conspiracy theories.

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by Jockey » September 8, 2010, 10:02 am

Rideswings wrote:Hey Jockey, I guess anti-semitism and Jew hating is active and supported on Udonmap and within some of the expat community. I am a Jew and a third generation American and I am sensitive to your aspertions cast against the "zionists" and "Jewish mafia" which is indirectly blaming the Jews for everything. The Nazis had a similar state of mind when they tried to wipe us Jews off the face of the earth. If the economy is bad, blame the Jews for it.

I think you should find another avenue to write your jibberish, Im sure you can find plenty of neo-nazi forums to vent your hatred and conspiracy theories.
I was born a Catholic. That doesn't mean I should get offended if people report on the worldwide evil epidemic of child molesting by priests. That does not indirectly blame Catholics for everything, so by the same token, you don't need to be a "neo-nazi" to observe there is a "Jewish Criminal Mafia" who amongst other things want us to wage war on all the Arab states surrounding Israel. That does not indirectly blame Jews for everything. What you are saying is you can blame Muslims and that's OK but if you blame Jews you are accused of anti-semitism and Jew hating?

Leaving aside the fact that not all Zionists are Jews and not all Jews are Zionists, it is nonsensical to claim that criticism of a political state and its idiosyncratic ideology is the same as criticism of a worldwide religion and people. In my opinion Israel is an apartheid state on worse proportions to what the Blacks had to endure in white supremest South Africa. Am I allowed to think this or does this observation class me as a "Jew hater"?

America needs leaders who will put America first, second, and third. No government can serve two masters, and a government that serves Israel cannot serve the American people. Unfortunately today the American government serves Israel first and I base this observation on fact not hatred for Jews. Perhaps the reason why all these people representing Israel first before America have got away with this for so long is because anyone trying to even discuss the topic is soon shut up by getting the old "anti-semitism and Jew hating" accusations thrown at them.

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by ScorpioPower » September 8, 2010, 11:35 am

9.6% unemployment may as well be rounded up to 10%.

When we had a 1 in 10 rate of unemployment in the UK back in the 80's, there were major riots.

People in the US have my every sympathy at the moment.

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by nkstan » September 8, 2010, 11:58 am

Hey Joke-y,Maybe if you were to name those jews you rale on about rather than evoking the nation or religion in your remarks.
There are many the believe that Israel could have a claim to the original nation boundaries of history,right or wrong,it is just a claim from a more distant past,than that of the Palistenians.If one held that belief,then the arpartheid that you claim would be more of a defensive measure against the current threat!
In your ''googling research'',didn't you find any articles that disagree with you?And if your are going to spew your ''facts'',at least list your resources,otherwise it is just your non-expert opinions or points of view! :roll:

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by parrot » September 8, 2010, 3:14 pm

Yet another conspiracy theory.......the Jews control America, the CIA blew up the World Trade Center, and now, to think, the head of Homeland Security is a Jew! My God, what next? A Muslim President born overseas? We're doomed! I didn't know that Marvel was still printing.

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by firsttimebangkok » September 8, 2010, 3:38 pm

lobalization is the great equalizer. Hundreds of millions - if not billions - of people are willing to do the job for less. These "foreigners" are getting the jobs, and they are raising their standard of living in the process. So long as they learn and live below their means, they won't find themselves in the same boat as their fat dumb and happy counterparts in declining economies.

Americans made their bed, now they are lying in it. And most of them still don't see it. They just know something unfair is going on in global trade.

I think those of us that have retired to Thailand are in fact VISIONARIES....we are happy to be in the minority amongst are slant eyed brothers and sisters The world is changing and Asians will take over, they are the majority. The sad end to the dominance of the white race.......if you can't beat them join them!!!!!

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by DesertStorm » September 8, 2010, 3:44 pm

parrot wrote:Yet another conspiracy theory.......the Jews control America, the CIA blew up the World Trade Center, and now, to think, the head of Homeland Security is a Jew! My God, what next? A Muslim President born overseas? We're doomed! I didn't know that Marvel was still printing.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by UdonExpat » September 9, 2010, 8:13 am

Some more about our declining middle class. The following link has 10 charts showing changes that have taken place in the financial relationship between the wealthy and those less so during the past 50 years or so. The rich have become richer and the poor, poorer, but not necessarily for the reasons you might think. One of the most interesting is those in the 95th percentile gain regardless of the political party of the president.
During the 20th century, the United States experienced two major trends in income distribution. The first, termed the "Great Convergence" by economists Claudia Goldin of Harvard and Robert Margo of Boston University, was egalitarian. From 1940 to 1973, incomes became more equal. The share taken by the very richest Americans (i.e., the top 1 percent and the top 0.1 percent) shrank. The second trend, termed the "Great Divergence" by economist Paul Krugman of Princeton (and the New York Times op-ed page), was inegalitarian. From 1979 to the present, incomes have become less equal. The share taken by the very richest Americans increased. ... y/2266173/

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by nkstan » September 9, 2010, 9:18 am

IMO,America will never become a 3rd World economy!Railing about social and economic change is like trying to hold back the tide.Evolution is at work and since there will never be an even plane is either one that can be maintained,adaptation is the key.Xenophobic policies of trying to maintain the status quo versus adaptation is what keeps or makes a country a 3rd World economy!

There doesn't seem to be any doubt that with Globalization in full swing,that the most populous Nations have the means to raise their GNP,like China and India,but,IMO,they are still 3rd World ''Nations''with many internal conflicts that can cause them to implode!

Capitalism is centered in America and because of that,She will maintain her more stable status! :-"

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by firsttimebangkok » September 9, 2010, 1:17 pm

You are so right GREED (Capitalism) is centered in America.

GREED doesn't care about the Middle Class.

GREED doesn't care about an American Life.

GREED just cares about making a BUCK.

But alas, thats the American Way......too bad all downhill from here.....but deserved.

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Re: Is America becoming a 3rd World economy?

Post by nkstan » September 9, 2010, 2:30 pm

I don't think you can automaticily associate greed with Capitalism.Entrepenuership in a free society is what creates innovative ideas and new science and technology breakthroughs!Those profits allow research and development on a scale unprecendented in history!

Greed is a personality trait shown by people from all systems!

Since you slam Capitilism,what do you think is a better system? :-s

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