You know I really didn't like other people telling me what to do. But, I sold my time to someone and did as I was instructed, did it make me happy no. I don't think me being happy was ever a part of the equation. Lets face it very few people eve feel like they have enough money.
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Low pay 'causes unhappiness'
Published: 25 Apr 2013 at 16.23
Online news:
Low wages are the major cause of people being unhappy in their job, according to a survey released Wednesday.
The survey, conducted by job search site between April 11-18, asked 4,621 blue- and white-collar workers across the country whether they were happy with their current job.
The survey found 62%, or 2,870 people, were not happy in their work. Being paid too little was the top reason for their unhappiness, followed by tasks that are not clearly defined and do not match their skills, and having a bad relationship with their bosses.
When asked to describe their salary situation, about two-thirds, or 65%, said they felt they were overworked for the salary they received and that their wages were inadequate. Although 26% thought they received reasonable payment, only 9% felt they were paid enough and were in a good financial situation.
Asked what they do to alleviate their unhappiness, some 58% of fed-up employees said they looked for new jobs, 38% opted to spend time on leisure activities or hobbies, and the rest sought moral support from friends or talked to their bosses about their concerns.
In total, 38% of the respondents said they were happy with their job. The three main factors that they cited as making them content were the experience that they gained from work and being assigned challenging tasks; having good colleagues; and working with bosses who trust and value them in their work.