Update on shipping from the US

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by Ricohoc » March 21, 2012, 10:04 am

It only takes a short time to realize that nothing is consistent here -- for yourself or from expat to expat. The conditions and "rules" change by the minute and the hour and the person.

Where shipping is concerned, UPS and FedEx is not the way to go to have anything shipped to you here in Thailand -- unless you're independently wealthy and willing to pay Customs twice what the items are worth. They routinely hold your packages in BKK and want their money.

In the past 18 months, I've had items shipped International Express through the USPS, had an address label in Thai addressed to my wife, and the packages came directly to the house in 5 or 6 days. This was the case for anything and everything that could be shipped legally.

That changed this month. I am now in Day 12 waiting for two International Express shipped packages from the US. They have been tracked to Customs in BKK and have been sitting there for 10 days -- no explanation. My days of spending big money to have things shipped here in quick fashion are over. If I have to wait this long for things that I need to meet a deadline, I just as soon have them sent through regular first class mail and wait.

Of course, you, or even I, may have a different experience tomorrow. :D

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by rickfarang » March 21, 2012, 10:46 am

Had a similar experience in the last several weeks. A package from Europe made it to Bangkok within 10 days, but sat in customs for over two weeks as far as I could tell. I assumed it was because they were dietary supplements and they were having a hard time classifying it (total tariff was 7 baht).

I'm expecting UPS and Fedex deliveries in the next few days, and after reading your post, I wonder whether they will actually get here on time.

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by Manadon » March 21, 2012, 11:05 am

Some advise: We have done it every way possible, and this is our conclusion:
When shipping Insured, expedited, actually "anything", tape a invoice to the outside of the package (folded of course so eyes don't want what you have). They can then look at it and determine your tax and ship it on to its destination where you will pay at the counter. If you ship second hand items, put the low resale price . If you don't, you will be taxed from full retain value. We ordered some "expensive" second hand items from Ebay and BKK decided to hold the package for ranson. Fortunately, we had the invoice printed from the website and just faxed it too BKK Customs. Tax was nidnoi.
Another "same" package went to Nong Kai Customs, again we took our invoice and walked out "cheap".
Example: send your own cloths from home, you may pay full retail to get them. Include a invoice to the outside of the box showing "2nd hand clothing items, no value, or for donation"
Yes, its more work, but we have never had any more problems. Good luck

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by randerson79 » March 21, 2012, 11:49 am

About a month ago I had a package shipped from USA with USPS express shipping. I tracked it to customs and I thought it was there for 10 days. I made a trip to the post office to question them about it. I showed them the tracking number. The young man went to check on it. A few minutes later he appeared with my package. The package had a duty fee of 1800 baht. It had been there 9 days! I asked why it wasn't delivered. His reply was I owed the duty on it and they couldn't deliver till the duty was payed. :-k

The tracking never did show it arrive in Udon or delivered. Might be worth a trip to the post office.

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by Ricohoc » March 21, 2012, 2:16 pm

randerson79 wrote:About a month ago I had a package shipped from USA with USPS express shipping. I tracked it to customs and I thought it was there for 10 days. I made a trip to the post office to question them about it. I showed them the tracking number. The young man went to check on it. A few minutes later he appeared with my package. The package had a duty fee of 1800 baht. It had been there 9 days! I asked why it wasn't delivered. His reply was I owed the duty on it and they couldn't deliver till the duty was payed. :-k

The tracking never did show it arrive in Udon or delivered. Might be worth a trip to the post office.
Thanks, randerson. I will sent the bride today. It is addressed to her.

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by RLTrader » March 21, 2012, 6:39 pm

Never had a problem, always use cheapest USPS mailed to me in english, seems to take about 7 days delivered to my door. In fact just got my faucet aerators and a couple of letters monday noon time, by the web site was sent out friday afternoon the 9th - value of faucet aerators $9.32 - letters $0 - no duty.

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by Ricohoc » March 21, 2012, 7:10 pm

RLTrader wrote:Never had a problem, always use cheapest USPS mailed to me in english, seems to take about 7 days delivered to my door. In fact just got my faucet aerators and a couple of letters monday noon time, by the web site was sent out friday afternoon the 9th - value of faucet aerators $9.32 - letters $0 - no duty.
Like I said, no consistency.

Sister sent a package regular mail and addressed the same way as the International Express packages. Her package got here before both International Express packages.

One International Express package arrived today. The other is still in BKK. Both were shipped at the same time from the same destination and contain similar contents.

