Non Wau Sor News

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Non Wau Sor News.Lights out .

Post by trubrit » December 6, 2011, 6:32 pm

Just a heads up. An electricity company van came round today announcing that the electricity will be off from 8am till 5pm all day on Thursday 8th. Not sure how widespread but certainly in Nong Wai, so the Amphur, land office and other government depts, covering Non Wau Sor . will be out of action . No computers .

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Non Wau Sor News

Post by grozza » December 7, 2011, 8:09 am

are they going to have tables to put there goods on,also what is the parking situation like that was the only problem i had with the old market,and is the old market still going to be open or is it closing down.

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Non Wau Sor News.Lights out .

Post by JimboPSM » December 7, 2011, 8:52 am

trubrit wrote:..... An electricity company van came round today announcing that the electricity will be off from 8am till 5pm....
This made me pause to think about the possible impact of extended power cuts on "modern" retail operations such as 711.
  • 1. As they appear to rely totally on electric scanning devices and computer controlled tills, are they still capable of operating when the power goes off?

    2. If they are wholly reliant on electricity, do they have full generator and/or battery backup?

    3. If there is no backup power source are their freezers and refrigerators sufficiently well insulated to prevent a dangerous rise in temperature which could result in food spoiling?
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Non Wau Sor News

Post by BobHelm » December 7, 2011, 9:03 am

I think 7/11 is a franchise Jimbo.
As such I think many things, like disaster recovery, are left to the franchise owner, so doubtful if any emergency planning is in order. :shock:
Indeed I can remember encountering a 7/11 just outside Udon during a power break....because the entrance doors are sensor electronically operated the issue of payment did not arise as it was impossible to get into the shop (or out, if you were in it :( ) until the electricity was restored..
No sign of any 'backup' system...not even an employee with a crow bar to let the trapped escape---
Luck it was only for 15 minutes or so... :D

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Non Wau Sor News

Post by trubrit » December 7, 2011, 10:11 am

grozza wrote:are they going to have tables to put there goods on,also what is the parking situation like that was the only problem i had with the old market,and is the old market still going to be open or is it closing down.
The new hall is additional to the existing market . It is open plan design with the vendors having floor space marked out for displaying their products. However down the rear is an area for small stalls, such as those selling iced coffee and my favourite, those butterfly looking things , Chinese fried cruller. A couple of these have taken the floor space in front of them and put small tables and chairs so you can sit and enjoy whilst the missus does the shopping . :lol:
As for parking. It's not brilliant but an additional space in front , off road, has been created for about 30 cars.
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Non Wau Sor News

Post by phen » December 9, 2011, 11:14 am

Big accident this morning near nong Wua so. ( 1 km for the stoplights)
On high speed a car from Udon crashed into a car from the other side.
3 people dead, the 2 drivers and a child.

Every year a lot off people die on this road, because off high speed or drunk driving

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Non Wau Sor News

Post by stoneman » December 9, 2011, 12:01 pm


What info do you have on the horrible accident on the highway to Udon this morning...We passed it about 7:30 and I must say it has to be one of the worst accidents that I have seen...The rumor running around the village is that the car was a police car driven by a "drunk" policeman and that the pickup was driven by a lady taking her daughter to school in Udon...All three died at the scene...Can you get any confirmation on this story?

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Non Wau Sor News

Post by trubrit » December 9, 2011, 2:21 pm

stoneman wrote:Trubrit...

What info do you have on the horrible accident on the highway to Udon this morning...We passed it about 7:30 and I must say it has to be one of the worst accidents that I have seen...The rumor running around the village is that the car was a police car driven by a "drunk" policeman and that the pickup was driven by a lady taking her daughter to school in Udon...All three died at the scene...Can you get any confirmation on this story?
I must be honest I haven't been out today so this is the first I have heard of it , but I have just been in to see the police and seen their report and also photograph the wreckage out side.Apparently the pick up , an Isuzu with a woman driver accompanied by her teenage daughter who she was taking to school in Udon was travelling on her own side of the road when a Toyota Vios driven by a policeman from Bangkok heading towards Non Wau Sor to visit a girl friend, crossed over to the opposite side and smashed head on. All occupants of both vehicles were killed instantly and the impact started a fire to both .It is not known whether the policeman was intoxicated but it is presumed he fell asleep at the wheel as he had been driving all night from Bangkok. For NWS locals who might know her. Her husband runs the electric motor repair shop adjacent to the hospital .Condolences go out to all who knew any of the deceased .
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As can be seen , even without the fire there was no chance of surviving the impact
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Non Wau Sor News

Post by Aardvark » December 9, 2011, 2:46 pm

Absolutely dreadful news, may those innocents RIP.

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Non Wau Sor News

Post by parrot » December 11, 2011, 9:19 pm

You'd think that nearly 3 days after the fiery crash, there'd be something, anything, in the local news......but I came up with blanks. And that makes me wonder: is such an accident so commonplace that it's not picked up by the press or on-line media, or is it possible the guilty party was connected?

And lastly, nothing to do with the unfortunate accident, but my weary eyes want to know why you spell fire f-i-r-e, but firey f-i-e-r-y?

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Non Wau Sor News

Post by trubrit » December 12, 2011, 6:38 am

parrot wrote:You'd think that nearly 3 days after the fiery crash, there'd be something, anything, in the local news......but I came up with blanks. And that makes me wonder: is such an accident so commonplace that it's not picked up by the press or on-line media, or is it possible the guilty party was connected?

