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Post by nkstan » June 9, 2011, 8:41 am

I am now legally divorced!Might or probably is a surprise to some,but it is what it is!We were able to come to agreement on the the divison of I was a relatively simple process to go through at the Amphur,although it took a couple of hours after we had all the paperwork together,120 Baht which she paid as I had paid for the marriage! :lol:
Although she has received cash and personal physical assets of choice.I still have assets to sell.see the classified section,if interested and call Stan 08-7550-9925

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Post by Prenders88 » June 9, 2011, 8:43 am

Sorry to hear it Stan. :(

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Post by trubrit » June 9, 2011, 8:48 am

Sorry to hear that Stan for both you and Sue. Hope it doesn't intrude on your step daughters life negatively . Val & Phorn .
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Post by marcusb » June 9, 2011, 8:48 am

No matter how smooth and easy the divorce is it still is a huge change on your life. Good
luck for a happy future. Take care.

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Post by Shado » June 9, 2011, 8:56 am

Not an easy thing to go through or to even talk about. Hope the adjustment goes smoothly. There are many chapters in the book of life. As you said, " it is what it is". Good luck Stan.

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Post by pienmash » June 9, 2011, 9:05 am

Always sad when a couple divorce , the main thing is the kids (if any involved ) retain a stable lifestyle , schooling etc .
good luck whatever your path in the future .

Did you get custody of the dog from ur previous posts you seemed to love the mut ??


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Post by ABS-Relocations » June 9, 2011, 9:08 am

Yes, always hard and a big change in life. So I will also wish you the best for the future.

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Post by arjay » June 9, 2011, 9:50 am

I'm very sorry to hear that Stan.. I had no idea that things were not well or that such a thing was in the offing.

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Post by 747man » June 9, 2011, 9:59 am

Stan, Very Sorry & Very Surprised to hear of your divorce, If you need any support YOU know where I am.....Alan..

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Post by maaka » June 9, 2011, 10:32 am

Thats unfortunate news Stan. Life does seems to test us all at times doesnt it..just when you think lifes a breeze, a howling gale pops up..well matey, pick yourself up, and dust yourself on, and have another go when all the moons align..Hopefully you can continue to stay on the riverbank there, and share in your daugther future kaha..( be strong)

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Post by Ray.Charles » June 9, 2011, 10:35 am

Stan, don't know what to say. Anything we can do? Ray

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Post by JimboPSM » June 9, 2011, 10:50 am

Stan, very sorry to hear about it :(

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Post by nkstan » June 9, 2011, 11:56 am

:lol: I am OK,just cash poor at the moment :lol: Would appreciate any assistance in selling the land as it is now in my possession under the daughters name.Her and the dog have stayed with me,at least until she is off to Uni!

We are having a friendly parting we have different interests and very little left in common to sustain a marriage.I'm old and she sees herself getting older living our lifestyle.

I control finances regarding large purchases and although she has never lacked for spending money,she feels much better with the cash now rather than the future.So now she can assume responsibilty for herself and hopefully it will work out for her!

She is still living here.At the moment,she is in the middle of going through and seperating the things she wants to take
with her.She has rented a local apt. for a year and is trying to figure out what she can get into it! :lol: I'm amused ,because if she takes all her clothes,nothing else will fit :lol: Just kiddingas her new place has two stories!I told her to take whatever she wanted as long as I don't have to replace it for the families living needs!

I have 5 months lease left,property to sell and a daughter to place in University!So I don't know my future plans.I might just go back and play Great Grandpa in America.We will see how it goes.
The daughter has talked about me moving to where she goes to Uni,but w will see,as I am inclined to let her get used to living on her own.Of course she would miss the dog!!! :lol: :lol: So how come I do all the cooking ,cleaning and caring for the dog???? :lol: ''OH,I'm busy studying!!!" :roll:

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Post by Welshboy » June 9, 2011, 2:40 pm

Sorry to read about your devorce Stan.
All the best

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Post by BobHelm » June 9, 2011, 3:14 pm

I am also sorry to hear about it Stan.
Can only wish you all the best for the future...

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Post by Aardvark » June 9, 2011, 4:28 pm

Sad to hear, welcome to the Club !

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Post by grozza » June 9, 2011, 4:53 pm

sorry to hear also stan,if you dont mind me asking how long were you guys married.

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Post by rickfarang » June 9, 2011, 6:09 pm

The best of luck to both of you, Stan.

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Post by nkstan » June 9, 2011, 8:20 pm

grozza wrote:sorry to hear also stan,if you dont mind me asking how long were you guys married.
11 years married, about 11 1/2 years together!I am 72 and she is a hot 39. :D

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Post by jackspratt » June 9, 2011, 8:44 pm

Chin up Stan.

I have no doubt you will stay positive. =D>

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