An Expat community?

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An Expat community?

Post by Banjo » February 21, 2012, 10:11 pm

Community is often a word that can be employed to define a vast array of groups in society. Expat, the abbreviated form of Expatriate, is more clearly defined.

The statements provided by both Trubrit and Merchant Seaman are unfortunately both errant. Merchant Seaman has regrettably neglected to be specific of place. However, Trubrit is being inordinately specific and unwittingly verbose with an abstruse interpretation of the term 'Expat Community'. I am unsure of the dictionary reference he quotes as no citation is provided.
Merchant Seaman would have certainly been wise to include a place name as a specific locality in the term. Hence, 'Expat Community of North East Thailand', 'Expat Community of the Isan (Isaan, Isarn, Issan or Esarn are also acceptable names) Region or 'Expat Community of the Province of Udon Thani' are all relevant terms to give a more defined narrative.


noun (plural Communities)
1a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common:
Montreal’s Italian community
the gay community in London
the scientific community
a group of people living together and practising common ownership:
a community of nuns
a particular area or place considered together with its inhabitants:
a rural community
local communities
a body of nations or states unified by common interests:
[in names]:
the European Community
(the community) the people of a district or country considered collectively, especially in the context of social values and responsibilities; society:
preparing prisoners for life back in the community
[as modifier] denoting a worker or resource designed to serve the people of a particular area:
community health services ... =community
trubrit wrote: 1.
a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.

Well there is no specific locality in which we all reside, as for sharing government . I don't think so .Common cultural or historical history . Definitely not, we have mostly been at war with each other in the last century .

a locality inhabited by such a group.
Suppose you could call D&N or Nutty Park such a locality but as a group only a very small percentage of us go there '
a social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists (usually preceded by the ): the business community; the community of scholars.
Certainly no common characteristics there apart from our own perception of distinction , which divides some from the larger society in which we exist .
So I come to the conclusion there is no such thing as an expat community. A reasoning that is reinforced when reading another forum where even just a handful cannot exist in harmony. So the community must be the surrounding one we live in on a daily basis, consisting mainly of Thai people of course . So to say I don't care what "they" do is to divorce yourself from the only community available to you .Now that doesn't mean you have to get involved in it to the extent I do, but there is no way you can opt out entirely. It is where you have, presumably ,of your own free will, chosen to live. Amongst the people you have chosen to call your neighbours and sometimes are your family and friends . That is your community, make the best of it.
An appropriate result for this brouhaha is most likely a nil all draw :roll: though I am still trying to elucidate the term 'historical history' :confused:

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An Expat community?

Post by Khun Paul » February 22, 2012, 6:47 am

We talk about Expats as being the sole preserve of Westerners living outside their own countries, when in fact anyone who lives here who is not Thai is in fact an EXPAT, visa rules and need to visit the Immigration may change due to their countries proximity to Thailand, but they are Expat under the definition.

As for being a community, well I do not think we are a community however we have shared goals and problems. As with any group of people the only thing we all share in common is that we are NOT Thai, but in every other aspect many of us are different from one another as chalk and cheese. In languages and in cultural outlook, the fact that we seem to in the main get along with each other shows our adaptability and acceptance and the need to compromise on many aspects of daily living.

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An Expat community?

Post by trubrit » February 24, 2012, 10:31 am

It would seem the majority are like myself, doubtful if there is a community of expats. Whilst there is undoubtedly a contingent of them in Udon, there doesn't seem to be a community spirit amongst them regardless which dictionary you use to define that .Some mention the various organisations catering for expats such as VFW, golf , other sports and the attempt to form an Expats club even, as being communities, but over the years I have seen on this forum how each and everyone has members that display anything but a community spirit. As for the net being a community of like minded individuals? Well I admit to being surprised at the antagonistic attitude adopted by many to even the mildest posting at times, that's without even meeting the individual in a lot of cases.So definitely not a cyberspace community .Perhaps with all of us coming from so many different countries and with vastly different backgrounds it is unreasonable to expect a coming together in any form. After all would we associate together back home? I don't think so. So why here .Don't confuse the issue with having friends. It is possible that you will meet a couple of like minded individuals that you are comfortable sharing a drink with on occasions, but a community of them? I don't think so . :-"
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An Expat community?

