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An interesting questionleterry60614 wrote:And if the US defaults, can the Chinese seize a US aircraft carrier or two?
lol! Actually, it's rather academic. Whip out a dollar bill and read what it says. It is backed by nothing other than the full faith and credit of the USA (since 1973 when we left the gold standard). In other words it is nothing more than a promise worth the paper it is printed on. Assets won't be going anywhere to pay past debts - zero legal basis. Future is another matter.leterry60614 wrote:And if the US defaults, can the Chinese seize a US aircraft carrier or two?
Thai prince's second jet faces impounding
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - A German insolvency administrator was on Sunday quoted as saying he was considering impounding a second jet used by the Thai Crown Prince, reported German tabloid Bild am Sonntag.
"We are considering further steps, including seizing the prince's second plane," the paper quoted insolvency administrator Werner Schneider as saying.
German insolvency officials seized a Boeing 737 used by Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn almost two weeks ago to force the Thai government to repay a debt linked to a Bangkok road construction project.
A court last week ruled the jet could be released upon payment of a 20 million euro (17.6 million pound) deposit, an offer rejected by the Thai government, which maintains the jet is the personal property of the Prince and not the government.
Bild am Sonntag said the prince had the second plane flown over to Munich to replace the first one. ... ng-report/