Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by newtovillagelife » September 1, 2012, 3:58 pm

Truth is though why would a well educated thai woman from a good family marry someone the same age as her father or grandfather...

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by merchant seaman » September 1, 2012, 4:30 pm

newtovillagelife wrote:Truth is though why would a well educated thai woman from a good family marry someone the same age as her father or grandfather...
Very few do.

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by Prenders88 » September 1, 2012, 5:41 pm

LOL!!! Now I'm old enough to be my wifes Father/Grandfather, my wife is poorly educated, and I'm skint.
I love these keyboard warriors. :badteeth:
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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by newtovillagelife » September 1, 2012, 7:31 pm

I am sure u maybe have a pension to leave her......not bad from poverty to some regular income

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Successfull Farang-Thai Relationships

Post by Jello » September 1, 2012, 8:25 pm

Prenders88 wrote:I'm old enough to be my wifes Father/Grandfather, my wife is poorly educated, and I'm skint.
Stop bragging :lol:

Back on topic:
Going on 6 years now with my lovely young Thai bride. Theres a 30 year age gap(old enough to be her Father/Grandfather), she's a rice farmers daughter that didn't purseue a degree after high school (poorly educated), and I'm skint.
Well, I would be if I lived in the US. I get by here quite well on a pention, but I didn't win her affection by throwing money around. We have 2 children and are very happy. No problems with the in-laws. 8)

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by jackspratt » September 1, 2012, 8:30 pm

newtovillagelife wrote:I am sure u maybe have a pension to leave her......not bad from poverty to some regular income
Are you sure ......... or is it maybe?

Does Prenders have a pension he can pass on?

Does his wife come from poverty?

Unless you know these things for certain, you (along with bigsnake) would be best served by keeping your ill-informed speculation to yourself. :-#

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Successfull Farang-Thai Relationships

Post by Jello » September 1, 2012, 8:52 pm

jackspratt wrote: Unless you know these things for certain, you (along with bigsnake) would be best served by keeping your ill-informed speculation to yourself. :-#
Back off-topic again:
I'm a big fan of the ill-informed speculation, clueless conjecture, and ignorant supposition.
The forum wouldn't be interesting without it. Just a bunch of boring old guys agreeing with each other.
"Oh, did I just make a ill-informed speculation?" Naw, more like a assumptive theory. :lol:

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by jackspratt » September 1, 2012, 9:06 pm

Jello while I agree ill-informed speculation can be a lubricant that keeps many a forum going (just dip into Thai Visa for proof of that), I don't believe it adds much when talking about people's relationships. [-(

p.s. I wonder if you are confusing this thread with another, which does focus on successful relationships:

http://www.udonmap.com/udonthaniforum/s ... 25937.html

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by Jello » September 1, 2012, 9:12 pm

Yes your right!
Seems the negative and positive (the ying and the yang) have been separated out at some point. ;)

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by Jello » September 1, 2012, 9:32 pm

Just found the other thread way down at the bottom of the front page. Seems the negative is more popular the the positive. :cry: Bad news sells.

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by poocman » September 1, 2012, 9:49 pm

Old men marring girls 30 years or more their younger is repulsive to most… Think back to when you were young… did you ever see an old man with a young girl…?? What did you think…?? Did you think that she must love him or that she was after his money…?? Did you think he was a dirty old man…?? :-k :-k

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by jackspratt » September 1, 2012, 10:17 pm

poocman wrote:Old men marring girls 30 years or more their younger is repulsive to most… Think back to when you were young… did you ever see an old man with a young girl…?? What did you think…?? Did you think that she must love him or that she was after his money…?? Did you think he was a dirty old man…?? :-k :-k
None of those - my dear old mum impressed on me when I was very young not to be a judgmental dunce. :roll:

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by Jello » September 1, 2012, 11:02 pm

poocman wrote:Old men marring girls 30 years or more their younger is repulsive to most… Think back to when you were young… did you ever see an old man with a young girl…?? What did you think…?? Did you think that she must love him or that she was after his money…?? Did you think he was a dirty old man…?? :-k :-k

:lol: What difference does what I thought when I was young make? Thoughts change as people grow. Some become more open minded, others more narrow minded and set in their beliefs.

Yes I'm very aware that many people, especially westerners are judgmental.
However, on this issue I believe that when it comes from a man, it veiled jealousy and from a women, it's sour grapes.
I'm happy in my relationship, and what goes on in others minds is their problem, not mine.

You can always count on a post like yours popping up on this subject. Great troll bait. ;)
So now tell us about your age appropriate socially acceptable relationship. (Assuming you have one as this is just my ill-informed speculation)

U jelly Poocman? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by Jello » September 1, 2012, 11:26 pm

Dirty old man with girls young enough to be his granddaughters!! :

upload photo :lol:

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by poocman » September 2, 2012, 8:46 am

This reply is for everyone who thinks it’s for them.

