Thailand during the Vietnam War

This forum is for personal video clips or favourite clips from youtube etc. (Only videos relating to Udon Thani and Thailand please)
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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by FrazeeDK » August 12, 2012, 6:15 pm

interesting perspective from over 45 years ago..


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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by trubrit » August 13, 2012, 4:29 pm

From about the same period this BBC video with narration by Sir John Gielgud attempts to explain the role of the Thai Royal family, its relationship with the army and the people. Rather long but very enlightening .

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by redwolf » August 14, 2012, 2:23 am

fascinating stuff really, thanks for posting. could watch this kind of thing all day. -goes well with all the maps on my walls...

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by rreddin » August 14, 2012, 10:36 am

An American expat, who served with the USAF in Udon Thani during the Vietnam War, is writing a book about the city's history during that conflict. I have seen part of the manuscript and some of the photographs, but Idon't know if his book has been published. Local VFW members may know if it has or when it is due out.

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by udonthani » August 14, 2012, 7:52 pm

Thailand and special Udon played a very important role during the war, I can strongly recomend you to read: Laos, the forgotten war.
This book describes (almost) in fully the role of UdornUdon would still have been a small provincial and dusty town if it not was for the War in Laos

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by thrilled » August 17, 2012, 11:35 pm

I was at udonthani during the vietnam war.It was one big party.I mean we worked hard.Some of us were on 16 hour shifts.
But then we would get 32 hours off.So 16 hours were rough.But the 32 hours off were fantastic.

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by farlong68 » August 18, 2012, 1:53 am

bob hopes peace talks at the chaeron hotel...the failed pow rescue in north viet nam bombing of laos and camb. support of radar and listening sites in laos... much much more still classified...udorn was a very big deal in the war...thanks to all that served john

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by redwolf » August 18, 2012, 5:00 am

thrilled wrote:I was at udonthani during the vietnam war.It was one big party.I mean we worked hard.Some of us were on 16 hour shifts.
But then we would get 32 hours off.So 16 hours were rough.But the 32 hours off were fantastic.
On breaks, did you guys have to stay within Udon or could you get up to Nong Khai etc?

I was just a kid then, born in 1970, later served in USARNG.

But have always wondered what planes were flying in & out? F-4 phantoms, c-130's, B-52s? (guess those would be too big for this dinky airport)?

I see a military jet on patrol each day, it appears to come out from near the airport, and fly along the river border, does anyone know what type of plane the Thais fly for this?

How many were soldiers were stationed here at the height of the war?

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by legendarysurfer » August 18, 2012, 8:51 am

Hard to believe that the Isaan was once contested territory between communist insurgents and the Thai government, but it was the situation 35-45 years ago. Thanks for posting this.
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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by RLTrader » August 18, 2012, 9:14 am

Use to sit in a NKP bar along river and watch net fishing and listen to the bombing on other side of river in Laos. NKP had a curfew, maybe it was midnight, while Udon did not. In Udon lived off base, while in NKP could not.

Old now and hard to remember, but Udon had F104, RF F4 recon's, B29. While NKP is a blur and all I can remember are A1E's, or maybe the B29 were there instead of Udon. As each day that passes I remember less.

Think the video is more about NKP area, and not Udon, but thats me.

A wild guess is that the Thai's have F16's, like cars they all look the same to me, these days.

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by FrazeeDK » August 18, 2012, 9:31 am

Udon Thani had perhaps 6000-8000 GI's at the height of the Vietnam conflict. That was 5000-6000 AF at the air base and 1500+ at Ramasun and the PepperGrinder ammo dump south of Udon. The Marines had an Air Wing at Nam Phong 30km north of Khon Khaen (perhaps 3000+??). The base was known as the "Rose Garden".. The Marines did all their "socializing" in Udon as the mayor of Khon Khaen wouldn't allow them in there (nor could they use the Army EM/NCO club at Ramasun).

Aircraft; to my recollection Udon had F-105s first then transitioned to F-4's. There were RF-4 recon also. Outside of the USAF Udon had Air America flying C-130's/C-123's/C-47's, T-28's, Heliocouriers and choppers. The Royal Lao government also flew T-28's out of Udon.

