Hello Arjay,
The Windows update's you mention have to do with a SSl attack from 'what Comodo told' a Iraq IP address, And discovered by Jacob Applebaum from the TOR-project. But have nothing to do with downloading programme's like CCleaner, ETC.
"The danger of fake SSL certificates is that internet users cane trap faster in phishing attacks because the certificate of a fake Web site reports that it is the real site (!)".
Firefox, Google Chrome and I.E have released a path fore this problem. Other browser?
Have you checked already Firefox: Extra > Options > Security. AND Firefox: Extra > Options > Advanced. To see iff something blocked there?
I.E: Extra > Internet options > Advanced. And I.E: Security > Privacy policy webpage’s. To see if something blocked there?
Don't know about Google Chrome or other browsers you are using, Because don't have them.
Other security sethings?
Can you check your firewall history?
You write: The advice me to update programmes and drivers. Already done this? Example, Open your 'old' CCleaner and click on the tab 'there is an update available' Instead to go straight to the Filehippo CCleaner website.
In the most worst case: Delete the 2 Windows updates you have done JUST before the problem occurred. Delete Firefox 4.
"After" go to start > Search > Fill in Firefox > Search everywhere > Advanced search > In the location tab, Choice everywhere > Tick the box 'Inclusive Index, Hidden and system > Fill in the name Firefox > Search > Delete everything from Firefox.
Now go to > Start > Search > Fill in 'regedit' > Enter > Give the administrator permission > In the new window go to the tab "Edit" > Search > Fill in Firefox > Tick the 4 boxes > Search > Delete the result.
Repeat these steps from the last “Search to Delete” till you receive the message "Nothing found”.
Restart your computer and re-install the older version from Firefox you used before. And install the 2 Windows updates again.
Free or Trial programme's that can help you with the above are:
http://download.cnet.com/Revo-Uninstall ... 87648.html
AND I had to translate everything from Dutch because I'm using Dutch software programmes. So sorry if a word is dive rend writing in English as you could see in your tabs. But sure you understand or someone will give you the right translation&mode to follow
By the way, I'm using Vista&AVG free edition. And download yesterday Firefox 4 on my other computer. Everything work's fine. :-"