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Post by Librarian » October 15, 2010, 12:00 pm

on a lighter note , and this really made me chuckle :D

i just had a PM from someone offering me a smashed ! large flat screen tv . apparently his kids threw the remote at the screen and broke it .. he said , do you want the tv with remote so your customers kids can play the same game :D


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Post by trubrit » October 15, 2010, 12:09 pm

Librarian wrote:Trubrit ,


to say - now it seems i dont like negative comments , well hell yeah .. they make me all warm and fuzzy inside ;)
surely its a natural human emotion to feel *something* when someone says something bad about your character ? isnt it ?
Well as you asked . No. I get quite a laugh.

i find your comment ,- Now I know as a new proud father you might find it difficult to believe that there are some out there that do not share your views, but believe me , there are . -- somewhat patronizing ..if you google by definition the term patronizing - your statement fits the bill perfectly ..
I find it rather patronizing for you to even think I would have to google the meaning.


so anyway Trubrit , have you got any spare toys or not ?

No I am afraid not. I reserve my charitable donations for more worthy causes, such as the Udon Girls Home, where most are either orphans or likely to be soon due to the HIV of their parents .

thankyou as always - Librarian
Looks like I will have to find a new breakfast venue now . :lol:
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Post by Librarian » October 15, 2010, 1:01 pm

oooh Trubrit ,

even for you , that was below the belt :shock: -

( as a side note , for those that dont know the history , Trubrit occasionally likes to post , negatively , about me , my family or business on one of my threads ) ( its a semi regular event for reasons unknown , although here , at last , he is making his feelings well known and documented for all readers to see )

Trubrit , i,m asking for unwanted toys in order others may benefit . it is a selfless act on my part . the intention is very clear , and you are including HIV and dyeing children into the conversation .. i will not lower myself , or seek reader approval or sympathy by gratifying you with a response to that particular comment

thats a shocking attempt to twist a well meaning thread into something sinister and evil - you should be ashamed of yourself . really really ashamed -

you also said - - As for not wishing to hear the views of non patrons. Do you not think if you took their views into account, they may become patrons? ,
whilst that is a nicely constructed sentence , (google patronizing if you are not sure of the meaning ;) ) that doesnt correctly reply to the statement i made

We are very interested in our actual customers , ( meaning customers who actually patronize now or will do in the future ) comments , viewpoints and feedback regarding our business - and are always looking at ways to improve on what we do and how we do it .

Obviously , people who continue to post negatively , with a view to try and cause more harm than good , on this and other threads , regarding me , my family and business , but dont actually patronize our business , are posting comments and viewpoints i have absolutely no interest in... is that a fair perspective ?? ;)

if you look at my highlighted text , my meaning is clear so therefore your attempt to twist the meaning of my sentence is incorrect , judging by your continued negative posts , you have demonstrated to me , and the readers , you are a keyboard commando ! :D an armchair assassin with a hidden agenda which isnt hidden anymore :D

you have demonstrated you dont like me on a personal level , i dont like you , on a personal level .. so we agree on something ;)

how about , for the good of world peace and the love of humanity and fellow man , we agree NOT to comment on open forums again , and just ignore each other - you lead your happy little life , and i,ll lead mine . no more boring ( or entertaining ) the reader with this mindless , pointless drivel that noone really gives 2 hoots about

what say you fella ?

Jeremy :D

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Post by trubrit » October 15, 2010, 1:23 pm

Well I don't want to prolong this as its way past the original topic. I don't think I have ever met you and as for posting negative remarks the only one I can recall was a comment I made about some soggy chips a long time ago . Which incidentally was factual at the time . I don't know about now as I have never ordered them since. I have since stuck to the breakfasts which only today I described as excellent .I think you have me confused with someone else fella . :-k
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Post by ScorpioPower » October 15, 2010, 2:11 pm

Thailand. The land of smiles.

One of these days trubrit is going to post something positive, polite and pleasant.

Check your insurance policy for one of these. They hurt apparently.



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Post by Banjo » October 15, 2010, 4:10 pm

Librarian ... I had a similar problem a number of years ago with clients/customers bringing young children, who were often somewhat disruptive (sometimes the parents can be more troublesome :freak: ), into our business premises. We are not a restaurant or eatery by any means though many of our clients are young families with children who frequent our offices. There was a need to resolve these irritating disruptions and we did so by offering toys for the children. We setup a 'Toy Exchange' whereby we advertised locally and through our clientele for people/businesses to donate toys to our organisation. The response was outstanding.