And lastly, nothing to do with the unfortunate accident, but my weary eyes want to know why you spell fire f-i-r-e, but firey f-i-e-r-y?
First of all let me refute the idea of connections. The Driver of the Vios was a young 25 year old who had only recently joined the police , serving with the the river patrol division in Bangkok. He originated from Yasothon and was on his way to spend the holiday weekend with his girl friend who works as a nurse at the hospital in Non Wau Sor.He was totally unknown to any of the local BIB .As to the local press not picking it up. Firstly it was early morning. All the occupants were dead at the scene so were quickly removed, as were the vehicles which were likely to cause further accident in that location, especially with the fire .It's quite possible they were not notified in time to get a camera man here to make the lurid story that sells news .
As for your spelling question .The words are not related, only by context not grammar. Fire refers to the state of combustion, whereas , Fiery describes the heat associated with fire . :|
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Non Wau Sor News

Post by Shado » December 12, 2011, 7:45 am

From ( ... fiery.html)

The Old English word “fyr” (fire) was transcribed into Middle English as “fier.” (The Old English letter y, representing a long “i” sound, was written as “ie” in the Middle English version of the word.)

The Modern English spelling “fire” didn’t become firmly established until about 1600, but a trace of the old spelling survived in the adjective “fiery.”

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Dangerous school bus driver

Post by trubrit » December 20, 2011, 4:49 pm

I have received the following message from a previous member , Lamphonon (LA)that I think may be of interest to anyone using a school mini bus .
If living toward NBLP, such as Nong Wua So, and using school van with NBLP
tag # นข 298, you may want to consider another means of transport for loved
ones to school. IMO, the driver is unsafe, as he drives above the speed
limit, passes illegally, and unsafely, on blind curve and when not enough
room, making oncoming traffic use their shoulder. I’m a safe aggressive
driver, but he takes way to many risks, especially since supposed to be a
‘professional’ driver. An accident waiting to happen.

If you have a daughter going to St. Mary’s, contact me, and maybe we can
alternate days or week, on the school run. If coming from NWS, I can pick
up / drop off at the 2313 /210 intersection daily, cutting driving time and
expense. saving you half the trip, and me most of the trip,and cost.

If your unsure how to contact him you can PM me and I will give his email address .
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Childrens day in Non Wau Sor

Post by trubrit » January 7, 2012, 3:15 pm

Yes another year gone by. Its children's day this coming Saturday 14th. Here In Nong Wai at the police station the BIB will be putting on a bit of a show for the kids with competitions ranging from a talent show for the young ones and 5 a side knockout football for the teenagers . Plus of course lots of food and coke donated by the families around .
In Udon proper the usual govt organisations will be opening their doors and laying on some entertainment. Amongst them.
The army and air force bases at Wing23, with a static display of military hardware, plus several fly pasts during the afternoon and the army will be airborne with their gyrocopter team .As if that's not enough the police dog training school out on the Sakhon Nakhon road past Big C will be putting the dogs through their paces.Some thing for all the family to enjoy which ever you choose to go to . I also understand that the Complex cinema is doing something for the youngsters as well, but as this is a private enterprise I cannot be sure what . \:D/
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Non Wau Sor News.Mango Fair

Post by trubrit » January 30, 2012, 7:45 pm

The date for the annual mango fair that takes place in the grounds of amphoe Nong Wai every year will be the first weekend in March this year . !st -3rd. More details nearer the time .
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Non Wau Sor News

Post by Kevro » January 31, 2012, 7:30 pm


I am hearing that there was an accident today at the Nong Wua Sor traffic lights on the Udon to Nong Bua Lumphu road. Surprisingly a sugar cane truck was involved and possibly a tuk tuk. Apparently the truck was a mess and unconfirmed report that the tuk tuk driver was killed.

Can anyone confirm this or has the grape vine got it wrong again.


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Non Wau Sor News

Post by trubrit » February 1, 2012, 5:07 pm

Kevro wrote:Hi,

I am hearing that there was an accident today at the Nong Wua Sor traffic lights on the Udon to Nong Bua Lumphu road. Surprisingly a sugar cane truck was involved and possibly a tuk tuk. Apparently the truck was a mess and unconfirmed report that the tuk tuk driver was killed.

Can anyone confirm this or has the grape vine got it wrong again.

No, sorry to say your info is correct. No details to add to your post the Tuk tuk driver was indeed crushed to death .
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Non Wau Sor News

Post by phen » February 1, 2012, 6:38 pm

Sorry to correct you Trubit.
But the tuktuk driver has a broken leg and the truck driver dies in the accident.
When you look at the picture I believe in that story.

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Non Wau Sor News

Post by trubrit » February 1, 2012, 7:42 pm

phen wrote:Sorry to correct you Trubit.
But the tuktuk driver has a broken leg and the truck driver dies in the accident.
When you look at the picture I believe in that story.
Do you have a link please because the police report indicates that the truck driver unhitched the trailer , that's it in the picture, which was impounded and he went on his merry way in the siplor which was undamaged.So obviously a conflict in stories here .
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Non Wau Sor News

Post by trubrit » February 1, 2012, 8:30 pm

Ok Sorted. What I didn't realise from the report was that there were two siplors and trailers involved, both empty .One speeding to get over the red lights came up the back of a slower moving one in front, opposite the hospital.It swerved to the left to avoid it, hitting the tuktuk and overturning in the ditch.The tuk tuk driver is in hospital with a broken shoulder but the driver of the speeding siplor died in hospitaL this morning .The first truck had superficial damage to its trailer and was able to continue on its journey .Sorry for wrong info, next time I won't speed read. :-"
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