Thai women, either saints or sinners

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by jackspratt » February 22, 2011, 8:00 pm

Your post is clearly directed at me marshall, so I am happy to respond equally as directly.

Have a look at cumbria's posting history - not just on this thread.

Because some of us do post 3 times a day, and have some background, it raises doubts when OPs of the type in this thread are raised - particularly when there are similarities with previously banned (for good reason) posters.

It doesn't take much analysis of a poster's history to raise questions about whether or not they may be suss. The clearest indication (or not) of this is discrepancies and inconsistencies in what they have said - particularly when a thread starts out of the blue with the OP wearing their heart on their sleeve. A well established MO of trolls I might add.

I am not going to bother setting out the inconsistencies in the 16 posts thusfar from cumbria. I alluded to one of them in my initial post on this thread. A couple of other posters seemed to agree. And there are other inconsistencies.

I have not commented on the qualification of anyone to post on UM (that is the job of the mods), but given the recent history, and disruption, of Petemcc/rogerdoger/Krusher on UM, (and the other Udon forum from where he enjoys a similar history of being banned), I will continue to cautiously raise my suspicions.

If you don't agree, I am sure UM welcomes all different opinions. :D

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by ronan01 » February 22, 2011, 8:16 pm

I dont often agree with jack - but think he is not far off mark. If the tale of woe from cumbria is true - the I apologise.

But still think topic title is a bit silly .... and provocative.

Why ALL Thai women - saints or sinners?

We have been though this type of thing a hundred times or more. Why not chinese, korean, norwegian, etc.

Are all english women saints? No Are all english women sinners? No

So why should a silly title like "all thai women are ..." be treated with ...... well seriously

And no - I have not researched cumbrias posts

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by DermotC » February 22, 2011, 9:25 pm

cumbria wrote:This is a very strange forum...why so suspiscious of people you have never met? Why tring to find problems. I copied and pasted the message I recieved. I wont be coming on here again as it is an uncomfortable place. Good luck to you all.
Well done chaps, another person chased off UM, Hope you are all very proud!

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by drillpig » February 22, 2011, 10:31 pm

DermotC wrote:
cumbria wrote:This is a very strange forum...why so suspiscious of people you have never met? Why tring to find problems. I copied and pasted the message I recieved. I wont be coming on here again as it is an uncomfortable place. Good luck to you all.
Well done chaps, another person chased off UM, Hope you are all very proud!
Trubrit started a topic about how boring the forum has been lately, its because all these self righteous old buggers scare everybody away.
All members have the right to start a topic if your not interested in discussing said topic then DON'T read it. [-X

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by trubrit » February 23, 2011, 2:02 am

drillpig wrote: Trubrit started a topic about how boring the forum has been lately, its because all these self righteous old buggers scare everybody away.
All members have the right to start a topic if your not interested in discussing said topic then DON'T read it. [-X
Picking up on that, I must say that recently I have found some of these postings , troll or not , to be more entertaining than reading about the various sponsors promoting their special offers on all and sundry topics ranging from relationships to football. Okay we have to have sponsors but surely it's not asking too much to keep their promotions and special offers on their own allocated topic headings where we can choose to read them or not. I have now had to use the foe application for all yellow named posters to ensure that relationships doesn't include, how to make a curry, or football doesn't mean a new batch of cheese has arrived .My thoughts for what there worth .
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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by Welshboy » February 23, 2011, 2:51 am

I for once agree with Truebrit.
They are coming to take you away ha ha :lol:

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by arjay » February 23, 2011, 10:10 am

DermotC wrote:
cumbria wrote:This is a very strange forum...why so suspiscious of people you have never met? Why tring to find problems. I copied and pasted the message I recieved. I wont be coming on here again as it is an uncomfortable place. Good luck to you all.
Well done chaps, another person chased off UM, Hope you are all very proud!
Dermot, I'm not clear, are you saying or suggesting that the OP of this thread was or was not a troll? I note after a quick jousting session, he seems to have taken his bat home rather quickly.

