Udon Thani Immigration Office

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by kopkei » January 6, 2011, 2:55 pm

i would be nice to know, when you renew this year the support of thai wife, marriage , or whatever it is called, can you use the same 3 pictures as last year? ( nothing has changed..) , and do you need witness again, and if so , same witness allowed as last year , or do we have to come up with new witnesses every year? , ( if you planning to stay 30 years ....)
a remark about the witness , i have a friend in gorath renewed his visa in october last year, photo's yes , map to home , yes , witness , never heard about, DID NOT NEED ANY WITNESS.............the immigration there never heard about witness what so ever.....,
so thanks for any update on this one....

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by mortiboy » January 6, 2011, 3:21 pm

Two pictures (large) of the mrs and you outside the house, and inside the house.......inside of house must me the bedroom!
I took along a" witness" My God they want all her personel details!
Took about 20 min.
So yes you will need some one help you out!

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by Bandung_Dero » January 7, 2011, 6:27 am

jackspratt wrote:I believe Bandung Dero was also going in today to do his first extension, based on marriage.

Looking forward to his report. :D
Not quite right Jack, had 4 extensions based on marriage in the past this was my first retirement.

Anyway ‘Smooth as Silk’. Breezed into my bank at 09:10 and out of the Immigration Office at 10:20 with my extension and a re-entry permit.

Locating the office and parking were easy. 3 pair of footwear at the door but TW and I DID NOT remove ours – no worries.

Had prefilled my forms (with Nong Khai stamps on the top, have quite a stock pile of these here at home from times gone by) no worries, given a number from what looked like a biscuit tin the tags not sorted in any order. About to take a waiting seat when beckoned over to an empty desk.

A very pleasant lady sorted through my papers and the supervisor came over to have a quick look at my bank letter, smiled, gave me the thumbs up and went back to his desk. The fun part began, she asked me for a map to my home.

This I had pre prepared using a Thai Road Map DVD (Both Thai and English text) I printed an area from Ban Dung in the Bottom Left corner to our Tambon in the Top Right corner, 18 Km. Now, near on every Thai in Isaan knows where Kamchanoot is and I’ll bet that most Farang on this board have been dragged off to there by their Thai families at one time or another. Anyway our home is only a few Km North of Kamchanoot and it was clearly marked on the map.

So I gave her this map clearly showing all main roads to Phonpisai and Sakhon Nakon etc. Well she looked at it sideways, upside down and from behind looking very perplexed, then from my point of view, the penny dropped. THAIS CAN’T READ ROAD MAPS :-k , I couldn’t control myself nearly fell on the floor laughing, she said it was too complicated and gave me some paper to do a ‘stick’ map.

Anyway no nonsense about photographs or any other hassles, the footwear thing is also nonsense.

Well done to them. =D>

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by Bandung_Dero » January 7, 2011, 4:22 pm

Oh BTW, during the proceedings they did TRY to sell me a 1000 Baht ticket to their 'Policemans Ball' on the 30th Jan. [-X AND I donated my 100 Baht change to their photo copier. [-o<

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by jackspratt » January 7, 2011, 4:30 pm

Bandung_Dero wrote:
jackspratt wrote:I believe Bandung Dero was also going in today to do his first extension, based on marriage.

Looking forward to his report. :D
Not quite right Jack, had 4 extensions based on marriage in the past this was my first retirement.
Well it seems I got the day right. :D :oops:

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by Funman » January 9, 2011, 1:50 pm

I moved to the Philippines last Nov. after three years in Udon and nine in Thailand. I obtained a Special Resident Retirement Visa (SRRV). It cost me $1400 and I have to maintain $10,000 in the bank and have an income of at least $800 a month. With it, I have an ID card, get to use the diplomat/VIP/handicapped lane at the immigration checkpoint at the airport, can open a bank account, buy and register a car, get things in my name like a mobile account, phones, utilities Etc. Also, I can have up to $7000 duty free at customs for my household goods. I have to renew it once a year for $10 or for $30 for three years at the Philippine retirement authority office and never have to deal with Phil immigration. No 90 day reporting, no nothing. Also, I got a Phil drivers license, and registered the car I bought without going through the crap at the immigration office and then the same crap at the LTO.
Plus, nine years ago when I had one Mil+ baht transferred to Thailand the exchange rate was 43.5= $1. I opened a dollar account here and I made about $12,000 on it with the exchange rate being 28.85 on the transfer. When is was time to go to immigration to renew my type O non imm in Thailand I was very apprehensive because you never know what they will ask for next. Also, with having to keep 800,000B in the bank because I didn't have the monthly income to satisfy the requirements I now can use my excess money if I choose to do so. Good riddance to Thailand and their narrow minded discriminatory practices!

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by Bandung_Dero » January 9, 2011, 8:01 pm

Hey, Funman! It's no matter where one decides to spend their remaining days as a retiree within SE Asia. I'm very comfortable here in Isaan and not only from a family point of view but climatic being an EXTREME sufferer of hay fever in my home country.

If you can't afford a few financial ups and downs GO HOME. If your so happy in the Philippines why do you continue to monitor this board and degrade our adopted country?


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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by semperfiguy » January 9, 2011, 8:52 pm

If you can't afford a few financial ups and downs GO HOME. If your so happy in the Philippines why do you continue to monitor this board and degrade our adopted country?


