The presentation was mostly 3D animation in Thai. The waiting area has a a few graphs of the solar system (I think, I didn't pay much attention) a telescope on a tripod (not for public use) and an interactive display of something I didn't get a close look at.
I thought the entire thing was unimpressive, beginning with something out of context and ending with very technical or advanced information. My 10 year old thought some of it was interesting and my 6 yr old lost interest after the first 5 minutes and spent the rest of her time flopping around in her chair, like most other kids her age in attendance. My wife, well she got a good 30 minute nap.
The planetarium is located behind the new library on Udon Dutsadi Rd. Free admission and opened to the public Tues-Sun and viewing times are: 1000, 1100, 1400 and 1600.