After reading his OP (plus his previous posts, their style & content, the date and time he first joined), and then a couple of subsequent posts on this thread I noted several inconsistencies in his story, a story which started out to be quite heart rending and then quickly digressed off at a tangent and ended up almost glibly telling members to watch out, all of it note written in the first person. Only later does the OP seem to be saying he had copied and pasted it from a friend!!!!

I drew my conclusions (rightly or wrongly), though didn't post them on the thread, (though I did share them on the Moderator forum). I was conscious of the sensitive circumstances if it was a genuine story, and I usually prefer to watch and wait and see how things progress.

May I say, that whilst some of the "old-hands" on here may be quick to comment on posts, I think you will find that they do usually take the time to read posts properly and do notice inconsistencies, and tend to be good at spotting trolls.

Unfortunately, there does tend to be a steady stream of troll posts, often from the same one or two people who don't seem to have much in life to occupy themselves more constructively, preferring instead to expend time and energy contriving (often far-fetched) situations to "troll" on Forums such as ours. (Not uncommonly these trolls are the re-incarnation of previously banned trolls.) And when "well- intentioned members" try and give these posters helpful advice, they often get it kicked back in their face.

Noted that on occasions some of these troll posts make amusing reading and help keep us entertained, nevertheless, I think it fair to say that wherever possible we do and should try and "weed out" these trolls and save our well intentioned members wasting their time giving well intentioned advice to trolls or being "wound up" or lead on by "provocateurs"!

I tend to be suspicious when a supposed new member pops up from nowhere and posts an unusually complex story on a Forum, where hitherto he has never posted or established a rapport with the other members.

Maybe we should maintain a separate thread where members can share their thoughts on such matters.

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by mortiboy » February 23, 2011, 10:53 am

Just so happens I know the facts here about this Guy.
Through another member here, who lives near him and knows him.
It is completely true.
Thats all I want say. except why you guys worry about these so called "Trolls'
If you think that so why bother reading the post?
All the time you reply, they will relish in they have wound you up.
I take em with a pinch of salt.

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by DermotC » February 23, 2011, 11:00 am

Hey arjay, long time no speak, hope you are doing well!

My point I was trying to make is I dont think he was a troll. I had a few PM's from him during his first post, think it was before or just after xmas and he seemed like a genuine guy.

Yourself and Bob are the mods on here, I dont know if there is anyone else. That said there are alot of other people out here that like to do your Job for you! Ive found you and Bob fairly even handed with your dealings with me, before I took the forum with a pinch of salt! I think the Moderating should be left up to you both and not the 'Old Hands' on here!

Hey thats just my two cents!

Cheers, Dermot

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by old-timer » March 3, 2011, 2:24 pm

OT would like to add, that in the evening thai WFB's are both saints and sinners when romance kicks in, the next morning, unless it's your wife, tell them to ---- off.

OT.............priceless \:D/

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by bigsnake » March 16, 2011, 10:09 pm

We all are SINNERS!!

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by dundidit » March 23, 2011, 9:32 pm

cumbria wrote:Hi Chaps,
its been a while since I posted but I have been rather pleasurably busy. I will explain. My wife died in labour on 31/7/08. My son died a day later. I was heartbroken as I loved my wife so much that unless you feel the same it would be useless to try and explain how I felt....
Anyway, in Nov 2010 my wifes best friend from Thailand (half Thai, half Norwegian) and from the south made contact with me saying she had left her husband months ago and wanted to start a relationship. This I felt was someone I could trust-I have a son and have to think of him first. Anyway the girl comes to the UK-she has a Brit passport and all was fine for about well 1 week. I am so shocked (stupid?) in fact this girl (extremely good looking) has never actually told me the truth about anything! I have never experienced such a compulsive liar in my life!
Obviously her husband knew nothing of her visit! I am astonished and feel so let down at her deception, this has really shook my faith in-well anyone! I have read all the stories about suckers in the past but bloody hell...
I knew my wife so well, she never told me a lie, we shared hardships together, she told me when her family had asked her for money...I find it so hard to comprehend that her friend (they met in the UK) could be such a lying bastard!
Sorry to bend your ears but this is a real kick in the nuts for me which I could have done without...I suppose Im no different than all the other suckers that I read about!
Hey first off, I'm sorry about your wife! I understand because I lost my wife to cancer and understand the loss. This was my reason for going and living in Thailand to try and keep my mind occupied and try to ease some of the pain from that experience and loss.

