You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by grozza » October 9, 2011, 12:53 pm

AroyFarang wrote:BenZona,

nkstan puts it best. These guys giving you a hard time are obviously living with their head in the clouds! By giving you a hard time they are trying to reassure themselves that their relationship is solid. Maybe they forgot somebody who stuck their hand down their throat, ripped out their heart and ate it right in front of them. Maybe its been years since they even experienced ANY emotion!

Im sickened by their quips, their comments and them in General. I understand what you are going through. I just hope that if this ever happens to me, I can show as much restraint as you. If you feel that this is helping you please use it! And dont worry about writing on a public forum. There isnt anything here that wont be said in court anyway. Just because you call this person a few names doesn't mean you are going to loose a court case because of it! It sounds to me like she is using her Thai logic in Australia. Not very clever and I look forward to you telling us how the Judge wiped the floor with her. Pity they don't have a jail sentence for betrayal, if they did she should get life!

Hold it together BZ, you are doing great. Keep it up!
what happens if all these allegations are correct and he has beeen abusive towards his wife then what,until a court proves he is innocent he will be subject to allegations quips and comments,and as has been said a thousand times there is always two sides to a story and unfortunately we will only hear benzona side which could be wrong or right only he knows,just remember you dont need to convince us its the court you need to worry about.

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » October 9, 2011, 1:01 pm

grozza wrote:
what happens if all these allegations are correct and he has beeen abusive towards his wife then what,until a court proves he is innocent he will be subject to allegations quips and comments,and as has been said a thousand times there is always two sides to a story and unfortunately we will only hear benzona side which could be wrong or right only he knows,just remember you dont need to convince us its the court you need to worry about.
Guilty wont happen.....It DEFO wont happen, and you know why not, because this is not a police initiated action, it is private, and the best bit, well the best bit is that on one of the days she says i did something, i was at a friends at that exact time she says i did it (actually i was at two different houses a coupe of hours apart) .. and on the other day, i have a video of her abusing me. What she was saying to me was so bad, that my daughter secretly turned on the camcorder and let it run (yes that's right, you scamming bitch, we have VIDEO)

She might be able to fool some commie homeless workers but, they do not have what i have. WITNESSES AND EVIDENCE

I hope ure reading this my lovely ex ;-)

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by old-timer » October 9, 2011, 1:40 pm

BenZona wrote:Guilty wont happen.....It DEFO wont happen, and you know why not, because this is not a police initiated action,
What if it was ?
BenZona wrote:I hope ure reading this my lovely ex ;-)
Oh dear.

OT............. \:D/

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » October 9, 2011, 1:55 pm

old-timer wrote:
BenZona wrote: Guilty wont happen.....It DEFO wont happen, and you know why not, because this is not a police initiated action,
What if it was ?
Then i could not go near her for 12 months, whch is not going to happen anyway as i dont want to, but it wont. You cant say someone does something when they are not there, and you cant say something happened when actual video says the opposite... can you?
BenZona wrote:I hope ure reading this my lovely ex ;-)
old-timer wrote:
BenZona wrote:
Oh dear.

OT............. \:D/
yes, for HER. Someone said above that she is thinking like a Thai in a Thai court situation, and she is. The video and the alibis are only like 1/10 of what i have to clear my name. there is more.. MUCH more, the sad thing is that, with tomorrow, it probably wont all come out as there wont be time but... over time, it will, and she will be cooked like the Irish clock Sunday lunch.. VERY WELL

The thing is, if you are going to lie, you really have to lie well, you have to cover ALL the angles, make sure not one word of your lies can be questioned, and NOT, i repeat NOT write such a load of old bollox that Lionel Hutz would actually win the day

The video is VERY damming.

Im a lot calmer now on the visa thing, it really was a shock last week to find out she had got one so easily, i let my emotions get the better of me, but now i am back in control so ill stop calling her a bitch ***** and refer to her as "my lovely ex" I wonder how much money mummy is being sent now :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by fatbob » October 9, 2011, 2:11 pm

Blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah, I feel better now thankyou!

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » October 9, 2011, 2:16 pm

coxo wrote:Blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah, I feel better now thankyou!
Arent you the bloke who said he didnt care.... and now here you are again on page ten... obviously caring enough to say, well... repeat the same word over and over again........ are you sure ure username is not misspelt... should the XO not be a CK..... NOW i feel better
Last edited by BenZona on October 9, 2011, 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by fatbob » October 9, 2011, 2:24 pm

Get a life you foolish little boy.