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by fdimike » March 21, 2012, 9:13 pm

I've ordered a a lot of things from the US and several other countries during the last 6 years. I find that the best way to get things here in the least amount of time with the least hassle is to keep the package small (under 4 lbs if possible) & use the USPS International First Class Mail for things from the US. The same applies to other countries. International First Class Mail or Royal Mail seems to get things here in about 10 days and the small packages don't usually get hung up at Customs. Additionally, many EBay sellers will absorb part or all of the shipping cost to entice a buyer into purchasing whatever it is they're selling.
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Update on shipping from the US

Post by Tracechain » March 22, 2012, 3:49 am

While not shipping from the US, I shipped 58 boxes (size 480x360x300) from Korea and got them all. Some were air, most were slow boat. Shipped everything from clothes, tools, coffee pots, DVD players, Sony PS, Xbox, movies, games, etc. Paid a total of 1500B on one of the coffee pots shipped via air. Had a so-so inventory list attached but always said it was personal and used items. Guy at the Udon Post Office told us to do that. Used wife's sister address. Minimal damage but shipped some military unit coins which I placed in some old watch cases. These three boxes had been ripped open at the one of the seams. I assume by someone seeing the cases on x-ray. Cases were not removed, guess whoever saw there was nothing in them except brass coins. Also shipped for 27 years to Korea and Japan via USPS. Would give them a B+ or A- if I were to grade them. Problem usually arose in the customs of the particular country I was shipping to. Not USPS. Have not shipped anything from States to date. Trying not to as I'm afraid my daughter will be in the box!
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Update on shipping from the US

Post by Ricohoc » March 22, 2012, 3:08 pm

Today was a new adventure. Got a notice that the second International Express package had arrived at the post office. Went to get it. The package wasn't there yet.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

My bride is just about as livid about this as I was. Now I've gotten to where I just laugh about it all because I missed my deadline for the items anyway. Doesn't matter anymore.

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by randerson79 » March 27, 2012, 8:40 pm

Had a package shipped via USPS express mail Wednesday morning California time. Received it Monday morning. \:D/ No problem except a 1050 baht duty. :confused:

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by nkstan » March 28, 2012, 12:56 am

I have had many experiences over the years,800+ customs on a single credit card,loss of several packages from the USA with an equal amount of successes.Recently I received a wedding invitation in 2 weeks while 3 credit card mailed the same day from the same PO,took 7 weeks.

Before I left on this trip to the States,I was talking to some friends about the last mailing,they mentioned that they have things mailed with postage DUE and receive them quickly!

I certainly would stay away from the express companies,as they are expensive and Customs seems to target them.They are only good for tracking to Thailand,IMO.

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by Ricohoc » March 28, 2012, 9:26 am

Ricohoc wrote:Today was a new adventure. Got a notice that the second International Express package had arrived at the post office. Went to get it. The package wasn't there yet.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

My bride is just about as livid about this as I was. Now I've gotten to where I just laugh about it all because I missed my deadline for the items anyway. Doesn't matter anymore.
Same package still hasn't arrived.

My bride has been there Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, and even though we got the notice of it being at the post office and the VAT due, still no package. The lady is not a happy camper and has become as soured on the Thai postal system as I have become.

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by fdimike » March 28, 2012, 2:38 pm


Is delivery to be made to your home or to a P.O. box? If delivery is to be made to your home you need to speak to the manager at the PO to see who handles delievery to your home. Have you taken the tracking number to the Main P.O. here in Udon yet? If not then you need to do that and make sure you ask them to check for a pkg which has customs duty due. There is a log book there with all the pkgs listed with customns duty due. Customs will include a customs form with the pkg. Another possibility is that it may be at the Customs office in Nong Khai or at the mail distribution center south of the city on the Khon Kaen highway.
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Update on shipping from the US

Post by Ricohoc » March 29, 2012, 9:07 am

fdimike wrote:Ric

Is delivery to be made to your home or to a P.O. box? If delivery is to be made to your home you need to speak to the manager at the PO to see who handles delievery to your home. Have you taken the tracking number to the Main P.O. here in Udon yet? If not then you need to do that and make sure you ask them to check for a pkg which has customs duty due. There is a log book there with all the pkgs listed with customns duty due. Customs will include a customs form with the pkg. Another possibility is that it may be at the Customs office in Nong Khai or at the mail distribution center south of the city on the Khon Kaen highway.
Been there and done all of that, fdimike, and I've done it numerous times. I've also experimented with different shippers, different ways of labeling and declaring, etc., etc., etc. Just when I think I've found a fool-proof method, the rules change.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

My wife is a government employee, so she knows the ropes. She sat for two hours in the Udon main post office yesterday raising hell and finally got the package. It had been sitting in the Udon post office for two weeks. Big box, so it isn't like it couldn't have been seen. To top it off, it had been opened and parts were missing. I will now have to wait for those to arrive -- if ever.

As my original post suggests, eventually, it doesn't matter what you do. It is inconsistent and undependable.