After chatting online for almost 3/4 year I went to Thailand I met a sweet beautiful lady that told me she had just lost her job as a manager and had no children etc. We got close and then began a relationship and to my surprise, she did have a 16 year old daughter that lived with the grandmother(she said) I forgave that lie because I understand a lady in Thailand is considered tainted merchandise is how I understood it. Anyway, I married her after a short few months of living together. Since that time I have heard so many storys and lies that she can not seem to explain except to say she couldn't speak english good to explain etc. She talked fine for all the time before, not good english but enough for us to communicate good. I came back to the US on business and she said she was staying at her parents house in Chiang mai. I sent her money for her expenses while I was gone. I found out that she actually was staying in Bkk with her daughter at her old house she had with her x. (he has a new wife living somehwere else) I knew she was in Bkk and not where she keptm telling me because I checked where she wa picking up the money,. I gave her every oportunity to tell me the truth as to where she was staying but after almost a month of asking her to tell me the truth she just would not do that. Now, of course this made my trust fly out the window and made me wonder why she would lie about that. I wouldn't have cared if she was staying there or not....But still she said she was at her parents each time I asked. When I finally told her I knew she was staying in BKK I asked why she had to lie about that. Her answer was, "I didn't think it a lie" she said she didn't want to upset me. She also had internet access the whole time but didn't send an email because that would have given it away that she was not at her parents. Well, to make a long long story shorter, I didn't return because I lost trust in my new wife at that point. I also paid 85US for a PI to check on her old job,. yep, you guessed it. They never heard of her!!...ok, now here I am with a new wife that does nothign but lie and tell me storys to get money. First there is a car payment that she needs to pay(never told me that before) and then she needed 25,000baht for insurance for her brother(who is sick)..ughh....I don't even pay that for myself let alone her brother. It was just a story to get some cash again. Then at this point I am thinking hmm Insurance..hmm would I be paying for my own insurance policy so she could gain if I suddenly had a suicide attack?....this scared me now, and I never went back for 10 months but we did talk everyday on the phone. I went back 2 weeks ago to see about maybe geting a divorce legally so I wouldn't have to worry about my demise. This does happen in Thailand more than people know and of course this made me fearfull as anyone could undestand. Anyway, I got to Bkk and she came down to meet me and brought all out clothes and everythnng. We rented a cheap condo because I had boght her a small dog before I left the first time and most hotels dont let dogs in. Anyway, she stayed on the mobile phione most of the day talkng to who knows who and she kept saying it was her father and then her daughter and then her cousin etc on and on. We hardly talled at comes the good part....she tells me her brother got in trouble and stole something from his work and now her asked he to help him stay out of jail. She says she borrowed 20,000baht from a loan pay for her brother. Well, the third day we are in this condo and knock on the door at was a kid about 18...she said it was her cousin's son and he was with a guy that she borowed the money, I am fearfull at this point. I asked her how he knew what place we were staying for them to find you, and she says "im stupid: meaning she made a mistake and told the guy she owed the money to....ok, I have not idea what is really going on at this point....I pick up my laptop leaving my suitcase and everything else there and hop on am motorcylce and go find a hotel to let her sort out whatever it was. I called her and she was on her way back to her home town 6 hrs drive. and find the money or sell her car to pay this, she says she wants to come back to spend the last 10 days with me befoe I had to go back to the us for business. I am afraid now to tell her what hotel I am staying in and freaking out in my mind.
Sheould I tell her and why can she come back so fast and why did she really leave in the first place....all these questions along with her threat from one of our arguments months before saying "i die soon"...(she has a temper)
I told her I was staying at some small rooming house and wasn't sure of the name and I moved my plane ticket up for two days from then because I just wanted out of Thailand with all that secrecy stuff etc. She cried and asked me to forgive her but it was that she was so worried about this loan guy is the reason she had to instincts told me to not tell her where I was staying and just get gone......I just told he that it was too hard for her to take the bus back just for 2 days together but actually I just diodn't want to take the chance of being pushed out of a balcony for insurance money....yes, I was that fearful after reading about this kind of thing happening all the time in los.....well, I even told her my flight was at 11pm rather than 6am....Iat that point I didn;t trust a thing and sure didn't want to take any chances of now I am back in the US and she is who knows the truth where....but she calls everyday and keeps that contact and of course needs money I am in a big delemna as to how to get a divorce and try to trsut that she would just go easily to the amphur and sign.......sorry, for rambling this post but if anyone has any idea's or thinks I made a mistake to just split like that then please ad your opinion...

