Osama Bin Laden killed

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by randerson79 » May 4, 2011, 5:44 pm

Ricohoc, do not bite!! The child just wants some attention.

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by wazza » May 4, 2011, 6:18 pm

Perhaps the topic should be split into a new thread

OBL - Political Fall Out or similar

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by DermotC » May 4, 2011, 7:09 pm


While KD at times can be a little, whats the words I can use, Over the Top with his views and a huge supporter of possibly the worst president the US has ever had, he's not a bad guy and far from being a troll as Randerson chimed in with his 2 cents!

Now if you are looking for a complete fool, one who knows nothing of what he is talking about and just tries to stir up crap then look no further than Randerson. Possibly the biggest Idiot ever to walk the streets of Udon and you know that is saying alot!

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by Laan Yaa Mo » May 4, 2011, 7:30 pm

KHONDAHM wrote:Friendly PM FYI

Sent: May 4, 2011, 1:39 pm
From: Ricohoc
Don't waste your time with your garbage word salad, and don't ---- with me.

I dare you.
Oooooooo. A scary clown. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Those internet kung-fu classes are great for the confidence, aren't they?

Why make public a private message? It defeats the purpose of privacy, does it not?

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by Bandung_Dero » May 4, 2011, 7:54 pm

Bloody hell we're are all getting wound up or have lost respective minds. Just let the 'worlds police' have their hour of glory then we can settle down and continue to profit out of their economic demise!!

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by DermotC » May 4, 2011, 7:57 pm

Bandung, if you think that the like of us mere mortals will profit from the demise of the U.S. I think maybe you are mistaken......There is one country poised to do that and that is China. The U.S. has its problems God knows but as Ive said before, rather the devil you know than the one you dont!

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by jackspratt » May 4, 2011, 8:05 pm

I tend to agree with your sentiments re the US demise Dermot.

There is nothing to be gained long term by the world's biggest (still by a long way) economy going into demise.

Politically I would be happy for them (the US) to pull their heads in a little, but certainly not economically (if it is possible to separate the two). :D

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by Bandung_Dero » May 4, 2011, 8:13 pm

DermotC wrote:There is one country poised to do that and that is China.
I really think you missed exactly what I said!. We, as a business, are seriously looking at China and as we have reasonable and tangible US assets very seriously looking at the US property and blue chip stock market. Probably no better time to get in there with our over inflated AUD and thoughts to making some long term investments. --- Enough said!!!

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by DermotC » May 4, 2011, 8:17 pm

Im not the only one BD, JS must have missed it too.... What do you mean ''We, as a business''? You have lost me, apologies!

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by Bandung_Dero » May 4, 2011, 8:25 pm

Dermot, will send a PM.

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by DermotC » May 5, 2011, 1:19 am

got the pm BD, that explains it, thanks

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by KHONDAHM » May 5, 2011, 6:32 am

Laan Yaa Mo wrote:
KHONDAHM wrote:Friendly PM FYI

Sent: May 4, 2011, 1:39 pm
From: Ricohoc
Don't waste your time with your garbage word salad, and don't ---- with me.

I dare you.
Oooooooo. A scary clown. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Those internet kung-fu classes are great for the confidence, aren't they?

Why make public a private message? It defeats the purpose of privacy, does it not?
Yeah, you are 100% correct. But the thought of this guy bench pressing words and practicing his internet kung-fu on his keyboard all up in a tizzy had me laughing so hard, I just had to share it with the board. I know exactly who it is and he knows I know which makes it all the more funnier. \:D/ :lol:

Cheers all! No harm no foul. =D>

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by noosard » May 5, 2011, 7:46 am

All very entertaining
have been enjoying reading this post and many others
they got Bin but where did they put him dead or alive?????

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by KHONDAHM » May 5, 2011, 9:16 am

My guess is he'll likely be the bad guy appearing in the next "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequel...

Captain Jack Sparrow will find him! ;)

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by tigerryan » May 5, 2011, 10:26 am

Now that our penny loafer wearing skinny ass CiC won't let the photos out my only regret is that the Army did not pull off this operation. I mean WTF they could have sent every swinging dick from the ranger regiment into that place with ziplock bags to load up with brain matter for later DNA testing and had the entire operation directly uploaded to face book via helmet cam.

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by LilRed » May 5, 2011, 1:58 pm

Payback was due. Payback came.

Handled very professionally by the Big O (Obama), the US military (esp Seal Team 6) and intelligence community, IMHUSO.

That it took 10 years to find him, is due to sovereign states (Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.) supporting and protecting him, in addition to Islamists throughout the world.

Bless the US military, intelligence and political communities for their perseverence.

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by LoveDaBlues » May 5, 2011, 7:11 pm

Very smart not to publish photos of Bin Laden. His followers would just use the gruesome photos as propaganda.

Bin Laden's death was handled perfectly; just as one would handle a piece of garbage. Wrap the foul garbage up, dump it, publish no pictures of the garbage, waste no more time/energy with it. Perfect. =D>

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by DermotC » May 5, 2011, 7:37 pm

LoveDaBlues wrote:Very smart not to publish photos of Bin Laden. His followers would just use the gruesome photos as propaganda.

Bin Laden's death was handled perfectly; just as one would handle a piece of garbage. Wrap the foul garbage up, dump it, publish no pictures of the garbage, waste no more time/energy with it. Perfect. =D>
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by Philip101 » May 5, 2011, 10:53 pm

ok guys c mon none of you find this a little suspicious? some of you are so naive...

I personally could of walked into the pentagon 5 years ago and said...

Hello there, my name is philip, i just took a trip to pakistan and ive killed osama bin laden.

'o......k, erm, where is the body? we can check to make sure its him and we shall give you the reward money'

i threw it in the sea, ya know where nobody can find him...

'o.....k any pictures?'


'any DNA?'


'any videos?'


'well F*@% off then!!'

Wont release the photos obama beacause there too gruesome????? dont make me laugh

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by Laan Yaa Mo » May 6, 2011, 12:26 am

It is interesting, and perhaps telling, that no Islamic militant groups are claiming that Osama is still alive and kicking. It seems to be only some people from the west who want to support that fabrication/illusion.

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