Advice wanted about building a house

Information on building a house, buying poperty and land, and all other general contruction topics...
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Post by rickfarang » October 5, 2006, 7:38 pm

banpaeng wrote:... Rick what happens if you split before either of the two things you said happen. I bet you get to walk away and say goodbye is about all. Sure you can be vindictive and not sign for sale. But in the end who wins. :shock:
If the house was in my wife's village, I would just walk away, but since it isn't, there is a chance I would choose to stay in it a while. The house was my gift to her. Putting my name on the title was her gift to me.
banpaeng wrote: "Don't bring any more money to Thailand than you can afford to loose." That is good advice. :cry:
No just good advice, but words to live by (though I wish it weren't so).

Sugarfree wrote:I have decided to trust her.
Fateful words. See banpeng's advice, immediately above.

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Post by Sugarfree » October 5, 2006, 7:44 pm

No they donดt have the income. But they have land ,,as colateral ". I would be paying the monthly payments. Does the bank really care were the money is coming from as long as they get paid? I donดt know. In my country there is a saying: "Banks are service for people that donดt need it!" Maybe the same applies to Thailand. They only want to lend money to people who have enough and donดt want to service those that actually need their service?

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Post by Sugarfree » October 5, 2006, 7:53 pm

I got a private message with this quote: "Nothing ventured nothing gained".

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Post by kevh » October 5, 2006, 7:56 pm

that was probably from your girlfriend.

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Post by arjay » October 5, 2006, 7:56 pm

Sugarfree, certainly in the Uk they wouldn't lend to the family, if THEY didn't have the ability to repay. I'm not 100% sure about Thailand. I would think not, as after all the bank will have no hold over you, to force you to make the repayments. Though the family have collateral in the form of more land, they can't make repayments with pieces of land.

I know of a situation in Chiang Mai, where the Thai bank wouldn't lend to a Thai lady, who had masses of guaranteed monthly income (a pension) simply because there was no man in her life, i.e she was single.

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Post by Sugarfree » October 5, 2006, 8:02 pm

Well in that case I guess this house project will be put on ice again. :-)

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Post by Harry1534 » October 5, 2006, 9:48 pm

Rickfarang wrote:

"Very few appliances in Thailand come with grounded plugs, but somebody who with some skill in the area can add a grounded plug to many appliances. If you don't netural from hot, don't try this yourself."

What's the point of fitting an earthed plug to a two wire appliance?? If it's double insulated it won't have an earth circuit anyway!! Complete waste of time!

Also, don't quote me out of context. I know my stuff and know, for a fact, that the installation is a lot safer than some of the new ones I've seen around here.

By 'grounding' to a steel antenna mast you run the risk of a lightening surge running through your electrical installation. That wouldn't be good from an electrocution point of view or an electrical fire. Earthing rods need to be installed at a very low level, preferably underground with a clearly marked cover for inspection purposes.

So, in conclusion, don't quote me and don't preach to me. Thank you.

PS....You can stop grinning as well Dakoda, you sanctamonious dh.
Life's a beach.


Post by oldfield » October 5, 2006, 10:05 pm

arjay wrote:While you bright sparks ( :D ) are on the subject, if I touch my PC case I get a lot of sharp prickles through my fingers, presumably of electricity and presumably because the PC isn't earthed. It has a three core supply cable from a two pin wall socket, though via a UPS. Is that something I just have to live with? The alternative being running a separate earth lead outside to a metal stake in the ground?
Yes it is something you have to live with "apparently". I have the same problem. I got a computer guy in to look at it and he said it was just the way the apartment/house is. He suggested wearing something (eg.slippers) to stop the shocks. And yes carpeting also works.


Post by oldfield » October 5, 2006, 10:06 pm

Harry1534 wrote:Rickfarang wrote:

PS....You can stop grinning as well Dakoda, you sanctamonious dh.
Now that told him didn't it. :wink:


Post by valentine » October 6, 2006, 6:53 am

One more point to add to fdimikes excellent list. When contemplating the build you will have very many smiling Thai men or women suggesting they know a very good builder. The reason they are smiling? Because they are going to get at least about 10% of your building cost. Now assuming you had a reasonable cost estimate in the first place, this 10% shortfall has got to come from somewhere. So you can expect either repeated calls for extra's or the use of cheaper, therefore substandard materials. You then have the problem that you lose control of the actual builder and your smiling"friend"
is giving the orders based on financial reasons not good construction methods.
As to bank borrowing. If you were to build on girlfriends parents land using it as collateral you must consider the following. It is unlikely the plot of land you are going to build on will have been seperated at the land office from the total land area. So it remains the parents land. The whole area will be forfeited in the event of your not keeping up the instalments, which could possibly be for 20 years. Now should you want to move on away from this girl. Are you prepared either ,, to keep paying this loan, indeed , would a new lady let you. Or stand back and watch , this once apple of your eye and her family lose their land?
I am not suggesting your relationship will end, it is just a consideration you should take into account. After all, none of us contemplate divorce when we marry, but it happens.

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Post by BKKSTAN » October 6, 2006, 8:03 am

:lol: My point had nothing to do with financing.The fact that the land is in the family name,negates your ability to benefit from ownership of the house! :roll:

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