I think this loan guy was just a taxi driver to take her back to her home. He carried a clip board and held up two fingers and I guess that mean't 20,000baht....or who knows maybe it was a taxi guy that wanted 2kB for driving her back....she had told me it was the mafia people she borrrowed from ...probably thinkng I would give or pay it...I asked her how she was going to pay it and she said sell her car....I said ok, but then she said he father didn't want to sell what the F., was supposed to be hers/our car and our decisons on that...but she still can ride back to meet me now without paying the guy yet??????????? was just too crazy for me to stay and take the chance that there might be a more horrifying part to my trip......any thoughts....yes, I was stupid ok......that's a given....

But my questions are why did she tell the guy where we were staying and why did he drive all the way to bkk to get her. Isn't that kidnapping?....she took everything , bedding pillows we just bought she can ride back to be with me for the last of my trip without him beng paid??...why?....why now does he believe her that she wasn't leaving for the US,.,...was I smart to not tell her what hotel i was at until I left?...I swear it freaked me out and still today has been a week that I have been back........this woman messed my whole life up and has me in a mess.....I know I didn't have to go back to bkk but....all the phone calls and secretive stuff etc.....does anyone really think that she and a bf/husband could have been setting me up for soemthing??....that was my guy feeling because of all the crazy phone calls all day and night...

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by mortiboy » March 23, 2011, 9:47 pm

Of course Pal.I been through al that secretive stuff....Always had a excuse.
I been with my Thai wife 3 and a half years.
Throughout that time always had a gik.
Many things happen pointing to her a having a lover. But could never prove it.
Now it has come into light .That fan has been hit.
I lost lot of money,and now have a darling of my dreams
But The wife says she will never divorce me.
There are some callous people out here! Heartless.

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by dundidit » March 23, 2011, 10:30 pm

Thanks, you can say that again! Sorry for my rambling post, I was in a hurry and didn't put a lot of what happened in it. But yes, if you're not knowing what is going on, then it does get a little scary especially when you are totally by yourself to try and figure it all out. I sure wasn't going to stick around to find out. As you know, these things do happen in los and that Baht is one powerful motivator for them and we are just tools or a means....sad sad.....take care!


Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by Thaitanium » March 24, 2011, 12:40 am

Women are just Women, no matter what country. In Thailand, it's also not so different.

Some only sin, because it's natural, and look at all the dubious amounts of relationship postings about Falang/Thai relationships on this forum. Falangs are the most sinful here, and much worse than a Thai Woman, or Issan Woman.

Some women here are just looking for an ends to very specific means. It's called an easy way out. If a Falang man is over 50ish, they are just tools to be handled, and manipulated. You only have some money, and not handsome any more. You were handsome some 30 years ago.