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » October 9, 2011, 2:28 pm

coxo wrote:Get a life you foolish little boy.
Maybe ill marry a prossie... oops i mean bar girl..... like you claim to have.... will that count as a life? Please meet my wife Mrs Coxo, she used to do it for 500 baht, but it costs me a lot more :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by merchant seaman » October 9, 2011, 2:39 pm

Prossie might be better. You sure didn't do well with the one you married. And with all thw abuse she has given you over the years why in hell did you take her to Oz in the first place? And IMO you are going to lose in the end. You alredy talked about the girls on Soi Sanpan like you have already been there, now a good husband wouldn't have.
No man has a good enough memory to be a succesful liar.

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by Barstool » October 9, 2011, 2:59 pm

BenZona wrote:
coxo wrote:Get a life you foolish little boy.
Maybe ill marry a prossie... oops i mean bar girl..... like you claim to have.... will that count as a life? Please meet my wife Mrs Coxo, she used to do it for 500 baht, but it costs me a lot more :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You really aren't doing yourself any favours at all BenZona.
Firstly, it looks as though this whole affair is going to cost YOU a lot more than Coxo's pleasant life and all this rage can be incredibly self destructive, despite what Stan (arguably one of the most rational posters on UM) says.
And finally, what triggered off your wife's videoed abuseive language. Probably the realisation that her Australian dream has ended up with her being treated like a house-maid by a mysogynist slob from the likes of Kalgoorlie.
Now; go and have a game of squash or something and get it out of your system.

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by Bandung_Dero » October 9, 2011, 3:02 pm

Maybe ill marry a prossie
Been reading this thread with interest to see how it pans out, well the OP is loosing ground with me. I'm proud of my Bar Girl, out of Soi Cowboy, to whom I married >10 years ago and to whom I'm extremely proud of seeing the way she has rebuilt her life after the miserable experience that forced her to Bangkok.

Please don't get the great majority of honest Farang, who admit their spouses come from a bar girl background, riled or you could finish up in a corner. :-$
Sent from my 1977 Apple II using 2 Heinz bake bean cans and piano wire!

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » October 9, 2011, 3:25 pm

Bandung_Dero wrote:
Maybe ill marry a prossie
Been reading this thread with interest to see how it pans out, well the OP is loosing ground with me. I'm proud of my Bar Girl, out of Soi Cowboy, to whom I married >10 years ago and to whom I'm extremely proud of seeing the way she has rebuilt her life after the miserable experience that forced her to Bangkok.

Please don't get the great majority of honest Farang, who admit their spouses come from a bar girl background, riled or you could finish up in a corner. :-$
I honestly could not give a toss what anyone on here thinks, apart from those that actually know me. Like i said yesterday, 6000 hits now and if it stops one person making the mistake i did with a non bar girl, then im happy. Of course i know that people will meet bar girls who they stay with for ever, and they might well be very nice people, but ******* like Cockso rally grind my gears and i was only having a dig at HIM.

Im happy for anyone who meets a girl WHEREVER and makes it work, but ******* are ******* so please, all you pensioners who are out there frothing at the mouth about my prossie comment, relax... it was not aimed at you and if i have offended you, then i apologise

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » October 9, 2011, 3:37 pm

Barstool wrote: has ended up with her being treated like a house-maid by a mysogynist slob from the likes of Kalgoorlie.
Now; go and have a game of squash or something and get it out of your system.
No mate, what set her off was the fact that i refused to send her mother 50% of my income after i paid all the bills whilst she did sweet FA around the house, and all this only a day after agreeing to buy a little block of land for her parents.

I was working, cooking, cleaning, driving her everywhere, giving her money, if fact i did EVERYTHING INCLUDING look after the baby when she slept for 14 hours a bloody day

She actually said the words (and i kid you not) "you pay everything, give me money, do all the cooking and cleaning (her justification was that, i did all this before she came out here and that if she was back in Thailand her mum would do all the housework and cooking for her) and send my mum 50% of what you have left"

When i said there is no way in hell that is going to happen and that as a married couple we had to pay OUR way before we sent half our income to Thailand (i do have a 12 year old to look after) she went OFF trying to hit me, telling me that me and my daughter are no good, and that she was going to call the police to tell them i would not send her parents money.. THAT is why the video camera went on, and bloody good job it did too.