With the success of the toys donation program we decided to set aside an office as a Playroom and employed a Playroom/Toy Exchange Coordinator to oversee this new venture. The Playroom office is, pretty much, soundproof and children are happy to stay entertained while their parents go about their business. So, essentially, we provide the space, the 'Toy Exchange' program and the Coordinator which is at small cost to the business but more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to the community. It has been a particularly good business decision with a marked increase in business by offering this service and the goodwill it has generated. We believe we have rectified the problem with minimal outlay, a simple marketing plan, and is a win-win situation for both us and our clients and their children.

The 'Toy Exchange' program allows local people to come into our offices and exchange toys, though many parents decide to donate more than they actually exchange. I also contacted many of our Business Partners to initially donate toys and this has proven to be a successful on-going CSR program and they are happy to provide items at nominal cost.

I can understand that local Udon expats and residents will see your request as a thriving business wanting to increase business with no capital outlay on your behalf. I believe that you have a sound business plan offering services as a family orientated restaurant, though the practicalities may need a little more detail. However in saying that, be mindful that 'you can only please some of the people some of the time and not all of the people all of the time'.

I believe that a 'Toy Exchange' would be of benefit to many families in Udon and most definately to your business. It may require some preliminary work on your behalf and small cost to begin with, but you should see the distinct advantages thereafter. I have seen many Children Playrooms setup by many restaurants throughout the world with success and always appear to be a value add service that is offered. Maybe you can pioneer this concept in Udon ;) CSR is becoming more prominent in Thailand and I would envisage many other businesses would be happy to assist you in this venture. From what I have observed in Udon the local community is also very giving and willing to help.

I look forward to dropping in one day soon to meet with you and for a 'crap' cup of coffee :lol:

Warm regards and best wishes for continued business success.

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Post by Dr. James » October 15, 2010, 4:27 pm

Good morning Jeremy,

I want to recognize you for your continued efforts to constantly improve the services you provide to your customers. As a family-owned small business in Udon, I recognize many of the challenges you face and how you overcome them. The point of creating a childzone where parents and children can enjoy their dining experience without disturbing other patrons is an excellent move. For myself, I have not experienced any problems with children in your establishment. Your son has always been well behaved when my family and I have dined with you. And yes your wife has taken orders from us when she is carrying your son. That is just the obvious nature of a small family-operated business, and part of its charm.

As for a request for unwanted, used toys, that is all it is. You are attempting to provide a service to your patrons with children. Most of us that have children, find ourselves wading through a floor strewn with toys. That chance to dispose of them so other children can enjoy them is a great opportunity. Helps us clear out some floor space. If you want to offer a free meal or drink to people making a donation that is good too.

Although my wife and I are in Africa right now, we keep up with your posts and look forward to coming home at Christmas and coming back to enjoy your establishment. Don't let the negative posters get to you. You are doing a great job and many of us think the world of you and your family

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Post by kopkei » October 15, 2010, 4:45 pm

come on guys, a forum is about sharing idea's and helping out each other, of course this also brings heated discussions and disagreements as every person is different ( luckily, wouldn't it be boring we would all love the same , eat the same , like same car etc...) , it is still free to express your own opinion , and it is up to the reader to use what ever information he get from this , (good or bad ) without blowing of each other heads......, so feel free to think and say what you want but also respect other peoples opinion, as like i said before we are all different.......
so i hope next time trubrit comes to eat breakfast , he will not find any cockroach in his meal or get shot while eating........, or when i come drink an expensive beer get smacked some teeth out....( joke...) long live the discussions....
btw well said banjo...

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Post by Librarian » October 15, 2010, 5:32 pm

Kopkei , Dr James and Banjo ,

thankyou for your input , thoughts and ideas .
3 consecutive , well written posts offering sound , constructive advice on helping me achieve my goals of providing a free service to customers . are well received , and much appreciated in helping take this thread down the path i envisaged when i posted here instead of classifieds :D

having used various forums around Thailand for about the last 10 years , to promote various businesses i have been involved with , i am aware of the downside as well as the up - posts such as yours only strengthen my belief that forums are a great place to promote business and seek solid information .

the future plans for the unused area at the back of the Bookhouse , are dependent on many things . primarily the necessity to extend our lease to make the investment worth while .