Maybe 25 plus years ago, things would have worked much better, but it's 2011, even here, and all Thai's know what is up.

Thai women don't always need to have Falangs nowadays, but it's nice to have a Falang Pet.
Free House, free car, free scooter, free land, free business venture soon to fail in 6 months, don't have to work, wait till the old man dies, or divorce the idiot ASAP, etc, and all because of Vagina Power.

Most Falangs here are simply very ignorant, maybe stupid, 50 plus year old virgins, most likely social misfits in their home country with a past of dysfunctional relationships, looking for love in the wrong country at an age too late in life, and way too late in the game in itself.

Those folks are simply a Pound/Euro/Dollar/10 million baht short and 25 years too late. Life for them has already passed them by with zero chance of any recovery. They are left with what is, left-overs. Old dogs learn no new tricks, living with only pure cynicism to engage in fulfilling their own demise.

They should call this forum " No Country For Old Men ". Time has not changed. Young women want to be with young sexy men, but it is way better to have an old " Handsome Man " Falang pay for everything with young sex on the side.

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by harmonyudon » March 24, 2011, 12:57 am

I have read about financial matters on this topic. hmmmmmm........

One question :
How much costs a devorce after for example 1 year marriage in
Australia where the women rights are very strong and/or in any western
countries? Especially when you have a baby with the farang woman and she
never worked before.

Let the (Thai) ex-wife/gfr (after 1-2 years) keep the cheap house, car or
motorbyke and forget the small amount of money you spended on her
cause in most cases you still have the pension/income from your own
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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by mortiboy » March 24, 2011, 6:46 am

Just to add, I have Now a reeal good sincere woman .I
I must admit, I thought 99% Thai women out here.......
Devious. sly. greedy,insincere, Untrustworthy, selfish. lying, cheating lot!
Either I was so lucky find a 1% , or I got it wrong!
This one just wonderful.

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by grozza » March 24, 2011, 10:08 am

have read about financial matters on this topic. hmmmmmm........

One question :
How much costs a devorce after for example 1 year marriage in
Australia where the women rights are very strong and/or in any western
countries? Especially when you have a baby with the farang woman and she
never worked before.

Let the (Thai) ex-wife/gfr (after 1-2 years) keep the cheap house, car or
motorbyke and forget the small amount of money you spended on her
cause in most cases you still have the pension/income from your own
the average house in udon these days is 1 or 2 million and up plus the car your looking at around 2 to 3 million baht which to thai people is like winning the lotto,it not be a lot of money to some farangs but its alot of money to others,i dont know about you but 100,000 aud is quite a bit of money.

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by mrbeerlao » March 24, 2011, 11:49 am

The best thing for you is to move on... You should give HER some lovin!!!!!!! Then you both win!!!!!!!!!!! Turn a bad thing into a good thing!!!! So many people bagg thai girls out like this thread.

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Re: Thai women, either saints or sinners

Post by crocodile ian » March 28, 2011, 8:00 pm

grozza wrote:
have read about financial matters on this topic. hmmmmmm........

One question :
How much costs a devorce after for example 1 year marriage in
Australia where the women rights are very strong and/or in any western
countries? Especially when you have a baby with the farang woman and she
never worked before.

Let the (Thai) ex-wife/gfr (after 1-2 years) keep the cheap house, car or
motorbyke and forget the small amount of money you spended on her
cause in most cases you still have the pension/income from your own
the average house in udon these days is 1 or 2 million and up plus the car your looking at around 2 to 3 million baht which to thai people is like winning the lotto,it not be a lot of money to some farangs but its alot of money to others,i dont know about you but 100,000 aud is quite a bit of money.
haha we all get caught i like to think i am a smart arse ,,but i been caught here and other countries ,,this time not so bad it may be costing me around 5million bart but i do get a beautiful daughter thrown in ,,,haha every cloud has a silver lining


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