Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by 2000VIPERGTS » April 11, 2011, 8:56 pm

Hi there! I read and read and now I think I have a problem. I am an American and been to Thailand a little over 6 weeks since December 2010 and love it there. I have also been to Udon area a few times and stayed there for a few weeks in the city and also easy and west in more rural areas. I was engaged to a Thai, but no longer albeit I still wish to reside there. I do not want to work, teach or anything of the sort but simply live and hang my hat. I have enough assets to not work if I sell everything stateside too and live very nice. I understand I cannot own property here, but thinking of renting a home in the country. If I get hitched up I know it would be easier, but I will not do that so I can get the ability to live here. Is there an easy way to live there? I was considering starting some business there too so I do not get too bored, even if it does not make money and don’t worry I am a diehard entrepreneur and already have a few good ideas (lol it isn’t a bar or internet café). I was thinking getting a student visa for a Thai language school for a year and then do the tourist border hops, but that is risky in case they stop it. Anyhow, I will shut up and listen to the wisdom here and I know it would be easier if I was 50, but such is not the case. Thanks in advance, Gary

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by tigerryan » April 11, 2011, 10:58 pm

You are to young to retire and it has nothing to do with your current resources. You need to stay busy with a business or serious pursuit or you will destroy yourself. Just my two cents.

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by 2000VIPERGTS » April 12, 2011, 12:15 am

Understand my friend-really and I thank you for speaking your mind as you showed you cared and you also substantiated your viewpoint to boot (two points). I am a big charity guy so I will either get involved with that and do some business consulting or the like, but anyhow I am done with the USA. The decline here is readily apparent and accelerating each day as entitlement mentality becomes the norm. I am also sick of being penalized for being white here-this is getting CRAZY. I just feel at home in Thailand and I know there are problems too, but it is so very much me in many respects...

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by KHONDAHM » April 12, 2011, 7:04 am

I am 42 and have been semi-retired 10 years now. I saw the decline coming and left permanently when Bush was elected in 2000. Being Black in a bigoted (at best) America is no picnic either, my friend. Any country that elects a blatant blathering idiot to POTUS like Bush (twice!) is destined to decline - modern history is full of examples (Stalin, Hitler, Jong-il, Mugabe, Pol Pot, ZeDong, etc.). Need I go into the days of Nero, Caligula, etc.? But politics aside, and to address your question directly:

If you do not have a THOROUGH practical and pragmatic understanding of doing business in Asia with emphasis in Thailand, fahgetaboutit. No, really. Fahgetaboutit. Now go look in a mirror. Still thinking about it? Slap yourself really hard. Fahgetaboutit.

Try absentee owner property rental in the US (no not slumlord). There's a bright future in that given the current and future homeownership prospects. You could try renting in Thailand, but you may well regret not having certain and swift remedies when things go south.

You could also hang out and do occassional consulting Stateside or remotely from Thailand if that is your thing, but do not ever depend on a long-term income from whatever you might think of doing in Thailand.

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by BobHelm » April 12, 2011, 8:26 am

I think that you will find this a very difficult aim to achieve 2000VIPERGTS.
At the moment I guess it would be technically possible with Education Visas, Yearly Non Immigrant 'O' & Business visas all providing a way to achieve it. However all 3 of those routes currently have disadvantages & difficulties without even considering what may happen tomorrow.
To ask someone to look 8 years into the future & predict what Immigration will do in that time really is an impossibility. The only thing that can be said is that restrictions have tightened up over previous years & qualifications for visas has hardened rather than slackened at the same time. So it is reasonable to assume that trend will continue in the future.
With much of the new foreign money coming from China & India there would also seem to be a hugely lessening of dependence on visitors from developed nations. I would not be surprised if that was reflected in the authorities attitude towards rule relaxation either.
The restrictions that exist around property & business ownership when added to long term visa issues makes Thailand just about at the bottom of the list of places for a Foreigner to move to at 42 years old....

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by 2000VIPERGTS » April 12, 2011, 8:33 am

Understand Khondahm about the business part and looking in the mirror. As for politics, I could go on with Obama as much as I could with Bush but all I have to say is look at my avatar-lol. I am a fiscal conservative and a financial/economics guy, but either way we both agree the decline is in session and has been. I actually do not need to work again if I go to Thailand Even spending $5K USD a month in Thailand (150,000 Baht) , I could live well and never work again very easily and not even touch principle and even bank. If I had a business, it would be for fun and not necessity, but I would make money somehow I suppose.

