WTF happening in Udon?

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by fatbas***d » February 13, 2011, 7:38 pm

As much as you dislike it, its a perfectly valid discussion, we who live and raise families here, do not want aggressive steroid fueled, socially unacceptable behavior here.
We have seen what it done to the cities we have come from and do not need it in Udon so if attention is focused on this specific problem, a way will be found to make these Neanderthals unwelcome.
Sweeping it under the carpet was never a permanent solution.

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by randerson79 » February 13, 2011, 7:38 pm

"I will not enter into any further correspondence in this matter."

Krusher you have replied 3 times since you wrote this. [-X

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by Krusher » February 13, 2011, 7:47 pm

fatbas***d wrote:As much as you dislike it, its a perfectly valid discussion, we who live and raise families here, do not want aggressive steroid fueled, socially unacceptable behavior here.
We have seen what it done to the cities we have come from and do not need it in Udon so if attention is focused on this specific problem, a way will be found to make these Neanderthals unwelcome.
Sweeping it under the carpet was never a permanent solution.
Well in that case I suggest you ask the Thai authorities to do a full criminal history check on everyone entering Thailand, as well as a drug screen. Did anyone mention steroids by the way? No, only you, you see this is typical, something happens, very minor injuries, matter is taken care of but you want to make it a new soap opera.
It is one incident in a pub, not the sudden moral decline of society. I suggest if you are so frightened for your and your family's safety that you try Singapore or Brunei perhaps

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by Krusher » February 13, 2011, 7:51 pm

randerson79 wrote:"I will not enter into any further correspondence in this matter."

Krusher you have replied 3 times since you wrote this. [-X
Oh dear, maybe someone should start a thread about me and ask for my inside leg measurement incase they meet me some day and want to identify me.

Off for a beer somewhere safe.

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by kopkei » February 13, 2011, 8:01 pm

well , on the farm the horse was sick and lay down on the floor, the farmer called the vet, who came look and gave the horse an injection saying if this not helps, he will have to put him down, the pork , in the next stable overheard them
so next morning the pork told the horse , come on , you have to stand up, but the horse had no power, next day same story ,the pork pushing the horse to stand up but useless , at the third day the pork tried for the last time, come on , get up , or they will put you down, with all the power in him the horse managed to get up and stand straight, so when the farmer and the vet came in ,he was pleased, and said, this calls for a celebration , lets kill the pork and eat.......
moral of the story : mind your own business and shut the f*ck up :D ( sorry for the language)
so in one way i can agree something happened,and is dealt with, and if you all are so curious what happened and want to know , go have a drink at the clock and talk to the owner , the only person who can clear this , at least if he want to...
as for me these things happen more than we know , i leave them pass , i will not be the pork :lol:

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by grozza » February 13, 2011, 8:27 pm

couple of points what kind of minor injuries did he recieve.
what makes you think it will never happen again if its happend once it can happen again maybe just not the same people,and what were 2 international criminals doing there in the first place, and why is it so important to you to have this thread closed no names have been mentioned.

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by jorg » February 13, 2011, 10:37 pm

So now international criminals are coming to Udon to have a brawl with a pensioner who is just quietly enjoying a coke? Sounds a little bit far fetched.

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by siddiq » February 13, 2011, 10:51 pm

I find this all rather far fetched as well. This new Poster may be trolling, maybe someone with a grudge against other members? Have the moderators banned somebody recently or do you have a serial troll who has something against the Irish Clock?

One other question that may put it into perspective: why would tee total East European criminals use English foul language in a family establishment? The whole scenario doesn't make sense. I think FB's original story has some accuracy but Krusher has jumped on the bandwagon to stir things up, a classic exercise in trolling.

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by Krusher » February 13, 2011, 11:03 pm

OK, right, I'll come clean. It was Uday and Qsay Hussein. They were not killed in a military strike in Iraq, they came to Udon Thni to beat up an old man in lieu of the unlawful conviction and execution of their father.

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by siddiq » February 13, 2011, 11:09 pm

And now you're making jokes Krusher. This trivialises your earlier concerns about international criminals and reinforces my belief that you're a troll.

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by Krusher » February 13, 2011, 11:14 pm

siddiq wrote:I find this all rather far fetched as well. This new Poster may be trolling, maybe someone with a grudge against other members? Have the moderators banned somebody recently or do you have a serial troll who has something against the Irish Clock?

One other question that may put it into perspective: why would tee total East European criminals use English foul language in a family establishment? The whole scenario doesn't make sense. I think FB's original story has some accuracy but Krusher has jumped on the bandwagon to stir things up, a classic exercise in trolling.
let's get this right. FB has never set foot inside the IC, so anything he says in connection to it is mischievous or third hand, at least.
Who said these are Eastern European criminals? I think you need to read what was written and not what you find it convenient to read and quote. If anyone is a Troll then it is the OP, FB who is simply trying to stir up trouble for Trevor.

