Protest against U.S. Invlovment

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Post by cookie » October 11, 2006, 7:03 pm

ray23 wrote:
The time that I will be truly concerned is when he is no longer in the picture. I couldn't help but notice how frail he looked giving his last speech.
Yes, I think you are right.
Without The Thai individual this situation would be totally different.

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Post by FrazeeDK » October 11, 2006, 9:17 pm

didn't this whole string start with comments on the U.S. cutting off various aspects of military aid?? Well, these things weren't decided by the Executive Branch, the Department of Defense or the State Department.. It's a law passed by Congress that states that when a Democratically elected government is overthrown, that until a democratic regime is restored, the various aid programs are suspended.
On the comment that the Thais will sort it out.. I fully agree that given time, things will move back to an elected government..

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Post by Bump » October 11, 2006, 9:30 pm

As I understand it those were an automatic, but I seem to recall more talk of additional cuts, but that seems to have settled down.

Now to be very honest about all this, the thought of a military coup and martial law was unsettling. I envisioned something very differently then the reality.

Truth is here in Udon I don't see anything unusual at all.

So maybe our government has came to the same conclusion eventually that we did here. Just leave it alone.

I still wonder what our democracy was like in the beginning years prior to the civil war, I'm sure we had our ups and downs as well.

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Post by muscle » November 29, 2006, 9:22 am

It's all about Condi Rice being poorly educated. She takes an Asian trip but does not stop here. Same for Bush recently. How fast they forget the Thai soldiers (medical unit) that supported us in Iraq and suffered casualties. Rice, who is billed as being a Russian expert, could not even answer a simple question "Are you running for president?" on Moscow radio last year. I heard it live on and laughed my ass off. I speak Russian better than she does.
The ban on TDY travel by PACCOM to Thailand is moronic. I wrote a nasty-gram to Stars and Stripes that was printed in both that and the European version. If these two idiots screw up "Cobra Gold" they will be undoing years of close US/Thai relations. There needs to be a regime change in the US and fast. Too bad we do no not have an intelligent and powerful individual to keep the short sighted, money grabbing politicians in line. That's why I voted with my feet and decided to live here or in Laos.

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Post by cookie » November 29, 2006, 2:14 pm

.. It's a law passed by Congress that states that when a Democratically elected government is overthrown, that until a democratic regime is restored, the various aid programs are suspended.
And what about Pakistan??? General Musharef???
Don't we have there a military general that has overthrown the democratically elected government??
And he gets big aid programs?
Another law from Congress??
Or is this a partner in the fight against terrorists??
I am afraid that this guy (military dictator???) and this foreign politic will backfire in the NEAR future!!!!!!!


Post by laphanphon » November 29, 2006, 8:30 pm

I am afraid that this guy (military dictator???) and this foreign politic will backfire in the NEAR future!!!!!!!
Remember, Saddam and Bin Ladin were our buddies for a while. they all come back to haunt us. matter of fact, can't think of any off the top of my head that haven't been a mistake getting involved with. We never learn, and of course, history repeats itself. well, i hope history repeats itself very fast, and we cut and run as usual, before anymore our soldiers get killed. another waste of life and money. :D

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Post by muscle » November 29, 2006, 9:16 pm

laphanphon wrote:
I am afraid that this guy (military dictator???) and this foreign politic will backfire in the NEAR future!!!!!!!
Remember, Saddam and Bin Ladin were our buddies for a while. they all come back to haunt us. matter of fact, can't think of any off the top of my head that haven't been a mistake getting involved with. We never learn, and of course, history repeats itself. well, i hope history repeats itself very fast, and we cut and run as usual, before anymore our soldiers get killed. another waste of life and money. :D
But the politicians and the Beltway Bandits have learned and they have learned well. You can make a lot of money out of getting into a fight you can not win. Politically polarize the uneducated and they will never connect the dots. Applying common civilian horse sense to what Eisenhower called the Military Industrial Complex, is like expecting a pig to fly.
Here is a conspiracy theory for you: There has never been a break between the Bush and Bin Ladin families. They are all in cahoots to make some $ off this just like IG Farben in WW II and the Krupps before that. Osama is probably in some safehouse guarded by the best mercs around while the rest of us suckers pay the tab in lost soldiers and $. But hey, there is a reason I am no longer in the military after nearly 30 years. My last tour at the Pentagon was a real eye opener.
It will be interesting to see if we cut and run. Stars and Stripes is reporting that we just may "give up" on province that we can't hold. How long before we "give up" all of them so we can call this a victory and Jeb can run for president.
There is also last minute scuttlebutt of not closing several German bases that Rummy had ear marked for early closure and instead shifting units from Italy to them. A payoff to the Germans not to haul Rummy into court to be tried as a war criminal? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Post by cookie » November 30, 2006, 2:15 pm

[/quote]Osama is probably in some safehouse guarded by the best mercs around

Makes me think about the crazy French journalists that wrote the 9/11 conspiracy theory : according to them 9/11 was a US military operation :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :r

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Post by muscle » November 30, 2006, 5:37 pm

cookie wrote:
Osama is probably in some safehouse guarded by the best mercs around

Makes me think about the crazy French journalists that wrote the 9/11 conspiracy theory : according to them 9/11 was a US military operation :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :r
That one was a crazy conspiracy theory. Everyone knows no one in the US military can keep a secret. The proper theory for that one is that Cheney planned it as a way for KBR to make $ and the building owner to cash in on the insurance. Geez, you have to keep your conspiracy theories straight these days.

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