Rat problem!

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Rat problem!

Post by BIGAL » May 27, 2012, 11:43 pm

I got 4 so far which has reduced the problem significantly as the others have either moved off or have grown accustomed to the traps! The traps work well!2

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Rat problem!

Post by maaka » May 28, 2012, 4:23 am

Great start BigAl, but keep it up, and shift the traps if you get nothing for two weeks...

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Rat problem!

Post by bumper » May 30, 2012, 6:47 pm


Heres one way of handling it the people by our farm got this bugger this morning sinnged it's hait off gutted it, cut off the head stuck in the refer for lunch.

I think I will pass on lunch there :-&

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Rat problem!

Post by fatbob » May 30, 2012, 8:24 pm

Field rat not sewer rat, bloody tasty, bit of bbq sauce, beautiful.

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Rat problem!

Post by bumper » May 31, 2012, 9:14 am

Ya that is field Rat doubt is they would eat sewer Rats.

Good thread we have few around our house, I see a some answers here. Good to ge ahead of this befoer they eat the wiring in you car.

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Rat problem!

Post by kopkei » June 1, 2012, 10:12 am

well during the raining season i put traps everywhere in the garage and i am catching mouse ( rat ) almost every 2 day...
if it are really bigger rats , consult your thai family ....they will enjoy catching them and eating them...
btw i use cheese as bait... ;)

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Rat problem!

Post by chigger » June 2, 2012, 4:25 am

For those of you who havn't read it yet, "individual Rat" by James Clavell is a very good read...

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Rat problem!

Post by SJP17 » June 2, 2012, 10:58 pm

My dad said that when he was at sea they had a serios rat problem onboard a cargo ship so when in port some of the crew caught a couple of lives ones and burned them alive , very cruel but he reckoned the squeals scared all the other ones away.

We have them at my work quite a bit as were burning domestic rubbish , they did get a grip about six months ago and were everywhere , we just sealed up all the entry points that they used to come in and out , put down loads of the blue chemical bait and also had live traps baited with chocolate cookies which caught loads , one of the guys took it in a Jack Russel and he nailed seven in one night !

I notice that a lot of the thai houses just have those rubber waste bins at the gate which are quite often open so any old food is bound to attract them. So i think if you cut off thier food supply and seal up all the potential hiding holes they will go away.

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Rat problem!

Post by BIGAL » June 7, 2012, 11:12 am

Well got another 1 so now 5 in total but they are still coming and getting clever on the traps with corn so maybe I must now move the traps and try a new bait like cheese?

Also now going to look at trying to seal the entrance points with gauze! The problem is that they eat everything not just food, they eat the grass mats and cushions and try to make nests in the gas stove.

We are not there every day and we never sleep there so going to be a job to clear them out! Burning live rats will definitely not be accepted by my Thai wife as it is completely against their culture and beliefs!


Rat problem!

Post by KB_Texas » June 7, 2012, 11:25 am

BIGAL...try using leftover pork. It stays on the trigger a lot better, and if you put one piece on the trigger and one small piece behind it (at the far end from the entrance), it will almost always catch the mouse/rat as they will want to eat the piece on the trigger. Cheese (and perhaps corn?) can come off the trigger very easily, so if they are careful not to hit the wire, they will eat the bait and scamper away merrily. ;)

Oh, and if your bait is disappearing, it may be mice, and they are small enough that they can move around in the trap without hitting the trigger. Plain old bread will catch those guys if you hang a strip on the trigger.

Bread and pork are all I've ever used for bait, and I have relocated about 30 rats and 2 mice from the house.


Prof Deetz Stunkard
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Rat problem!

Post by Prof Deetz Stunkard » June 22, 2012, 5:47 pm

i have had a rat a night for the last 5 nights using a japanese trap purchased here in khon kaen covered in a stick glue. Put a couple of cashew nuts around it and one in the middle. they are fantastic. 40 bht for 2

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Rat problem!

Post by parrot » January 25, 2014, 11:12 pm

We invested in a bag of organic rat control. 4 for 240 baht. They were on offer at the 'jungle market' in Ban Hui Deuah บ้านห้วยเดื่อ, 36km outside of Udon. We released them in our yard a few weeks ago and hear sounds from at least some of them .....hopefully as they scoop up little rodents around our yard.

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Rat problem!

Post by maaka » January 26, 2014, 2:45 am

I want one of those....lovely

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Rat problem!

Post by glalt » January 26, 2014, 9:22 am

I kind of like cats but my wife hates them. I found a little kitten along side of the road. No doubt someone dumped him. I took him home and over my wife's objections, nursed him back to health. One day I came home and saw her running around inside the house with a big stick and moving furniture. She was trying to kill a rat that somehow got in the house. I told her to bring the cat in the house. That little cat caught the rat within a couple of hours. We also had a feral cat that came around once in a while. She stores rice in the garage and rats had chewed holes in the bags. I bought a bag of cat food and left a bowl full of it in the garage. That feral cat will not allow anyone close to him but he is happy to have food available all the time. He stays around and there are no more holes chewed in her rice storage bags. She has decided that a wild cat is better to have around than rats. I went so far as to cut a hole in the house siding to give the cat access to the attic. Several times she has heard big scuffling and squeals from the attic.

The little rescued cat disappeared. I suspect he was killed by a dog and carried off. The wily feral cat stays around here most of the time. No more rat problems here. The wife actually goes so far as to buy cat food.

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