She actually did call the police, they came round and when i told them what she had said they told her to pay her way in Australia and not to bother them over stuff ike this ever again. I know they said that, because they TOLD ME that was what they were going to say to her, Quite by chance i spoke to oe of the officers only last week, when he realised who i was he asked how it ended up, i told him.. he wished me luck and said as far as they were concerned i had done nothing at all wrong that night

being on video threatening to kill a 12 year old girl s not a good look is it, thats right a TWELVE year old girl ;-)

I bet she didnt tell the commie homeless workers that one did she?

oh, and im not a bogan, im from England so guess again matey
Last edited by BenZona on October 9, 2011, 3:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by Bandung_Dero » October 9, 2011, 3:39 pm

BenZona wrote: I honestly could not give a toss what anyone on here thinks, apart from those that actually know me.
So why the why the f#@k didn't you just send em an email rather than go public, looking for sympathy?? This is just sliding backwards!!! As has been stated TWO sides to every story NOW I TOO would like to hear hers!
Sent from my 1977 Apple II using 2 Heinz bake bean cans and piano wire!

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by BenZona » October 9, 2011, 3:49 pm

Bandung_Dero wrote:
BenZona wrote: I honestly could not give a toss what anyone on here thinks, apart from those that actually know me.
So why the why the f#@k didn't you just send em an email rather than go public, looking for sympathy?? This is just sliding backwards!!! As has been stated TWO sides to every story NOW I TOO would like to hear hers!
BenZona wrote: 6000 hits now and if it stops one person making the mistake i did with a non bar girl, then im happy.
BenZona wrote: then i vent and i feel better
Feel free to come meet her tomorrow if you are in Brissie, she probably needs a few $$$$ and you can hear her side....Its an open court .... who knows, she might even fancy you and then you both can be very happy together

Im not looking for Sympathy at ALL!!!!!!! not even a little, and ESPECIALLY from people online who i dont know

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by old-timer » October 9, 2011, 7:13 pm

BenZona wrote: who knows, she might even fancy you and then you both can be very happy together
Is she a WFB? OT's not worried about character.

OT.......... \:D/

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by Frankie 1 » October 9, 2011, 9:01 pm

BenZona wrote:I was working, cooking, cleaning, driving her everywhere, giving her money, if fact i did EVERYTHING INCLUDING look after the baby when she slept for 14 hours a bloody day
"You really can't tell" ... or could you?

Well, maybe then that's one reason why you didn't see it coming. Initially, you did everything for her and then suddenly you refused to do everything for her? You spoiled her and then you stopped spoiling her, is that her fault? Of course she then reacts like a spoiled child, your creation, so you also had a part in that. I wonder if you ever took her serious as your partner (or took yourself serious as her partner), if you didn't, then in my opinion she has a reason to leave you.
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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by Frankie 1 » October 9, 2011, 9:04 pm

BenZona wrote:6000 hits now
Never seen a person on a forum who was so interested in ratings.

Sounds a bit like a commercial TV station. Seems like you need a lot of attention...

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by rct » October 10, 2011, 3:32 am

Reading this one really is like getting hooked on a soap opera, seeing the plot thicken, and waiting for the final episode. Reality is better than fiction. No offense BZ.

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You really cant tell can you? (Wife leaves me)

Post by maaka » October 10, 2011, 3:51 am

I dont think it matters to much what went down in the past, threats or no threats, the courts first interest is the future welfare of the child /baby..I baby born in Thailand but has duel cizitenship..I cannot see the court separating the mother from child, unless the mother was incapable of caring for the child..There is alot in this case re International Family law that will be difficult to sort out..what if the mother wants to return to Thailand. I believe they do have special Orders in some countries in this regard, and Australia does led to way I believe in International Family disputes..I cannot see that just because someone abused another in the heat of the moment, that their rights to the child will be taken away.The mother has proved over the last 7 weeks that she can stand on her own two feet..I dont believe matters are so cut and will require a find balance by the Court or decisionmaker, to reach a workable outcome in my opinion..


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