Vintage US military items in Udon/Thailand.

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Vintage US military items in Udon/Thailand.

Post by astrid » August 20, 2012, 11:47 am

Hi !

Looking for old US military items, pilot jackets and related
things, WW2 - Vietnamn, anyone know where to find it in Udon/Thailand ?

Yours, Bo.

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Brian Davis
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Vintage US military items in Udon/Thailand.

Post by Brian Davis » August 20, 2012, 6:05 pm

"Vintage US military items" You'll find quite a few living here and/or in the bars. ;)

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merchant seaman
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Vintage US military items in Udon/Thailand.

Post by merchant seaman » August 20, 2012, 6:09 pm

Brian Davis wrote:"Vintage US military items" You'll find quite a few living here and/or in the bars. ;)
Along with British, and Aussie

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Vintage US military items in Udon/Thailand.

Post by poocman » August 20, 2012, 6:38 pm

I have seen these for sale... No kidding... U.S. Army masturbation Kit (Standard Issue)
US Army Masterbation KIt.jpg
US Army Masterbation KIt.jpg (23.91 KiB) Viewed 3433 times

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Vintage US military items in Udon/Thailand.

Post by thrilled » August 23, 2012, 2:06 am

Ya wouldn't have needed those kits during the vietnam war at udon.

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Vintage US military items in Udon/Thailand.

Post by DRILLER » August 25, 2012, 3:23 pm

theres a 'restaurant', i do use that term loosely, on the road from the uni students soi to the hotel known as 'p mansion'. its on the left heading towards the p mansion.

when youre in the dine in area you can see the place is trapped in some kind of time warp from a long time ago with a few odd personal items including military here & there collecting dust. i seem to recall a combat helmet & pictures of vietnam war era pictures of aircraft.

i never asked them about the items but that could be a good starting point.

theres an occasional american viet vet that dines in there & is very friendly. rides some kind of modified tuktuk for his personal requirements.
has a teenage daughter + she has a very cute friend too that eat there with him.

theres an older thai guy in a wheelchair that lives there but he has a distressed look about him.
temptation is a .....

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Vintage US military items in Udon/Thailand.

Post by jeebeeg » August 28, 2012, 7:49 am

I would fancy an old army jeep!!
Think most of that era over here were Mitsubishi's
(any suggestions appreciated..)

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Vintage US military items in Udon/Thailand.

Post by Jet » August 28, 2012, 9:58 am

I remember a bar in either Nakhon Phanom or Mukdahan had a lots of US stuff including a jeep - it wasn't going anywhere though as it was knackered. However this was back 10 years ago & I can't remember which city apart from it being on the outskirts of town. I think it was Nakhon Phanom but I've been to Nakhon Phanom this year & last year for a drive & didn't see any sign of it. I'll be spending a night in Mukdahan in a couple of days & I'll post something if I see anything. The bar had a US helmet, a turntable with a record still on it, photos etc. None of it was sale though, however if the price was right who knows. Geoff.

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Vintage US military items in Udon/Thailand.

Post by papaguido » August 28, 2012, 10:38 am

There's a Thai gentleman named Mr. Lek. His home/business is opposite the new Sports Stadium (presently under construction) on Nittayo Rd. (click on link for map). ... 19322.html

Mr. Lek acquired/collected some military "stuff" when the US military bases closed in the late 70's. I have seen a US post office mail box and some other military hardware when passing his shop. I don't know if he's willing to part with any of it, but he's an extremely nice guy and it wouldn't hurt to ask. He doesn't speak English.

His shop is easy to spot, there's usually styrofoam packaging/boxes that he sells out of front of his shop and a few bikes on the side walk that I think are for sale. Also, you may see him & his US Army utility scooter parked in his shop.


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