Where to get spices and sauces

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Where to get spices and sauces

Post by nkstan » August 17, 2011, 2:21 pm

I am playing around with cooking,trying different recipes and methods.I am having a problem finding many of the spices,sauces and oils.
Hoisin sauce,ginger,marjoram,nutmeg oregano,basil,thyme,lemon pepper,peanut oil etc.

At the time,I am only interested in bottled or packaged products,although I realize there are some of these that are fresh and sold at the markets and some can be made from scratch,I am not that in to the cooking yet! :lol:

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Where to get spices and sauces

Post by merchant seaman » August 17, 2011, 2:27 pm

Cooking up something special for Chanchop? Try Big C the old carefour they got a pretty good selection in the Farlang section. Hoisin sauce you should be able to get any where especially chineese shops. Try fresh ginger plenty around.

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Where to get spices and sauces

Post by jingjai » August 17, 2011, 2:33 pm

Have a look around Makro. They have a decent selection of packaged spices and herbs.

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Where to get spices and sauces

Post by nkstan » August 17, 2011, 2:36 pm

:lol: No,newly divorced and find that I spend more time being a house dad.I never thought I would enjoy cooking .The wife was a fantastic cook!

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Where to get spices and sauces

Post by leehut » August 17, 2011, 2:40 pm

peanut oil is usually labelled as groundnut oil.

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Where to get spices and sauces

Post by parrot » August 17, 2011, 3:09 pm

TOPS probably has the best selection of international spices/oils. I've seen peanut oil there.
A kg of fresh ginger at the market costs about $1.......but you can buy a single sprig of it and grind it as needed. Keep the rest in the fridge.
Ngeesoon has a great blackpepper sauce for only 25 baht a bottle. There's a photo below and a link to some cooking ideas. It's great stuff with meat, but equally with a load of fresh sprouts in a quick fry.
Makro also has a large selection of fresh spices.....in packages and in bulk, including oregano and rosemary.
http://teakdoor.com/the-kitchen/62042-r ... -pork.html
roza-black-pepper-sauce-290ml.jpg (11.2 KiB) Viewed 2280 times

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Where to get spices and sauces

Post by Shado » August 17, 2011, 3:29 pm

jinjai's suggestion should enable you to get most of what you are looking for. The next place to look for the "hard to find" seasonings is Tops market. After that, for things like terragon, celery seed, caraway seed and dill seed I've had to pick up at Villa Market during a trip to Bangkok. Tops has a good selection of vanilla and flavor extracts as well. Both Tops and Tesco carry some prepared seasoning mixes like Lawry's Salt and Old Bay seasoning.

I had a hard time finding Hoisin sauce in Udon and finally got some in Bangkok. I have a nicely stocked seasoning supply now but it took me a couple of years and lots of looking to find everything I've wanted. I make my own seasoning mixes for things like chili, Italian sausage and barbecue sauce.

Good luck Stan. Cooking can be rewarding and fun as well as sometimes necessary.

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Where to get spices and sauces

Post by douglas » August 17, 2011, 4:01 pm

Get most of my stuff from Tescos. The only thing i have found hard to find is decent sea salt, don't like the other stuff with all the additives mixed in. Rather have the coarse sea salt crystals, made by Costa, 750g.. Plus wife has just broken the grinder. She pointed to the pepper grinder and said use that. Rather than any hassle i said yes love. Could not find any grinders in Tescos etc. Anyone know where these can be got, myself i prefer the stainless steel ones, but beggers cannot be choosers. I always bring enought sea salt back with me to last till i next go back to Britain.
Why not try, as i am now doing, growing your own. The only seeds i can not find in Udon is the red green and yellow pepper seeds. Been looking for years. I bought about 80 of the interlocking bricks, 7B each. and obout 30 bags of topsoil at 20B each. Used against a boundery wall. Everything comming on well. The only trouble is breaking the Thai habit of picking everything before it is ready.
Cheers Doug.

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Where to get spices and sauces

Post by papaguido » August 17, 2011, 7:45 pm

douglas wrote:Hi,
Get most of my stuff from Tescos. The only thing i have found hard to find is decent sea salt, don't like the other stuff with all the additives mixed in. Rather have the coarse sea salt crystals, made by Costa, 750g.. Plus wife has just broken the grinder. She pointed to the pepper grinder and said use that. Rather than any hassle i said yes love. Could not find any grinders in Tescos etc. Anyone know where these can be got, myself i prefer the stainless steel ones, but beggers cannot be choosers. I always bring enought sea salt back with me to last till i next go back to Britain.
Why not try, as i am now doing, growing your own. The only seeds i can not find in Udon is the red green and yellow pepper seeds. Been looking for years. I bought about 80 of the interlocking bricks, 7B each. and obout 30 bags of topsoil at 20B each. Used against a boundery wall. Everything comming on well. The only trouble is breaking the Thai habit of picking everything before it is ready.
Cheers Doug.
Big C & Tesco have them, made from acrylic/plastic. I have one and not very good. Macro has wooden ones in 2 sizes and Robinsons (Housewares) have them also, don't recall if they're available in SS.

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Where to get spices and sauces

Post by leehut » August 17, 2011, 9:10 pm

I bought a pepper mill from Index, works great. Make sure if you use one for rock salt, it hasn't got metal teeth on the grinding wheels. the salt will eat them.
Finally found a cafetiere/french press for coffee in Robinsons...been looking for ages.

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