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by fdimike » March 29, 2012, 11:05 am


Glad you eventually found the package. I haven't had any problems with shipping stuff here from the US or elswhere but then again I don't usually order high value items either. Most everything I've ordered has been for my bicycle along with riding clothing for me. The most expensive single item was a Garmin GPS which arrived from the US without any problems. I've also orderd vitamins etc. I try to keep my orders small if possible and always send by First Class International Mail from the US and similar from elswhere. Having said that a friend of mine ordered some parts for his paramotor from Germany and went through a similar hassle you've experienced without having anything go missing.

Have you tried shipping via UPS which has an office here in Udon? I know they're expensive but may provide more secure service. Another possibility is Fedex which has/had a local agent at the bus terminal on the ring road close to Chris's Place (Harry's Bar).
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Update on shipping from the US

Post by Ricohoc » March 29, 2012, 5:33 pm

fdimike wrote:Ric

Glad you eventually found the package. I haven't had any problems with shipping stuff here from the US or elswhere but then again I don't usually order high value items either. Most everything I've ordered has been for my bicycle along with riding clothing for me. The most expensive single item was a Garmin GPS which arrived from the US without any problems. I've also orderd vitamins etc. I try to keep my orders small if possible and always send by First Class International Mail from the US and similar from elswhere. Having said that a friend of mine ordered some parts for his paramotor from Germany and went through a similar hassle you've experienced without having anything go missing.

Have you tried shipping via UPS which has an office here in Udon? I know they're expensive but may provide more secure service. Another possibility is Fedex which has/had a local agent at the bus terminal on the ring road close to Chris's Place (Harry's Bar).

I've been playing Thailand shipping game for about six years now, so I've done just about everything.

Items that I've had shipped UPS, FedEx or DHL were stopped in BKK and had duties levied on them that were unbelievable. As an example, two small boxes of used clothes were 36,000 baht. The reason? There were two pairs of old Nike and Reebok training shoes in them. That experience broke me of ever using those three shippers for anything other than documents, which I still send back and forth via UPS.

By the way, the people at UPS in Udon are very friendly, knowledgeable and helpful. I enjoy doing business with them.

From there I went the USPS route and was having tremendous success until this last event. I will no longer be paying for International Express Shipping from the USPS. It gets to BKK easily in a two or three days. From there, it's a crapshoot.

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by fdimike » March 30, 2012, 6:22 am

36,000THB??? Are you sure you don't mean 3,600THB? We shipped about 25 large boxes of household goods to Thailand when we moved here 6 years ago and it only cost us 1,500THB in customs duty. Shipment was made by ship in a container and took about 6 weeks to arrive. It sounds like someone really ripped you off. You should have asked to speak with the Customs people in Nong Khai about the high tax before paying it. BTW: you should also know that the amount of Customs duty is negotiable. In any event I would have refused to accept the package if it was only used clothing. 36,000THB (approx $1200USD) would buy a lot of NEW clothes to include Nike & Raebok training shoes here in Thailand.
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Update on shipping from the US

Post by Ricohoc » March 30, 2012, 9:57 am

fdimike wrote:36,000THB??? Are you sure you don't mean 3,600THB? We shipped about 25 large boxes of household goods to Thailand when we moved here 6 years ago and it only cost us 1,500THB in customs duty. Shipment was made by ship in a container and took about 6 weeks to arrive. It sounds like someone really ripped you off. You should have asked to speak with the Customs people in Nong Khai about the high tax before paying it. BTW: you should also know that the amount of Customs duty is negotiable. In any event I would have refused to accept the package if it was only used clothing. 36,000THB (approx $1200USD) would buy a lot of NEW clothes to include Nike & Raebok training shoes here in Thailand.
Yes, the number is correct. 12,000 baht for one box that was just clothes and 24,000 baht for the second box that had clothes and the two pairs of shoes. Those came FedEx. There was no negotiation even when a family friend who is a major with the police department interceded on my behalf.

Had the items been easy to find for me here in Thailand, I would have told them what to do with the boxes, but I had already done quite a bit of size and price shopping, and I would have had a difficult time finding the SIZES -- very difficult.

Thanks for your tips, my friend, but I've run the gamut on shipping to Thailand. The only thing I haven't done is had household goods shipped in a container, and that won't be happening.

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Update on shipping from the US

Post by Ricohoc » April 17, 2012, 10:30 am

The saga of inconsistency continues. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ordered luggage for my motorcycle from the US through Ebay. It got here in two weeks, which was more than fine. It was shipped via USPS, and the address label was in English and addressed to me at the house. It came straight to the house, no VAT at all.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I've got two other motorcycle-related items coming the same way (from the US through Ebay via USPS). It will be interesting to see if they have the same fate.

By the way, I've been in contact with FedEx in the US about the "holdup" that takes place in BKK. That should be interesting, too. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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