3 windows need to be knocked out and replaced with a sliding front . concreting some floor area , and covering the walkway .. plus plus plus - everything has to be safe and secure and insurance will be needed specifically to cover us against many mishaps ..

although in comparison to many Udon businesses at the moment , we appear successful , the end of month rewards are not huge - the simple lifestyle we have is a great trade off for a lack of stress . having been at the helm of 2 quite big companies i founded , i prefer this simple existence any day ! .

unfortunately , our income cant keep pace with my constant ideas of improvement , but , as i said , i like this way better ;) it gives us a goal and purpose to work towards -

anyhow , our NEW , FREE MEALS for OLD Toys exchange programme has just started ;) or choose free books for a month pass for OLD toys is now available also :D

thanks -


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Post by ScorpioPower » October 15, 2010, 5:51 pm

Ooh, I've just got a wikipedia-fueled PM from Mr. It's Funny To Batter Train Drivers And Steal Loads Of Money.



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Post by ajsp9 » October 15, 2010, 6:08 pm

I'm on Librarians side here as it seems thatb there is some right grumpy sods posting replies. Jeremy has responded fantastically on this and I doff me cap to you Sir.

What I cannot get my head around is the assumption that these Kids will be running around and screaming due to the presence of some toys. Surely this is just guesswork on the part of those posters? Sure, children play loudly, energetically, enthusiastically and thats how they learn. Why give Jeremy such a hard time.

Lay off him guys and don't stop going there just because he is tryimng to promote a family eating house, turn up, try it and I doubt whether all your fears will be founded. In plain English, get a bloomin life and stop moaning about it.He's not changing the principle function of the premises as an eating establishment, he's merely offering an ancillary function for those visitors who have children, nowt more and nowt less.......

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Post by Laan Yaa Mo » October 15, 2010, 7:28 pm

The remarks about trubrit seem way off base as I cannot recall him doing anything but supporting the efforts of the bookstore owner to succeed in his various endeavours. I remember the praise very well so it is possible Jeremy has mixed up trubrit with someone else.

Personally, I have no problems with kids in restaurants as I like children, and am happy to find them enjoying themselves. However, some of them can be a handful, and very disruptive. That's life. Some adults are like that too.

If I ever did visit a farang eating establishment in Udon, other than Good Everything, and a few places in Robinson's like Swenson's, the Bookhouse might be one to sample. However, the recent banter with Trubrit does not look very good on one's resume no matter what the Scorpion says.

I am not a patron and am living in Toronto currently, and this past summer spent much more time in Khorat than Udonthani so take my few remarks with a huge pinch of salt.

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Post by DermotC » October 15, 2010, 8:57 pm

The Librarian advertises his place as family oriented so if you dont like Kids just dont go, very easy!

What i do take issue with is looking ofr Free Toys which would be much better served going directly to less advantaged children than yours, mine or the Librarians!

Librarian, I know you business is relatively new and I know from your own Thread that you are doing a fine Job making things better bit by bit for your customers and fair play to you. But shouldnt you wait until you have a few Quid and purchase the toys yourself?

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Post by BobHelm » October 15, 2010, 9:21 pm

Dermott, I don't think Jeremy is looking to take anything away from underprivileged kids - whatever some may imply.
It was, I believe, a simple request that those with no longer used toys could respond to or not - their choice.
It seems, to me at least, that some have taken it as an opportunity to 'have a go' that has little to do with any true righteous moralistic reasons & much to do with envy..
As far as I am aware there is not an actual mechanism to get no longer used toys to Orphanages or similar. I do know of some VERY charitable individuals working within Udon to help underprivileged kids but even their efforts, as far as I know, do not include the concept of used toy collection & re-use.
If anyone does know of any such organisation then I am sure that EVERYONE (the OP included) would be delighted if the contact details were posted on this thread.

Knowing Jeremy I am sure that he would be absolutely delighted if his request for toys resulted in none, if it meant that underprivileged children benefited from it...

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Post by kopkei » October 16, 2010, 8:04 am

let us say it was a strange sincere but maybe misunderstood request...
but my question is , is it worth for jeremy to loose a customer ( regular or not ) , and for trubrit to loose a good breakfast
( good food hard to find in udon...) so let's all bury the ax and move on as it is really ( as many mentioned before) up to jeremy how he run's his business, and it is up to the customer he like it or not and will come or stay away.......
anyway good luck to all....

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Post by ScorpioPower » October 16, 2010, 8:07 am

DermotC wrote: TBut shouldnt you wait until you have a few Quid and purchase the toys yourself?
Maybe because each and every parent knows exactly what toys their kids like to play with? :-k

It's kind of like the old practice of having your own pint glass behind the bar of your local. The pub didn't pay for that either. ;)

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