NKP was Special Operations wings flying A1E's, CH-53's, HH-43's, and a slew of other specialized aircraft supporting Igloo White intel operations against the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

Sakon Nakon had an airfield but I'm not sure what flew out of there if anything.

Ubon had a large Air Base but I don't know what they flew out of there. I do know that folks in Ubon got combat pay for a while after the commies fired up the base with some B-40 rockets and mortars.

Khorat at the end was flying A-7's.

Takhli flew F-111's among others.

Utapao was the B-52 base and is still the largest AB in Thailand.

Nowadays, the Thai AF of Wing 23 fly old German Alpha Jets out of Udon. I'm not sure how many are still operational.
The Thai's also fly the Swedish Gripen (they've bought 12)., F-16's, F-5E's (being phased out) C-130's, and a number of smaller aircraft. All of the old USAF Vietnam area locations are still active with Thai AF elements. All the bases with the exception perhaps of Khorat (the Thai's primary F-16 base) also are commercial airports.

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by RLTrader » August 18, 2012, 10:16 am

Most here in Udon worked 12 hour shifts with 1.5 day off a week. 12 noon to 12 midnight, the shift switch acounts for the 1/2 day off.

Others who flew out of Air America worked 15 days on and 15 days off. I guess no longer a secret that they flew into ☗☗☗☗, some would stay over, most would not. Some bases there disappeared over night.

Only F4's and F105's, I saw in Udon were both shot up badly and made it to Udon. 67' - 68' thinking both were from Ubon. The F4 had a gat gun and the front painted like the maybe P51's shark teeth, the RF F4's had no gun and only carried chaff and a couple of EBC ? pods.

Think the F104's left in 68' - Think I read somewhere that Udon got F4 maybe in 70'

Udon also had some small recon prop jobs and some other prop job that carried a 'Fat Albert' it had a long shaft out the nose, when dropped stuck into the ground and enflamed a very large area. It could not land with this still loaded, for it almost scraped the ground on take off. Most likely a 'War Crime' weapon.

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by BigBubba » August 18, 2012, 11:50 am

FrazeeDK wrote:interesting perspective from over 45 years ago..

Why can't I see the link when anyone posts? I see the script when I click "quote", but still can't see the link when I return to the regular page :mad:

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by udonthani » August 18, 2012, 5:18 pm

According to the book about the forgotten/secret war in Laos, was udorn the HQ for combat and intel and all decisions was made here, also the embassy (now AUA at Nogg Prajack) playd a very big role here

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by Buckeroo » August 18, 2012, 6:10 pm

F-4s and RF4s (photo recce) were operating out of Udon prior to my arrival in Nov 68. The famous "Triple Nickel" fighter squadron (F-4s) was stationed at Udon during that time. I lived in a three story metal barracks that was not air conditioned. Also, sometime during the summer of 1968 the base was attacked by what we refered to as "CTs" (communist thais) who were trying to destroy a C-141 that was returning some recently released American pows.

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by merchant seaman » August 18, 2012, 6:17 pm

In case you didn't know the Ynks built Highway 2 to get fuel up to Udon from Sattahip for the aircraft.

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by RLTrader » August 18, 2012, 7:03 pm

Everybody remembers something different. When I was here 2 story Wood Barracks. The first floor of one was converted into a bar for mainly RF F4 enlisted people. Rarely went there, but can remember dropping off a Red Head for the entertainment for those that didn't get out much :D

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by BigBubba » August 19, 2012, 12:02 pm

rreddin wrote:An American expat, who served with the USAF in Udon Thani during the Vietnam War, is writing a book about the city's history during that conflict. I have seen part of the manuscript and some of the photographs, but Idon't know if his book has been published. Local VFW members may know if it has or when it is due out.
Ron Sell, the current VFW commander here was in this morning. He is the co author of the book you mention. He says the book is nearing completion, but could not give a specific date. Another tidbit he offered about life here during the war is that ALL branches of the U.S. services were represented here, including the Navy and Coast Guard.

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by farlong68 » August 19, 2012, 5:14 pm

i remember the coasties flew weather operations aircraft old prop job later moved to khorat or thats what i remeber lol

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Thailand during the Vietnam War

Post by FrazeeDK » August 19, 2012, 9:10 pm

Coasties also had a LORAN site at Udon RTAFB for many years before and then after the war.. I believe there was one in Chiang Mai also..

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