As I have said before, the victim here has the right to privacy and if he wishes to come on and tell the story, then he can. He is the one who may answer questions about injuries, culprits etc. How would you like it if someone started poking their nose into your private life and spreading it across the internet? A bit of respect is what is called for, not gossip.
Only the people involved, there, and possibly like myself in the aftermath, are able to say what happened and if it is on a need to know basis then so be it. I find it shocking that people want to gossip about a poor guy who gets hit in the pub and then pretend it is their own self interests that they are trying to look after, while all the time it is gossip mongering and ---- stirring. I asked for the post to be closed as nothing good can come of it, yet the jibes, pokes and enquiries go on and on and on.
If and when the parties actually physically involved want to have their say, then that is the time to ask them what happened, until then it is a private matter. If going to the IC scares you then don't go. If walking the streets of UT scares you then don't do it. It doesn't scare me, but what does scare me is busybodies and people out to ruin a man's business by trolling and spreading ----.

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by Krusher » February 13, 2011, 11:17 pm

siddiq wrote:And now you're making jokes Krusher. This trivialises your earlier concerns about international criminals and reinforces my belief that you're a troll.
Good. You aren't Arabic with a name like Siddiq, are you?

I am sick of this thread continuing when it should have been closed hours ago. UM has a reputation for strict moderation. My opinion is that the OP was Trolling, and nothing, absolutely nothing will be gained from this thread remaining open, unless of course you are expecting to extract the names and addresess of all involved, their Passport number and country of origin, but you are not going to get anything.

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by Krusher » February 13, 2011, 11:57 pm

fatbas***d wrote:Like most of us I live here because udon has the reputation of a peaceful backwater, where in can have a quiet night out with the family, apparently that's changed.
I heard today that a well regarded by the community, pensioner, was sitting in the IC sipping on his Coke, (the drink not the snorting powder), when he was attacked by a couple of chav toughs, who objected to his polite request to the toughs to tone down their gutter language.
A perfectly reasonable request considering that the Irish Clock is considered a family restaurant and bar.
I am a regular with my wife and daughters at the IC, but no more if there is the possibility of my family being subjected to witnessing bar room brawls.
Would love to hear the proprietors comments and whether he had lodged a complaint to the police after the incident, and the results of his complaint.
The scum who who perpetrated the bashing of the pensioner should be booted from udon and preferably Thailand.
Dear Mr fatbas###d, next time you are passing the IC, having checked the coast is clear and no obvious homocidial maniacs lurking, though at 38Kg Jen packs a wallop, introduce yourself to the staff and patrons, because the consensus is that you, or your daughters, have never set foot inside the Irish Clock.
You started this post for one reason only, and if that is not trolling I have no idea what is. How about even the last date and time you were in there so the CCTV can be checked, how about any proof that you don't live in the UK or something and are trolling. How about you just come clean and tell everyone you have never set foot inside the IC, be a man forr once.

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by jorg » February 14, 2011, 12:11 am

Krusher wrote:<> I asked for the post to be closed as nothing good can come of it, yet the jibes, pokes and enquiries go on and on and on. <>
With about 20 posts, you have the biggest contribution to this topic I guess.

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by Krusher » February 14, 2011, 12:20 am

And nearly all 20 have asked for it to be closed, right or wrong?

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by jorg » February 14, 2011, 12:24 am

Right. But every time you (or somebody else) replies, the topic is kicked up in the "latest forum posts" on the front page.

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by hangsaboot » February 14, 2011, 1:12 am

im pretty sure Trev will be well pissed off when he hears about this, i take it he wasnt there?[/quote]

this could have happened in any establishment not only IC , and certainly, not only in udon .

but any some where . more likely to have happened in your/my home country .
where no one would give a monkeys , happens all the time .

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by Alchai » February 14, 2011, 3:28 am

I think the most relevant and intresting question to be asking right now is: who is Krusher?

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by fussychunk » February 14, 2011, 5:00 am

Alchai wrote:I think the most relevant and intresting question to be asking right now is: who is Krusher?
Krusher is the man that does not rely on hearsay, but turned up 5 mins after the event! :shock:

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Re: WTF happening in Udon?

Post by papaguido » February 14, 2011, 5:47 am

Alchai wrote:I think the most relevant and intresting question to be asking right now is: who is Krusher?
Maybe just a coincidence, but It seems that a poster with the same melodramatic writing style as krusher joined the other site about 4 hrs later after joining UM:
malachy wrote:I have no idea what was going on with my posts but here is an information session for you all.
My friend and I went to the Irish Clock just after the incident.
The incident was unavoidable, unless you count euthanasia at birth an option for 2 losers in life.

These guys are non-drinkers but very well connected with corrupt officials both here and in Eastern Europe. Both have an extensive background of violence in the UK.

They are psychopathic lunatics and are known for their sudden and violent attacks on people.

It is best that you don't know anymore as this is being handled at levels way above simple corruption.

Trevor, the 'licensee' could have done nothing to prevent this, other than barring the men before the event, which would have lead to his lease going up in flames, at the least, possibly loss of life.

We are not talking about pissed-up Brits abroad, we are talking about your worst nightmare. It is just a shame that others have jumped on the bandwagon and tried to use this as an excuse to bash the new lease holders of the clock, and you know who you are.

Those who were not present, stop speculating, unless you want to get yourselves involved in something you will not be able to buy your way out of.

The matter has been resolved, it will not happen again and the IC is still a family bar/restaurant.


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