The home thing I need to decide on if I got married, but I think unless I buy it in my corporate name I have to rent for now. I have law enforcement contacts and been working with some law enforcement up in Udon area on some things to help them out so at least I have some things in my corner and I am confident that aid would be provided and at no cost. I am working on some charitable things to help them, but anyhow all good things. That said, I also have land office contacts and have the ins and outs on property, but only want a house for maybe 10K Baht a month or so for me and my 4 cats somewhere in the country area where it is a bit quiet.

How can I move there on the visa not being 50? That is my question and thank you for advice as I am still learning a lot. Thanks, Gary

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by Jed » April 12, 2011, 8:56 am

Sounds like you got things sussed better than most people living here, Vipes.

Perhaps you should be answering questions as well, such as:

How does one manage to retire to Thailand at 42? Tips? Strategies?

How does one make local contacts in the police and government offices? How to approach, establish a rapport, etc.

What other things besides the above should one do to pave the way for a happy and fulfilling life as an expat in a foreign, very different culture?

Think we need to start some new threads on these topics; inquiring minds want to know.

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by papaguido » April 12, 2011, 9:01 am

2000VIPERGTS wrote: How can I move there on the visa not being 50?
As I see it you basically have 5 visa options:

1. Business: Risky
2. Education: limited- 2, 3 years maybe.
3. Retirement: you don't qualify
4. In support of (commonly referred to as marriage): not your preference
5. Tourist Visa: not viable for long term

It would seem that you're only viable option would be a business visa, unless you decide to marry. Perhaps you should focus on a business visa, but before jumping into it come here on a series of tourist visas or an education visa and get a feel of things. Who knows you may end up finding "the one" and end up on a marriage visa.

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by trubrit » April 12, 2011, 9:02 am

This topic for me , illustrates quite dramatically the different mindset from my generation to the present one .At the age mentioned I had not long finished my military career and was doing further studies to progress my future life .I had literally just put my first foot on the ladder. I spent the next 20 years not only climbing it but in the process giving my family, as well as myself, a better future. I enjoyed and relished every minute of it. My prudence has also made me financially stable in my retirement. Even today at the age of 77, if I didn't have something to do each day , I couldn't get out of bed .I would just simply fade away .When I read on here of 40+ guys wanting to retire from work, saying I have enough money to live . I just have to ask . Are you sure of that? Even if you survive to my present age you have got to have a minimum of 35million baht potential in the bank, based on 1mill a year. That doesn't take into account any emergencies like illness. Why would anyone not want to work? Okay if you have sufficient bread to not need anymore, then your lucky, you can choose to work at something you like, rather than have to do, but surely giving up working is like giving up on life .
Last week we had a 50 year old opening a nightclub that said he doesn't need any customers , he already has enough money .I must be missing something here. What ever has happened to motivation?
To the OP. On another thread you said your ex used to send you a few things across for sale. May I ask why if you already have enough bucks?
Ageing is a privilige denied to many .

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by WhoUrDaddy » April 12, 2011, 9:07 am

You are to young to retire.................

A bit presumptuous to say. My thinking is the opposite, the sooner the better. Keeping oneself occupied is a personal issue though. Sorry OP, haven't go a clue how to stay here extended unless married or working. Since you want to learn Thai, you could be the eternal student until 50............LOL.

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by 2000VIPERGTS » April 12, 2011, 9:42 am

Thanks guys for the input, it seems the business or education visa would e good until i get to 50-lol. Yes, I have enough to retire and more than the 30 Million Baht Trubrit. I am a diehard entrepreneur. I grew up with nothing, was on active duty for a tour in the Navy and ended up going to the university of Pennsylvania's business school (Wharton) and graduated with a double major. I own a small computer company that I started with $2,000 USD (60,000 Baht) that has done very well. My X's aunt works in the land office, and I took her and her friends out there then met the police detective who happens to be into really fast cars and I have a little collection of cars, shipped some shirts to him as gifts and now working on getting them free bulletproof vests. Anyhow, GOD has been very good to me and I will stay busy, so that is not the issue. I will find a way to make money for fun-it is just me and I am very good at it. It just is a magnet to me and always has been, but remember every successful business solves a problem and as a business consultant I see some things that need to be solved that can be profitable in Thailand.