The Thai’s have a saying “tâo-hŭa-ngoo” which translates to “old snake head”… But you already knew that didn’t you…? After all you will have heard it said around you more than most.
Let’s turn the tables and think about Miss average “falang” girl 30 years your junior… would she be interested in getting herself an old man…? We all know the answer to that question don’t we…? There is as always the exception to the rule but they are few and far between.
Young Thai girls take old men (Thai and Falang) for one thing only… MONEY… old men get confused along the way and convince themselves there is love in the relationship… it’s very sad really.
There is a good chance the girl may stay with the old man for the rest of his life… after all he may have left her everything in a will including his pension… she is then set for life financially and able to follow her heart after his demise.
To answer the jealousy accusation… I am not jealous myself but you will find a lot of younger men are as these are the girls they used to date and if it wasn’t for you giving the girl a superior lifestyle based on money she would be with them instead of you.
Finally I confess I have a Thai wife 21 years younger than myself but I am realistic and realize she is with me mostly for the money… as with all relationships spending much time together forms a bond. But I am not stupid enough to think it was love that brought us together.

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by jai yen yen » September 2, 2012, 9:01 am

poocman wrote:This reply is for everyone who thinks it’s for them.

The Thai’s have a saying “tâo-hŭa-ngoo” which translates to “old snake head”… But you already knew that didn’t you…? After all you will have heard it said around you more than most.
Let’s turn the tables and think about Miss average “falang” girl 30 years your junior… would she be interested in getting herself an old man…? We all know the answer to that question don’t we…? There is as always the exception to the rule but they are few and far between.
Young Thai girls take old men (Thai and Falang) for one thing only… MONEY… old men get confused along the way and convince themselves there is love in the relationship… it’s very sad really.
There is a good chance the girl may stay with the old man for the rest of his life… after all he may have left her everything in a will including his pension… she is then set for life financially and able to follow her heart after his demise.
To answer the jealousy accusation… I am not jealous myself but you will find a lot of younger men are as these are the girls they used to date and if it wasn’t for you giving the girl a superior lifestyle based on money she would be with them instead of you.
Finally I confess I have a Thai wife 21 years younger than myself but I am realistic and realize she is with me mostly for the money… as with all relationships spending much time together forms a bond. But I am not stupid enough to think it was love that brought us together.
I think you are close but in many cases it is about security, money is definately part of that but to some women having a man that is mature, reliable and not out chasing girls and partying is a very real part of the equation. Of course a young handsome man who is a good provider and dependable is the ideal but not easy to find. Then again is it better to have some one want you for your youth and good looks? They don't last and if the relationship is based on that then what do you really have?

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Successful Thai - Farang Relationships

Post by BigBubba » September 2, 2012, 10:52 am

poocman wrote:Old men marring girls 30 years or more their younger is repulsive to most… Think back to when you were young… did you ever see an old man with a young girl…?? What did you think…?? Did you think that she must love him or that she was after his money…?? Did you think he was a dirty old man…?? :-k :-k
My wife spent a year in America with me. The looks we got there were usually dependent on gender. The women would give a snarling look of disgust... the men would give an envious grin. Yeah, being the young stud I once was, I probably would have looked unfavorably on such a match back then. But as Jello says, ones ideas change with age and maturity. Ones PERCEPTION is his REALITY. So if it FEELS like love what difference does it make?
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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by Jello » September 2, 2012, 11:47 am

Good posts and spot on. I have no illusions about the dynamic of my relationship. But I don't over-analyze it or worry about the good opinion of others. The attraction to a older man is a combination of money, maturity, stability and reliability. I don't see anything disingenuous about a women marrying a man for these attributes.

Love is a subjective term and is proven through caring and thoughtful action. If you feel your wife needs to be swooning over you all the time (not pointing fingers at anyone here), then you lack self-esteem.

Here's a article on the subject from a woman's perspective:

Dynamics of older men-younger women affairs
Pooja Bedi, TNN May 27, 2012
While everyone seems to be enthralled by the emergence of the cougar, the fact still remains that even though an older man-younger woman relationship is more acceptable, it's still a cause for concern amongst couples and their families too.

A lot of speculations abound around such "sugar daddy" relationships with insinuations of "he's in it for the sex and she's in it for the money" and as a friend of mine once remarked, "how many younger women do you see with penniless old men?" However, when I look no further than my own father , who's in a relationship with someone 30 years younger to him, I disagree vehemently with the assumptions. Firstly, because most women I know complain that their men are not mature enough and it is a known fact that women mature faster than men. When I look at older men, I see maturity and a potential father figure which may be of emotional benefit for those that have been products of a broken home or have lost a father at a young age, or simply love being cocooned and protected. Older men also tend to be more indulgent and generous given that at this stage, they have a steady job and finances in place and lastly, a couples greatest concern, that he perhaps lacks the energy and stamina of a younger lover can certainly be compensated through skill and expertise. As for why the older man dates a younger woman? Well, certain reasons like "younger women seem happier, less jaded, less set in their ways and have not accumulated oodles of stress scars" seem logical and a basis for great relationships. But I must end this on a funny note: I Googled some reactions and "I feel smart around her because I'm always teaching her things", or "because I know it won't work out, and my eventual goal is to be alone" made me roll over laughing. It's clearly not age, but individuals that make or break relationships.

http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes ... nger-women

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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by Jello » September 2, 2012, 1:42 pm

poocman wrote: The Thai’s have a saying “tâo-hŭa-ngoo” which translates to “old snake head”…
Ever see someone do this to you? :lol:

upload photo

I got de ol snakehead blues....


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Why Western men often end up with a bad Thai Girlfriend

Post by Galee » September 2, 2012, 5:02 pm

Jello wrote: Ever see someone do this to you? :lol:

Guess I'm not old enough. :D

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