Hey, give the guy a break Bandung! He's probably just missing some of his old friends in this area after living in Thailand for so many years. I'd say he's not settled in well yet and hasn't met any running mates, so people in that predicament have a tendency to look back to those things that give them a certain level of comfort. Plus, way too many people, including myself, use this forum to vent, so let him have at it. I lived in the Philippines for 10 years and I can attest to the fact that the Filipinos treat us Americans with heart felt dignity and respect. I felt like a individual the entire time that I was there. It's a predominantly Catholic society with a colonial mentality since they were under Spanish and American rule for so many years. Unlike Thailand where the locals lump rich and poor farangs alike into one basket and treat us all like "scumbags and poor white trash"! I don't know how much longer I can take the disrespect and indignity myself, so I may be headed back to the real "Land of Smiles", the Philippines, myself. Thailand... the LOS... my butt. Behind every smile is a dagger waiting to be thrust into the back of a farang. If you think otherwise, you're living in a fantasy world.

Have a great day, and God Bless!

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by rickfarang » January 10, 2011, 1:03 am

Gosh, I hope you guys are only venting after a difficult day. I kind of like it her, but I have to admit that if it was not for my wife, I might have moved on long ago.

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by Brian Davis » January 10, 2011, 7:17 am

Yes, steady on there lads. All a bit heavy.
I'm very happy to be in Thailand, albeit money a little tight, but for me that's because I have things I still want to do in the house. Day to day expenditure is, fortunately, not really a problem(yet?), although I'm a very long way from 'rolling in it'.
But sort of back on topic, Funman makes the contrast clear on the administrative hoops expats here in Thailand are required to jump through, compared to the Phillipines.

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by Funman » January 10, 2011, 8:39 am

Thank you gentlemen. My point was about the thread on immigration. Nowhere did I bash Thailand just their immigration/admin hoops that are all to common here. Where the money "ups and downs" and the "go homes" came from (I already left) I'm still wondering. Also, I didn't know there was restriction on residence in order to be able comment on the forum. Seems to me that over the years I've been a member that people have posted all over the world without a problem.
Maybe just the rantings of an old unhappy man?

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by trubrit » January 10, 2011, 9:48 am

Funman wrote:
Maybe just the rantings of an old unhappy man?
Not my ranting I know but I would like to know why a lot of posters use "Old' in their description of other posters? I am old, possibly the oldest contributor on the forum, but I am definitely not unhappy. In contrast I know many who are , not just unhappy , but downright miserable, who are 20 years younger . :-"
Ageing is a privilige denied to many .

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by mortiboy » January 10, 2011, 10:15 am

"Thailand... the LOS... my butt. Behind every smile is a dagger waiting to be thrust into the back of a farang. If you think otherwise, you're living in a fantasy world."

Glad someone's in the real world here =D>
Before I left UK, I had a choice what country To spend my retirement days.
Thailand seemed best option as I was impressed by the welcome smiles and warmth of the people.
Wrong choice! [-X
But Now I realise its not who you are....its what you got!
Back in those days Visa applications were relatively easy.
Now its a dread everytime! I find very stressful!
Farangs are treated like criminals here at Imm office.
Yes I agree.So narrow minded! They seem to think we are like them. :roll:
So yes I just wish I opted for Phillppines.But now too late I make the best of it.
I think, (although not concerning our buddies US of A,) British people are eligible for National health treatment
at Phillipines?
I do realise that the staff at Imm office are under rules they have to go by.
If they miss something, they get a problem when the Docs sent to Bangkok!

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by Funman » January 10, 2011, 11:13 am

Trubrit, "old" was just a generalization. As far as I'm concerned it's only state of mind. A person can be 45, going on 95 if that's where their heads at! One foot in the grave and another on a banana peel.

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by rickfarang » January 10, 2011, 11:23 am

Funman wrote:T (Some text removed) One foot in the grave and another on a banana peel.
Or the other in his mouth \:D/

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by Funman » January 10, 2011, 11:38 am

Mortiboy: "I do realise that the staff at Imm office are under rules they have to go by.
If they miss something, they get a problem when the Docs sent to Bangkok"!
I remember having to make the dreaded trip to Nong Khai for my 90 day report. As my retirement visa had been renewed in Pattaya (before the law changed) I put my Udon address on the form. Mr. Happy said to me "you not live Udon, you Pattaya". Now tell me that's BKK immigration policy. He wrote something on the part that goes into your passport. Next time I was in Pattaya to do a multi entry visa the imm offical asked me "who wrote this"? I was once in Chang Mai and did my 90 day and the only question I got was were my BKK address was located.
Another time I went to obtain a drivers license at Nong Khai. The lady next to the sweat hog said if I wanted a drivers license in Udon I should renew my visa in Nong Khai. It's people on a power trip at your local immigration office that make you jump through their own personal hoops. That my friend gets up my nose!

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by Nick@AUA » January 11, 2011, 10:36 am

Just been to do my extension this morning. Nice new office - very comfortable. New staff also. The lady who did my extension was very kind. I didn't have a particular document, she said, never mind, just bring it later, and proceeded to give me my extension. In and out in no time.

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by stoneman » January 12, 2011, 11:11 am

For any one that is interested, the GPS coordinates for the front door of the new Immigration Office in Udon Thani are:

N 17 degrees 24.385
E 102 degrees 47.331

Also the office is 570 feet above seas level...


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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by Brian Davis » January 12, 2011, 1:19 pm

stoneman wrote:For any one that is interested, the GPS coordinates for the front door of the new Immigration Office in Udon Thani are:

N 17 degrees 24.385
E 102 degrees 47.331

Also the office is 570 feet above seas level...

Sounds like the kind of information needed to launch a missile! :-k Only kidding. :lol: See you lovely, hopefully sense of humour officers at Immigration next month for my extension, marriage this time.

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Re: Udon Thani Immigration Office

Post by Milieunet » January 16, 2011, 6:46 pm

Thanks for GPS coordinates, but can you give the adress too? Thanks in advance


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