Post by AroyFarang » February 24, 2012, 11:37 am

The above statement is pretty rich coming from the guy who starts most of the disagreements on here ;)
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An Expat community?

Post by trubrit » February 24, 2012, 11:48 am

AroyFarang wrote:The above statement is pretty rich coming from the guy who starts most of the disagreements on here ;)
They actually start off as sensible debates but with postings like that they rapidly deteriorate . :-"
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An Expat community?

Post by harmonyudon » February 24, 2012, 11:59 am

Types of community
1.Geographic communities: range from the local neighbourhood, suburb, village, town or city, region, nation or even the planet as a whole. These refer to communities of location.
2.Communities of culture: range from the local clique, sub-culture, ethnic group, religious, multicultural or pluralistic civilisation, or the global community cultures of today. They may be included as communities of need or identity, such as disabled persons, or frail aged people.
3.Community organizations: range from informal family or kinship networks, to more formal incorporated associations, political decision making structures, economic enterprises, or professional associations at a small, national or international scale.
Communities are nested; one community can contain another—for example a geographic community may contain a number of ethnic communities.
In a seminal 1986 study, McMillan and Chavis identify four elements of "sense of community":
1) membership,
2) influence,
3) integration and fulfillment of needs, and
4) shared emotional connection
Organizational communication:
Effective communication practices in group and organizational settings are very important to the formation and maintenance of communities. The ways that ideas and values are communicated within communities are important to the induction of new members, the formulation of agendas, the selection of leaders and many other aspects. Organizational communication is the study of how people communicate within an organizational context and the influences and interactions within organizational structures. Group members depend on the flow of communication to establish their own identity within these structures and learn to function in the group setting. Although organizational communication, as a field of study, is usually geared toward companies and business groups, these may also be seen as communities. The principles of organizational communication can also be applied to other types of communities.
Since the advent of the Internet, the concept of community has less geographical limitation,
as people can now gather virtually in an online community and share common interests regardless of
physical location
Its then so fascinating that for example this forum have members with different backgrounds and thus different
opinions where for example the OP not agree that UM is a online community in and/or for Udon and
members are still participating in sharing info/experiences to others expats.. :D :lol: :D

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An Expat community?

Post by fatbob » February 24, 2012, 12:22 pm

trubrit wrote:After all would we associate together back home? I don't think so. So why here .Don't confuse the issue with having friends. It is possible that you will meet a couple of like minded individuals that you are comfortable sharing a drink with on occasions, but a community of them? I don't think so .
I agree totally with Trubrits statement 100% and have always felt that way. I am satisfied with my choice to live out of town to avoid being caught up in the expat boozing brain deadening life style of complaining about everything in there chosen country of residence.

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An Expat community?

Post by harmonyudon » February 24, 2012, 12:57 pm

coxo wrote: avoid being caught up in the expat boozing brain deadening life style of complaining about everything in there chosen country of residence.
Those expats have their own community :lol: :lol: :lol: :-" :-" :-"

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An Expat community?

Post by trubrit » February 24, 2012, 1:58 pm

My final thoughts on the topic. I didn't come nearly 10,000kms from the life in the UK to re-create it here. :roll:
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An Expat community?

Post by kjellsnell » February 24, 2012, 2:10 pm

trubrit wrote:My final thoughts on the topic. I didn't come nearly 10,000kms from the life in the UK to re-create it here. :roll:
he he ... I can only agree. Tomorrow, however, I'm going back to Sweden. That means I have to go over from life in my little village here in a small village in Sweden. From a community I love the one that I have left ...... have to operate my bad neck but as soon as possible. Back to Baan Nong Makk where I have my heart! [-o<
These days life seems pretty good and I eagerly look forward to the continuation!

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An Expat community?

Post by merchant seaman » February 24, 2012, 2:29 pm

trubrit wrote:My final thoughts on the topic. I didn't come nearly 10,000kms from the life in the UK to re-create it here. :roll:
So we call ourself trubrit

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An Expat community?

Post by trubrit » February 24, 2012, 5:06 pm

merchant seaman wrote: So we call ourself trubrit
So its you those over the tracks are talking about. I thought it was me . :-"
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