You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » September 3, 2011, 5:10 pm

Lao-miner wrote:, but should benzona wish to marry again in Thailand or Laos or the philippines or a number of other countries he will need a certificate of no impediment to show the Thais etc that he is currently not married ,
Sorry to here about your plight Benzona hope you have a good result
There is as much chance of that happening as me suddenly growing ovaries and wearing a spurs shirt both at the same time.

I think my trips to Thailand will be strictly short time from now on... preferably with the lovely Bel who sits in that bar a few doors up from Irish Clock on the corner of the road

Thanks for your support

here is a question, does anyone know anyone who has ever been a witness in an Australian court whilst in thailand via video link?

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by Lao-miner » September 4, 2011, 1:49 pm

Ok you are again correct jackspratt
(Under Australian law, a person cannot "refuse" to divorce their spouse.)

The point i was trying to make was "IF" HE WERE TO DECIDE TO REMARRY in Thailand he would need a certificate of no impediment before the marriage would be recognised either in Thailand or Australia, In Australia his wife cannot refuse to divorce him , you are correct , i was merely trying to offer advice based on my own experience getting married in Laos where i had to produce the said document this was no problem because up until then i hadnt been daft enough to get married , Ive no wish to start a seperate thread/Banter with you mr Jack spratt , Benzona
I wouldnt expect you to wear a spurs shirt but good luck with growing those ovaries suddenly . Perhaps jackspratt could grow some tits on his back


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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by maaka » September 5, 2011, 3:04 am

not sure this still applies, but if a Thai marriage becomes an Australian divorce, does not the applicant or respondent as the casse may be, have to reside in the place of jurisdiction ( Australian) for 12 months prior to application being made? 12 months being a Separation period.

furthermore, what if the couple went the the Thai Embassy to seek a divorce certificate ( assuming both are in agreemtent to the divorce, which if in Thailand can be contested ) would the Australian authorities recognise this certificate considering there maybe matters of property, children, maintenance etc etc involved..?? Perhaps the OP should ask his lawyer about such matters. There perhoas would be the possibility of two coming court cases, one for cusody right to the child, and one for divorce and settlement...just things I would be asking my lawyer Zona.

perhaps the woman in this case, may not only receive social welfare, housing and the like, but later recieve a fair percentage of the OP property and assets. My in country one must be married for two years before one can claim 50% of martimonial assets, I no not what of Australia..

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » September 8, 2011, 6:23 am

Just a little update to say its now 17 days and still no sign of my son. She still wont even tell the police where she is. Its really looking like October before i will see him again

VERY interestingly i had a call from a mate who i dot see very often, I told him what has happened and and a couple of days later he rang me back to say when he told his wife she said to him that she has actually seen my wife be abusive, mentally and physically, to my daughter ON MY WEDDING DAY!

Apparently what she saw actually caused her to tell my wife to leave my daughter alone

I wont say what she said she saw, but it defo constitutes abuse in Australia. Now she is going to come to court to support my story of an unstable nutter committing visa fraud

Dont ask me why noone told me when it happened, but it was our wedding day.

My daughter has confirmed what happened and told me that she did not tell me "because she wanted to avoid this" (the this is what is going on now with me and the wife)

Im disgusted with myself that i have not seen what she has done to my daughter
Im disgusted with myself that i didn't finish with her earlier
Im Ashamed to have married her

Anyway, over two weeks and counting..... and still no sign of her crawling out of the woodwork.. not a good look when we get to the family court

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by johnty. » September 8, 2011, 10:37 am

Hi All,I was'nt going to post this but as the post says "you really can't tell can you?",i did decide to post just as the server went down,think a few people who know me personally actually got to read it before it disappeared.I married a girl from udon in october 2006 after being engaged for over a year and finally decided to move to udon soon after,i work in the north sea on a 3on/3off rota,so i only ever got about 2weeks out of 6 at home with her,when home i paid all the household bills filled the house with food and left her a good amount of money when i went back to my work(she could'nt have earned as much),the last time i saw my wife was on April26th this year as i returned to my work.the last time i spoke to her(from work)was May 24th,her last words were "i love you teelak",since then her mobile has been on call-back,the home phone never got answered,the reason "she had emptied the house,stolen everything including the pick up,left me some old shorts,t-shirts,socks and undies,she has taken all my good clothes and everything else that is personal to me. I have a solicitor and barrister,all paid for and my divorce hearing was August17th,but the judge never gave me my divorce,i now have to appear before him in court in Udon and explain why i want a divorce so quick and hopefully he will grant me it straight away,fingers crossed,i won't name names as many who know me know her,the material things don't really matter,it's the 6 years of my life lost that count,i thought we were happy and would remain together but "you really can't tell can you?",anyway i am a firm believer in what goes around comes around and the big guy upstairs always pays kind for kind,end of post,chok dee to all, Johnty.

