I am OK,just cash poor at the moment

Would appreciate any assistance in selling the land as it is now in my possession under the daughters name.Her and the dog have stayed with me,at least until she is off to Uni!
We are having a friendly parting we have different interests and very little left in common to sustain a marriage.I'm old and she sees herself getting older living our lifestyle.
I control finances regarding large purchases and although she has never lacked for spending money,she feels much better with the cash now rather than the future.So now she can assume responsibilty for herself and hopefully it will work out for her!
She is still living here.At the moment,she is in the middle of going through and seperating the things she wants to take
with her.She has rented a local apt. for a year and is trying to figure out what she can get into it!

I'm amused ,because if she takes all her clothes,nothing else will fit

Just kiddingas her new place has two stories!I told her to take whatever she wanted as long as I don't have to replace it for the families living needs!
I have 5 months lease left,property to sell and a daughter to place in University!So I don't know my future plans.I might just go back and play Great Grandpa in America.We will see how it goes.
The daughter has talked about me moving to where she goes to Uni,but w will see,as I am inclined to let her get used to living on her own.Of course she would miss the dog!!!

So how come I do all the cooking ,cleaning and caring for the dog????

''OH,I'm busy studying!!!"