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Health Insurance!!

Post by toothpick » August 21, 2011, 5:10 pm

Hello Fellow Members....Would anybody have the phone number of Buba Insurance in Udon? If you have i would be very greatfull.....
Thank You,

crocodile ian
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Post by crocodile ian » August 21, 2011, 5:15 pm

toothpick wrote:Hello Fellow Members....Would anybody have the phone number of Buba Insurance in Udon? If you have i would be very greatfull.....
Thank You,
or any decent insurance company that is proven track record of not rigling out of stuff want to insure my child

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Post by stattointhailand » August 21, 2011, 6:09 pm

The International liason rep at Paulo (Panyavin............) hospital, was a BUPA rep, but that was about a year ago, not sure if it's the same guy now, but worth a phone call

WOULDN'T TOUCH AIA WITH A VERY VERY LONG BARGEPOLE. They have more wriggles than a Patters GOGO dancer.

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Post by toothpick » August 21, 2011, 6:26 pm

Thank you for reply...Noted!

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Khun Paul
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Post by Khun Paul » August 22, 2011, 10:05 am

You ring Korat the number is 044263789
I deal with a lady called Khun Attica ( or something similar)

They will put you in touch with whatever and also deal with you by post and problems.
I used to know the local roaming BUPA rep but she was a bit of a gold-digger and kept harassing me for more cover than i wanted just because she got a commission, deal with local area office same price but no hassles. OK

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Post by toothpick » August 22, 2011, 12:34 pm

Thank you Khun Paul for Info....

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Post by broon97 » August 23, 2011, 10:19 am

Have a look online at the Expats Health insurance arranged by Expat Network, you do not need to be a member to take out cover. They cover up to age 75.
I use this cover as I am working in Vietnam but usually do medical stuff in Thailand.
You pay up front for outpatient care and then claim back online with no hassle.
Inpatient you call or get someone to call to get approval for direct payment.
Price is the best I have been able to find.
Hope this helps.

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Post by broon97 » August 23, 2011, 10:20 am

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Post by rct » August 23, 2011, 10:35 am

I deal with BUPA HQ in Bangkok, after having first gone in person to HQ to select the right coverage. Below was person who wrote on recent renewal.

Narttaya Thipsri | Customer Loyalty Executive | Bupa Health Insurance (Thailand) Ltd. | 38 Q House Convent Building, 9th Floor, Convent Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
Tel: 0 2234 7755 ext.635 | eFax 0 2234 1396 | eMail: | Web:

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Post by stoneman » August 23, 2011, 11:27 am

rct wrote:I deal with BUPA HQ in Bangkok, after having first gone in person to HQ to select the right coverage. Below was person who wrote on recent renewal.

Narttaya Thipsri | Customer Loyalty Executive | Bupa Health Insurance (Thailand) Ltd. | 38 Q House Convent Building, 9th Floor, Convent Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
Tel: 0 2234 7755 ext.635 | eFax 0 2234 1396 | eMail: | Web:
I agree with RCT...I have dealt with the BKK main office for 10 years and have never had a problem...The service has always been first class..


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Post by toothpick » August 26, 2011, 1:13 pm

thank you everybody for your replys and info...Very helpfull..

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Post by Prenders88 » August 26, 2011, 4:05 pm

Here is Roongs number, she is the BUPA area manager for Udon Thani.

Tel/Fax 042 931966

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Post by rickfarang » August 26, 2011, 9:22 pm

Just one thing about BUPA -they don't cover over age 70; you should plan to get there if you aren't already!

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Post by old-timer » August 27, 2011, 12:16 am

In OTs opinion BUPA is the only way to go for health insurance. One word of warning though - never let anyone at the hospital know that you have been on a bender for three days and nights prior to being admitted for a stomach ache. BUPA will not pay out for anything you brought upon yourself. OT knows this after having to pay almost a grand sterling to AEK hospital when BUPA refused to pick up the tab on one occasion.

OT................... \:D/

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Post by Khun Paul » August 27, 2011, 7:53 am

They do actually cover up until your death, they will not publically admit that, but it is true. Providing you are insured by them for at least 5 years before the age of 65 they will cover you ad infinitum.

They just seem to forget to tell you that so ask them either at korat or bangkok.

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Health Insurance!!

Post by shipwreck » August 27, 2011, 2:51 pm

I have been readinyour suggestions about health insurance, in the expats i can find the price. Can you telle me what package you have by BUPA and how much it's cost.

d p meijer
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Post by d p meijer » August 27, 2011, 10:19 pm

i just got info from a french company. april mobilite.ambassade plan.looks reliable and ok.

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Post by parrot » August 28, 2011, 3:52 pm

Not an answer to your question, per se, but a 2-day/night stay at AEK for the flu put me out 21,000 baht. I have military insurance that'll take care of 75%, but it gives you an idea of what the costs for inpatient care are these days. Good service, no complaints, and I just didn't have it in me to go through 3 days of agony at home. After 1 day, I checked in and let the fair skinned young things tend to my aching body. That always does the trick!

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Post by old-timer » August 28, 2011, 4:08 pm

shipwreck wrote: Can you telle me what package you have by BUPA and how much it's cost.
OT pays BUPA 47,000 baht. Thats for me the wife and one child. In fact I'm not going to insure any of the kids next year because they are covered by the schools insurance and pienmash reported the 30baht hospital provided a good service when his youngster needed an op.

OT.............. \:D/

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Post by shipwreck » August 28, 2011, 8:57 pm

Thank you OT, sounds like a fair price, the silver package by the expat is about 1200 us for one year, and it is only for me.

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