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » September 8, 2011, 10:52 am

johnty. wrote:Hi All,I was'nt going to post this but as the post says "you really can't tell can you?",i did decide to post just as the server went down,think a few people who know me personally actually got to read it before it disappeared.

I married a girl from udon in october 2006 after being engaged for over a year and finally decided to move to udon soon after,i work in the north sea on a 3on/3off rota,so i only ever got about 2weeks out of 6 at home with her,when home i paid all the household bills filled the house with food and left her a good amount of money when i went back to my work(she could'nt have earned as much),

the last time i saw my wife was on April26th this year as i returned to my work.the last time i spoke to her(from work)was May 24th,her last words were "i love you teelak",since then her mobile has been on call-back,the home phone never got answered,the reason "she had emptied the house,stolen everything including the pick up,left me some old shorts,t-shirts,socks and undies,

she has taken all my good clothes and everything else that is personal to me. I have a solicitor and barrister,all paid for and my divorce hearing was August17th,but the judge never gave me my divorce,i now have to appear before him in court in Udon and explain why i want a divorce so quick and hopefully he will grant me it straight away,fingers crossed,

i won't name names as many who know me know her,the material things don't really matter,it's the 6 years of my life lost that count,i thought we were happy and would remain together but "you really can't tell can you?",anyway i am a firm believer in what goes around comes around and the big guy upstairs always pays kind for kind,end of post,chok dee to all, Johnty.
A horrid story Johnty. Happening over there means you are pretty well screwed too, and of course, if you tried to go to the village you would have your balls cut off.... Best of luck on the quickie divorce and just dont do it again!

Ill never ever trust a thai girl again (in ya come flamers) and will treat them as a short time shag who i could not care less about afterwards.

that is for sure

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by wayne747 » September 9, 2011, 4:08 pm

So sad for you both (Johnty and BenZona).
No flaming from me, I understand your anger and bitterness.
Luck, both

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » September 10, 2011, 9:45 am

wayne747 wrote:So sad for you both (Johnty and BenZona).
No flaming from me, I understand your anger and bitterness.
Luck, both
Im not really bitter and angry, im relieved she is gone. disgust and confusion are more what im feeling
When it comes to them, all want is for my son not to live in abject poverty in the middle of a rice field in a hut being looked after by his grandmother

she can go to hell and good luck to the next mug she latches onto

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by old-timer » September 10, 2011, 11:42 am

johnty. wrote:Hi All,I was'nt going to post this but as the post says "you really can't tell can you?",i did decide to post just as the server went down,think a few people who know me personally actually got to read it before it disappeared.I married a girl from udon in october 2006 after being engaged for over a year and finally decided to move to udon soon after,i work in the north sea on a 3on/3off rota,so i only ever got about 2weeks out of 6 at home with her,when home i paid all the household bills filled the house with food and left her a good amount of money when i went back to my work(she could'nt have earned as much),the last time i saw my wife was on April26th this year as i returned to my work.the last time i spoke to her(from work)was May 24th,her last words were "i love you teelak",since then her mobile has been on call-back,the home phone never got answered,the reason "she had emptied the house,stolen everything including the pick up,left me some old shorts,t-shirts,socks and undies,she has taken all my good clothes and everything else that is personal to me. I have a solicitor and barrister,all paid for and my divorce hearing was August17th,but the judge never gave me my divorce,i now have to appear before him in court in Udon and explain why i want a divorce so quick and hopefully he will grant me it straight away,fingers crossed,i won't name names as many who know me know her,the material things don't really matter,it's the 6 years of my life lost that count,i thought we were happy and would remain together but "you really can't tell can you?",anyway i am a firm believer in what goes around comes around and the big guy upstairs always pays kind for kind,end of post,chok dee to all, Johnty.
OT was surprised to hear about that. John and his wife always looked happy together. Mind you, I thought nkstan and his wife were about as good as it gets but that wasn't correct.
My wife is a nutter and I'm looking forward to the day she clears off. Twice I've been married now and I'm well up for another one. I like giving away houses to ex-wives.

OT...................... \:D/

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by nkstan » September 10, 2011, 5:01 pm

There is a big difference between being deceived,taken advantage of and people simply changing or it becoming increasingly clear that they would be happier apart than together.My divorce had to do with the later,therefore we are still on good terms.My first relationship with my fiancee was of the deception quality,luckily I escaped unharmed financially and did enjoy some months of relative pleasure and contentment at the family home in Bangkok,as it turned out that I was one of 16 active ''BF's' on the net.Best sex i ever had :lol: I totally emphasize with the feelings of anger and betrayal expressed by those that have been used and abused!