Anyhow, thinking of heading up there in a few weeks to kick back, but might do a BKK run. Or I can just rent a house in Udon and start settling in and get a language school. I will not enroll unless I KNOW for sure I am leaving the USA. As of now, from reading the posts on this forum, it seems as if shipping a container of my stuff over would not be practical with taxes and such and better off to just sell my goodies and start fresh in Thailand. The cars I REALLY want to bring over, but if I bring 4 of my cars over and they say they are 10 Million Baht, the tax is what-another 20 Million Baht? I hate to sell them, but it is what it is and I would cringe dealing with the Thai customs I think-lol. So thinking of coming with a few suitcases and my 4 cats over two trips (2 cats per trip). As for marriage, that would seem to be the easiest, but after just breaking an engagement, this is something I will be very careful about…. TY Gary

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by parrot » April 12, 2011, 9:47 am

" I am also sick of being penalized for being white here-this is getting CRAZY. "

No need to worry here. You'll blend in perfectly with the natives and be treated as equals. :-"

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by trubrit » April 12, 2011, 10:04 am

With that amount of capital you should be alright, although if I was that flush I could think of better places to be . By the way . Did your girl get her leaking implants sorted?
Ageing is a privilige denied to many .

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by 2000VIPERGTS » April 12, 2011, 10:23 am

trubrit wrote:With that amount of capital you should be alright, although if I was that flush I could think of better places to be . By the way . Did your girl get her leaking implants sorted?
100% yes and they were saline :-)

As for being other places, I have been to about 15 countries so far, but I really love Thailand. the food sucks for me,b ut I am a good cook and would just cook a lot of my own food as I am a clean freak. Kind of kills me at some of the markets watching all the flies on the food, people not washing hands and touching food, et cetera. I have to get over some of that, but the people I really appreciate and I feel very happy in Thailand. In Udon proper, the Farang places I am not into as I am not into prostitution, it actuall bothers me so I am thinking of somewhere in the country most likely.

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by maikauzai » April 12, 2011, 2:39 pm


My suggestion is you can do a trial-run in Thailand, as I had done it myself. A few years back, I spent about 10 months in Thailand, stayed mainly in Chiang Mai but also visited several cities. In the end, I decided that Thailand is best left as a vacation spot when you are young, and a retirement place when you are old.

I've travelled over a dozen countries and my conclusion is that despite all the downturns, the USA is still the best place to live. Try Northern California or central Texas where you have good weather and nice folks. Don't let the politics upset you. Just don't watch CNN.

You can get a tourist visa in a Thai consulate in the U.S. or an education visa, or a business visa, all would give you several months time to stay in Thailand. If money is no object, you can invest 5 mil USD to own one rai land, you may even form a company which would entitle you a work visa.

BUT, before you are really really sure, do not sell your assets in the U.S. Some people had don't that and returned home penniless. Doing business in Asia is completely different from doing business in the U.S. In Asia, you need lots of connections and bribes, as I've learned first hand.

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by KHONDAHM » April 12, 2011, 3:10 pm

You sound amazingly like me 10 years ago. Frets and all. Bright eyed and bushy-tailed about living here fulltime. It absolutely can be done, as I am doing it and I know of other peers also doing it. You sound very intelligent despite your politics (lol - had to sneak in a jab somewhere). The rental thing and just hanging around for two years or so would put you in the right frame of mind regarding making a serious long-term commitment. You could have a residence in Thailand and neighboring countries and just bounce between the two or three countries. Not very difficult or expensive to do as a single guy. I spent 2000-2002 just hanging around Pattaya (mostly) not working or anything. Figured I deserved it at the time. It was time well spent and I learned a lot about myself. It gets old after a year though.

If you are also in a position to do it, I say do it. It is worth it. Just be a well-off bum in Thailand and sort the details of the rest of your life later. Cheers!

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by snowball » April 12, 2011, 4:49 pm

The OP seems like a well educated intelligent guy, so I have a question for him. As I assume he believes the proverbial will hit the fan in the USA, relatively soon (GTFO 2012), doesn't he think that his citizenship will keep him on the hook wherever he goes outside the USA? Has he plans to relinquish his citizenship due to what he perceives is coming? Unlike every other citizen of the world (except PI I believe) living outside the USA isn't going keep you immune to the coming financial turmoil back there.

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by WhoUrDaddy » April 12, 2011, 4:53 pm

One thing that I don't understand, if you are technically an USD millionaire why would you want to retired in Thailand at all, let alone Udon Thani. The country and Udon Thani would be one of the last places on earth I would consider retiring if I knew then what I know now.

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by nkstan » April 12, 2011, 8:32 pm

You have 2 million baht a year to spend and never touch your principle!Wow that is great!I am wondering what is it about Thailand that is so special to you?

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Best way to live in Thailand at 42 years of age without work

Post by Muni » April 12, 2011, 8:50 pm

Based on what you said you have, you shouldn't be worrying.... my advice: STAY SINGLE, STAY AWAY from your ex's family & "friends", find the cats a nice home, and just enjoy Life. RENT EVERYTHING. Do not buy or invest in ANYTHING.
WHY would you want to make it complicated? Don't they teach the KISS principle at Whartons (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

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