by pienmash » August 20, 2012, 7:54 pm
even thru the clouded beers googles of the latter years I recall my early years ..... no such posh stuff like strollers for a mash ,,, an old orange box off Scunny market with odd miss shaped wheels from the local rubbish dump pulled with bale band ........ hey they were thadays ,,, i remember mi gran getting me a brand new Co op trolley when it opened so she could wheel mi down to the precinct to get here Woodbines n do a spot of shop lifting ,,,, i wil never forgive her for geting me arrested for robbin lillets ,,,,,,,,,when i was 3 years old ........ she hard a heart as cold as a Scunny summers day ...... and tho now dead i still think of the bus driver that ran her over on the zebra crossing , i send him her crimbo card every year ..
Mash tip ...........Make your own stroller ,,, via google ??