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by johnty. » September 10, 2011, 9:30 pm

OT,i was happy for a long time with her but i got more and more suspicious near to the end about her seeing somebody else from her university(she only goes sat/sun),i have a good idea who?,when she goes away for 3 days on so called "research" to Laos with university and i belived her but she comes back with finger mark bruises on her breasts and buttocks(self harming?,i don't think so :-k )but still i had no idea she would do what she has done,maib pen raai,life goes on and there will be another 1 along soon. Take care everyone,chok dee,Johnty.

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by wayne747 » September 12, 2011, 9:16 pm

BenZona wrote:
wayne747 wrote:So sad for you both (Johnty and BenZona).
No flaming from me, I understand your anger and bitterness.
Luck, both
Im not really bitter and angry, im relieved she is gone. disgust and confusion are more what im feeling
When it comes to them, all want is for my son not to live in abject poverty in the middle of a rice field in a hut being looked after by his grandmother

she can go to hell and good luck to the next mug she latches onto
Good for you =D>
Now we hope the situation with your son gets resolved.

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by chanthima13 » September 13, 2011, 12:22 pm

hello poster I am a Thai wife ,, married to american ,,,I am truely sorry for what happend to you ,,,, chok dee ka

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » September 24, 2011, 5:26 pm

Well here we are one month later. She is still hiding, but slowly, very slowly being flushed out. We have found out she is being represented by someone in the private DVO hearing and now we are trying to serve her, via them for the family court

She has not made, nor has any of her helpers, one single attempt to let me see my son

She is so screwed, In her latest update for the DVO she has said some things that are gonna land her in very deep poop with immigration.. just as soon as my son is back here... her visa is toast

no other developments really but what kind of stinking scrubber does not let a child see a parent for that long... DISGUSTING

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by wayne747 » September 27, 2011, 1:00 pm

It takes time, but time works for you.
Hang in there, although it must be really hard for you.

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by maaka » September 27, 2011, 1:40 pm

what astounds me, is that the Authorities have not allowed you to see your son. It could have been easily arranged to have a third party, such as an agent of the Family Court, be with you ( minus the ex ) while you had free time with your baby in chambers, or some such place for 30 minutes..I think your lawyer could have done more on this point..

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » September 27, 2011, 8:28 pm

wayne747 wrote:It takes time, but time works for you.
Hang in there, although it must be really hard for you.
hard is an understatement
maaka wrote:what astounds me, is that the Authorities have not allowed you to see your son. It could have been easily arranged to have a third party, such as an agent of the Family Court, be with you ( minus the ex ) while you had free time with your baby in chambers, or some such place for 30 minutes..I think your lawyer could have done more on this point..
We cant even find her address to serve her documents, and without service, all we can do is ask for location orders via the court to gov agencies in order to serve her, THEN they can do something about it. its VERY frustrating, she seems to think that she can get away with this forever,my lawyer is doing all she can to trace her, but legally, until she is ordered to do so, my EX can just sit it out like a buffalo in a lake

My lawyer, legally cant even serve the documents on her LEGAL AID lawyer (can you believe she is getting legal aid) in the DVO matter as they are not (as yet) representing her in the family court matter

My lawyer says that technically she (the buffalo) can drag this out for quite a while in the interim, but in the end, it will not be a good look for her. I tend to agree as i have also looked into options of orders without service, and there is no chance

patience patience patience patience patience

The law really does not help parents when one decides to leave, without a court order telling the authorities what to do.

I had a big clean out today, got rid of every single trace of her in the house and dumped anything she left behind, I dunno if ive said this before but, im relieved she is not around me, the past 4.5 months have been a nightmare of abuse, violence and erratic behaviour from her to me and my daughter, im GLAD she has gone

12 days to go til the first court date so im over the worst of the wait

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » September 29, 2011, 11:18 am

Good news, she has been served!
now the game begins

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by nkstan » September 29, 2011, 1:44 pm

Congrats,hope you are a good and loving father and that everything works out for the best!

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » October 7, 2011, 7:09 am

Just another quick update, the title of my thread was "you really cant tell can you?" well, guess what.. you really CAN tell. I now have actual evidence which shows that this whole thing has been planned.

To put it simply, this bitch actually married me AND had a kid just in order to get residency over here. I have it in black and white, in front of me right now, all planned...

Let my story be a warning to anyone who is having doubts, second thoughts, or who notice odd things in their Thai Farang relationships because if she can do this to me AND plan like i now know she has, it can happen to anyone

I wont say too much more as there are now court proceedings, I cant even divorce the ***** for another year... and that sickens me



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