by laphanphon » September 16, 2005, 11:25 am
there's a lot a truth there, working for 4 different airlines, i've seen a bit, and leaving the runway is by no means a major disaster, especially when no one is injured, it happens way too often. most times in minor mishaps, more people get injured evacuating than what really caused the evac.
as you say, they are the flavor of the month for the press. it's good they get checked out, but don't ground the fleet because one plane has a bad history, and not necessarily the aircraft itself. there are so many other airlines flying that are much worst. i believe there is only one major airlines that has not had a major crash, but your major, top 25 world airlines, most popular have the largest death tolls, granted, the most air time, but sh*t is going to happen. i've been blown off runways just befor touchdown, and been in some spooky landings, which would of petrified people never to fly again, but i rather enjoyed the experience and never feared for my life. actually said that was way too cool, can we do that again, and man, if looks could kill, quite a few people refrained themselves as i laughed. it's what makes life great, got to have a little faith. because in those situations, there ain't a damn thing you can do, well, there was a vote one time, the captain actually lost. had to be there, it was an all employee flight. next meeting, if you want me to bore you.