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Post by siddiq » August 27, 2012, 7:42 pm

Chinese Whispers wrote:However i will be honest after being in Iraq for 3 year when i quit i did fall foul to a spot of "using"..........Invitation to drink accepted Pompui !!
I was in Iraq, where did you serve?

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Post by jackspratt » August 27, 2012, 8:10 pm

From an earlier post - it pays to read the entire thread - it seems he did not "serve", at least in the commonly accepted meaning of the term.

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Post by siddiq » August 27, 2012, 9:57 pm

Ah, I see, thank you. Three years was a long time to be working as a civilian in Iraq, especially in those days.

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Khun Paul
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Post by Khun Paul » August 28, 2012, 5:30 am

This post is getting weirder by each post, now we have claims that a friendly Col arranged his removal from prison,whatever nexrt, i mean really this is Thailand I know but soemthings take the biscuit.
Why dont you go back from whence you came, your attitude and actions speak ar louder than your words which at best are only just believable.

And as he has never served in the normal use of the word for us old soldiers or sailors, then I doubt most of what he says .

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Post by fatbob » August 28, 2012, 6:52 am

Khun Paul wrote:now we have claims that a friendly Col arranged his removal from prison,whatever nexrt,
Why is this statement a surprise to you Paul, this is normal procedure here to get out if you go through the right channels.

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Post by Jello » August 28, 2012, 10:04 am

Chinese Whispers wrote:Well having read all of your scripts on my unfortunate arrest a few year ago, i can only surmise that the word "Speculation" was invented purely for the likes of those who thought they knew the background to what actually happened , how it was orchestrated and last but not least we shall say REMEDIED.
You have the platform to set the record straight here and I would be interested in hearing your side of the story. It could be beneficial to anyone who finds there self on the wrong side of the law here in Thailand.

You said the news article was sensationalized ("the Paparazzi twist things"), what parts are fact and which are fiction?
How were you caught, were you set-up? Did the police have a search warrant? What were you charged with, possession or intent to sell?
Were you given a fair trial? Were you convicted and sent to prison? How long was your sentence? Did your Embassy assist you in any way?
How difficult was life in Thai prison? How did the Col. help you to get out, did you pay a bribe or is this someone you knew?
Were you deported after release and how is it your able to re-enter Thailand with a narcotics violation on your record?

Sincerely looking forward to your response.

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Post by harmonyudon » August 28, 2012, 12:11 pm

Khun Paul wrote:This post is getting weirder by each post, now we have claims that a friendly Col arranged his removal from prison,whatever nexrt, i mean really this is Thailand I know but soemthings take the biscuit. Why dont you go back from whence you came, your attitude and actions speak ar louder than your words which at best are only just believable.

And as he has never served in the normal use of the word for us old soldiers or sailors, then I doubt most of what he says .
So, tell me Khun Paul? How is it then possible that CW had been released that fast??
TIT Khun Paul, sometimes perhaps hard for you to understand as an ex-uk-cop.
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Post by jim beam » August 28, 2012, 2:51 pm

Andrew Watson had to give a backhander of 2 million baht to make his drug conviction problems go away and it is said the Police are keeping a close eye on him.

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Post by Khun Paul » August 28, 2012, 7:07 pm

If you actually consider that anyone dealing in drug is considered a very bad person in the eyes of the court then the sentence he got was mild and that his release was also a tad suspect. I do uinderstand all too clearly about crime and punishment and the subsequent results of ones indescretions, but Thailand is a country full of pitfalls and very corriuupt officals so to say that i do understand is putting it mildly, but when you consider that even in bangkok area there are over 50,ooo warrants still outstanding it does give one pause for thought./

The simople fact is that anyone dealing in drugs in my book is a person that should be removed from the public , but when you consider that it is generally thought that a goodly portion of nightclubs, prostitution and the like is overseen by corrupt officals then I rest my case.

What amazed me in this case was a foreigner having been locked up for allegedly drug dealing or something similar is then allowed to walk and remain in Thailand. Something is not right and I can't put my finger on it depite many enquires.

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Post by pienmash » August 28, 2012, 10:56 pm

Khun Paul wrote:If you actually consider that anyone dealing in drug is considered a very bad person in the eyes of the court then the sentence he got was mild and that his release was also a tad suspect. I do uinderstand all too clearly about crime and punishment and the subsequent results of ones indescretions, but Thailand is a country full of pitfalls and very corriuupt officals so to say that i do understand is putting it mildly, but when you consider that even in bangkok area there are over 50,ooo warrants still outstanding it does give one pause for thought./

The simople fact is that anyone dealing in drugs in my book is a person that should be removed from the public , but when you consider that it is generally thought that a goodly portion of nightclubs, prostitution and the like is overseen by corrupt officals then I rest my case.

