Work in Laos

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Work in Laos

Post by oznicko » June 7, 2013, 1:12 pm

Anyone know of companies that employ foreigners to work on mine sites in Laos? im a qualified Electrician from australia. Finding it hard to locate any work.

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Work in Laos

Post by SJP17 » June 7, 2013, 1:34 pm


Ive been trying for 10 months to find a job in Laos in engineering maintenance or construction and ive found its very hard to get in. Ive applied for over 10 jobs with MMG, Pan Aust and a few other companies but so far not even had an interview or any positive feedback.

It seems its a bit like the Oil and gas Industry where without experience in mining your not getting in, if your in Australia i would suggest you try and get a mining job there first to get experience then after you can try for a transfer or apply for jobs in Laos.

If you hear of anything could you let me know.


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Work in Laos

Post by oznicko » June 7, 2013, 1:36 pm

ive worked in the mining in australia for the last 3 years so i have a little bit of experience already. doesnt hurt to try though

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Work in Laos

Post by WBU ALUM » June 7, 2013, 1:36 pm

Check these out:

Foreign Money Pours Into Laos ... 29702.html

How To Find a Job in Laos as a Foreigner ... foreigner/

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Work in Laos

Post by Bandung_Dero » June 7, 2013, 4:18 pm

There is a member here, LaoMiner - if I remember rightly, who might be able to help with guidelines for Laos - BUT 3 years won't cut it unless you are willing to work for something like AUD $50.00 per day or less. Don't forget there are large quantities of reasonably trained labour in Asia who will work for peanuts, and they will get priority, most probably in Laos and most certainly in Thailand.

I know a little bit about it having worked >3 years offshore Oil and Gas in the Gulf of Thailand.
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Work in Laos

Post by SJP17 » June 7, 2013, 4:33 pm

My current plan for living in Thailand is to get a job in the Oil and gas industry where they will pay for my flights to and from Thailand.

First step is to get the offshore training courses then start applying in the area i live to start of with, then once i am experienced enough i will apply for jobs further a field and then hopefully get one where i can live in Thailand.

Ill keep trying for mining jobs when i see them but i really feel its a long shot considering i have no experience in mining apart from watching Gold Rush :) , however in the Oil and Gas i can start at the bottom and work my way up.

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Work in Laos

Post by Bandung_Dero » June 7, 2013, 4:36 pm

Oh! I might add, I didn't apply for work here I was approached in Australia to help solve a problem, 25+ years experience, 2 weeks (contracted) stretched out to 3+ years as it does in the industry.

Sorry to be so negative BUT it's reality.
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Work in Laos

Post by Bandung_Dero » June 7, 2013, 4:46 pm

SJP17 wrote:My current plan for living in Thailand is to get a job in the Oil and gas industry where they will pay for my flights to and from Thailand.

First step is to get the offshore training courses then start applying in the area i live to start of with, then once i am experienced enough i will apply for jobs further a field and then hopefully get one where i can live in Thailand.

Ill keep trying for mining jobs when i see them but i really feel its a long shot considering i have no experience in mining apart from watching Gold Rush :) , however in the Oil and Gas i can start at the bottom and work my way up.
Sorry, your living the dream, you read as being fairly young. Start at the bottom and work your way up in the North Sea (I assume your from the UK) and come back as an older and wiser man.
Sent from my 1977 Apple II using 2 Heinz bake bean cans and piano wire!

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Work in Laos

Post by SJP17 » June 7, 2013, 7:14 pm

I am 33 , i was meaning the North Sea , I think there are plenty of options for working other places rather than the Gulf of Thailand and that was never my intention or either is working in Thailand.

Why is it you think i am dreaming ?


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