What amazed me in this case was a foreigner having been locked up for allegedly drug dealing or something similar is then allowed to walk and remain in Thailand. Something is not right and I can't put my finger on it depite many enquires.
knowing the young man in this thread personally i can say hes a nice fella ,, ok been a bit wild and likes his entertainment .. but

Khun Paul ,,,,,,, who the hell are you to enquire about anyone here .... busy body or just nosey .......its not your concern to enquire or check up on anyone you are a member of the expat community YES ..... UNLESS you are in an authorised postion to do so which i doubt ,,,,,, to much of this sort of tittle tattling sh*te going on ........ concentrate on your own day to day life n stop peddling gossip and ENQUIRING .,,


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Post by Laan Yaa Mo » August 29, 2012, 1:24 am

Does that sound like a threat or what from the good shopkeeper/Scunthorpe athletic supporter?
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Post by Stantheman » August 29, 2012, 1:59 am

Laan Yaa Mo wrote:Does that sound like a threat or what from the good shopkeeper/Scunthorpe athletic supporter?
Nope don't think it is "a threat or what", just an opion on someone elses input that is not agreed with.

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Post by redwolf » August 29, 2012, 2:23 am

I agree with stantheman, -doesn't sound like a threat to me either.
threats sound more like:


all of which are just examples of course, no offense intended at all to anyone here.

I have no opinion on the dude that got arrested except that where I come from, you keep other people's name out of your mouth. no nunna your biz. when someone gets arrested, stomped, or worse, chihuahua-minded ankle biters seem inclined to pass judgement on them esp. if whomever got zapped was buck wild to begin with, -and an even graver error is when ppl think they're not going to be back. doors close, doors open. cycle of life. phoenix from the ashes and ALL that.

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Post by chrisoary » August 29, 2012, 3:13 am

Laan yaa mo,

I don't see it as a threat to anyone.

I think your trying to ---- stir though.

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Post by Laan Yaa Mo » August 29, 2012, 3:22 am

Up to you think, but the part
concentrate on your own day to day life n stop peddling gossip and ENQUIRING .,,
made me think the words were a bit on the harsh and challenging side. And, if he does not stop enquiring...what then?
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Post by redwolf » August 29, 2012, 3:49 am

maybe time to go to bed L.Y.M., perhaps you can add another few to your 2700+ posts tomorrow. -it could be that this thread is too wild & scary in general for you, as I see your comments in other threads are pretty soft natured, like this one:

"I like Swenson's in Udonthani. I usually order the chocolate ice-cream without the bits and pieces of other stuff. For anyone venturing to Sukhothai, the Swenson's in the Big C is also good, but if you like really soft ice-cream, I think Dunkin' Donuts can accomodate your wish."

or the action-packed variety like this one that got me jumping like a junebug:

"I have been thinking about the Higgs Bosun, and wonder if it can explain the origin of protons, neutrons and electrons. That explanation would go some way in explaining the origins of the universe."

rw \:D/ :pirate: :-" :badteeth:
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Post by Laan Yaa Mo » August 29, 2012, 4:40 am

555+, but it is only 5:30 in the afternoon in Toronto, and a little bit early to put me to bed yet. But, I get your point. Thanks.

As for keeping score and records of my posts, that is amazing. I never go back. But, at least I know I have a dedicated and watchful fan. Thanks for that too. 555+ Sorry to say that I do not have a clue what you have ever posted here although I do seem to remember that you might have a connexion with Laos somehow.

It is interesting that my little thought could produce such follow-ups. 555+
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Post by Khun Paul » August 29, 2012, 6:10 am

What I do is my concern, I was in fact replying to a previous post about what I think or what I understand. As a CONCERNED Expat who wishes for nothing more than a peaceful life for me and MY friends, any enquiries I make is for my personal gratification and knowledge. of course I could if I so wish discuss my findings with all and sundry BUIT I will not.
And Jon at CC, who the hell are you to tell me to keep my nose out of incidents and events in Thailand. My father you are not, nor are you my boss, so please concern yourself to your affairs and unless you post about incidents regarding your business I will keep out of yours . hpowever , stick your nose into my affairs gives me the right to do likewise.

Thanks for the forthright post albeit a tad insulting.

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Post by fatbob » August 29, 2012, 6:52 am

I think the gist of the posts Paul are to keep your nose out of other peoples business which is no concern of you, I must state I agree with the posts, it sounds like you could make problems for CW with your enquires.

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Post by pienmash » August 29, 2012, 9:59 am

KP .. i aint gonna get involved in a slanging match ,,,my post wasnt meant to be insulting and / or threatening at all (as LYM FELT),, just as ever my opinion . I was meaning in some of your posts you can appear pompus , arrogant to the point of nastyness, I clearly stated n regardless of you or anyone elses status in the community problems can easily arise if enquiries start being made about a certain person thus incurring bad feeling ... i have found this out recently first hand

Im sure to some .......... my posts may seem the same sometime ...... one never knows does one

Enuff said


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