Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by Astana » June 12, 2013, 2:23 am

Deplorable US government activity of spying electronically so what's new the US has been doing it with human and military assets for decades, so an extension into the public realm is a natural occurrence for a growing police state finally shrugging off its democratic veneer.

On the other hand, we are quite glad when a terrorist attack is foiled.

If we want to keep our data safe, it is a quite simple technical problem: for example to keep intra-EU flow of data across the EU (processed by servers within the EU) and send only over the Atlantic US/EU traffic. And don't say it is impossible because that's what the Chinese are doing, at a cost, of course.

I guess the biggest shock is the trust issue so now you know don't trust America! What a shocker! :lol: NSA are you reading my posts or is it just another form of trolling =; :-#

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » June 12, 2013, 6:54 am


ACLU Sues over NSA Surveillance Program
http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2 ... ce-Program
(AP) Two prominent civil rights groups have filed a lawsuit against the National Security Agency over its program that reportedly collects the telephone records of millions of American customers of Verizon.
The ACLU spokesman in the video gives an excellent explanation as to why the lawsuit is necessary.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » June 12, 2013, 9:03 am

FBI requests for records under Patriot Act have increased 1,000% in just four years; Update: Data-mining goes deeper than thought?
http://hotair.com/archives/2013/06/11/f ... n-thought/
“That they were using this (provision) to do mass collection of data is definitely the biggest surprise,” said Robert Chesney, a top national security lawyer at the University of Texas Law School. “Most people who followed this closely were not aware they were doing this. We’ve gone from producing records for a particular investigation to the production of all records for a massive pre-collection database. It’s incredibly sweeping.”…

n the years since [2003], the FBI’s use of Section 215 quietly exploded, with virtually no public notice or debate. In 2009, as part of an annual report to Congress, the Justice Department reported there had been 21 applications for business records to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) under Section 215 – all of which were granted, though nine were modified by the court. (The reports do not explain how or why the orders were modified.)

In 2010, the number of requests jumped to 205 (all again granted, with 176 modified.) In the latest report filed on April 30, the department reported there had been 212 such requests in 2012 – all approved by the court, but 200 of them modified.

These sharp increase in the use of Section 215 has drawn little attention until now because the number of national security letters (NSLs) issued by the bureau has been so much greater — 15,229 in 2012. But FBI Director Mueller, in little-noticed written responses to Congress two years ago, explained that the bureau was encountering resistance from telecommunications companies in turning over “electronic communication transaction” records in response to national security letters.

For those whose knowledge of the layers of departments within the federal government is limited, the FBI is in the Department of Justice, headed by the liar to Congress, Attorney General Eric Holder. That department is directly supervised by the POTUS.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by LilRed » June 12, 2013, 1:01 pm


Bein a highly educated and experienced man, in many areas, a coupla questions for ya:

Doncha think it's MI 5/6 as is trollin fer ye, not NSA?

U r sure about
f we want to keep our data safe, it is a quite simple technical problem: for example to keep intra-EU flow of data across the EU (processed by servers within the EU...
? (I respectfully disagree...)

Have ya seen anything on the WB's creds? Whaddya think?

Any clue on Amb Stevens (Benghazi)? I have been asking "Why was he there?"... The most credible reason is the "buying back the weapons we gave to the terrorists" theory...

But, then I saw this: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/06/11/polit ... ?hpt=hp_t3 What say u?

Regarding the NSA scandal, Congress passed and GWB signed into law, the statutory requirements, AND, limitations of the NSA. Obama continued (and expanded?) the efforts... Again, President Obama sed it best, we must decide how much freedom, we are willing to sacrifice, for how much security....As Astana so astutely observed above,
...at a cost, of course...
And, lastly, can anyone tell me what a "Pole Dancing Superhero" is? http://edition.cnn.com/2013/06/11/us/ns ... ?hpt=hp_c2


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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » June 12, 2013, 2:06 pm

Parents of Navy SEAL Killed in Afghan Crash File the First Suit on NSA Spying
http://news.yahoo.com/parents-navy-seal ... 07941.html
The couple who filed the class-action suit are not just any disgruntled Verizon customers, however. They are Charles and Mary Ann Strange, the parents of a Navy SEAL who was killed along with 37 others, when his helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan in 2011. Several of the families of those lost in the attack have questioned the Defense Department's official story of the incident — one of the deadliest single events of the entire war for American troops — and they specifically blame President Obama's polices for leading to those deaths. Among their many complaints: that Afghan forces working with the Americans may have set them up; that because many of those killed that day were members of the same unit that killed Osama bin Laden, publicizing their role in the earlier mission made them targets for retaliation; and that rules of engagement prevented the helicopter and the men on it from fighting back. They also claim that a Muslim cleric was invited to speak at the funeral, who then insulted the dead servicemen in Arabic, although there's little evidence to support that charge.
The new case names President Obama; Attorney General Eric Holder; NSA director Keith Alexander; and Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam among the defendants. The lawyer leading the way in both lawsuits is Larry Klayman, the founder of the controversial Judicial Watch, which sued President Bill Clinton 18 times when he was in office, and sued President George W. Bush and Dick Cheney over their secretive Energy Task Force in 2003.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » June 12, 2013, 2:10 pm

The NSA's Best Defense of PRISM Didn't Even Last a Week
http://www.theatlanticwire.com/national ... eek/66143/
Looks like surveillance defenders just lost their main talking point in defense of the NSA's (formerly) secret phone and data tracking programs: Najibullah Zazi, the would-be New York City subway bomber, could have easily been caught without PRISM. That's according to a devastating rebuttal from the Associated Press out Tuesday, which further explains that those employing the Zazi defense didn't even get the details right on the attempted plot in the first place.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by Astana » June 12, 2013, 2:43 pm

LilRed wrote:Astana:

Bein a highly educated and experienced man, in many areas, a coupla questions for ya:

Doncha think it's MI 5/6 as is trollin fer ye, not NSA?

NSA, FBI, CIA, SIS, MI5/6, you name em they do it in one fashion or another

U r sure about
f we want to keep our data safe, it is a quite simple technical problem: for example to keep intra-EU flow of data across the EU (processed by servers within the EU...
? (I respectfully disagree...) We agree to disagree then

Have ya seen anything on the WB's creds? Whaddya think? What creds

Any clue on Amb Stevens (Benghazi)? I have been asking "Why was he there?"... The most credible reason is the "buying back the weapons we gave to the terrorists" theory...He's dead so who cares not me

But, then I saw this: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/06/11/polit ... ?hpt=hp_t3 What say u?

Regarding the NSA scandal, Congress passed and GWB signed into law, the statutory requirements, AND, limitations of the NSA. Obama continued (and expanded?) the efforts... Again, President Obama sed it best, we must decide how much freedom, we are willing to sacrifice, for how much security....As Astana so astutely observed above,
...at a cost, of course...
And, lastly, can anyone tell me what a "Pole Dancing Superhero" is? http://edition.cnn.com/2013/06/11/us/ns ... ?hpt=hp_c2


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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by LilRed » June 12, 2013, 6:19 pm

A -

His background... Education, work history... That sorta stuff...

I really like the part about his GF callin herse'f a "Pole Dancin Super Hero"... Uh, sounds like a fun gal to me...


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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » June 13, 2013, 12:31 am

As usual, Libs resort to inaccurate double-talk to justify their over-reach.

Salon, a far from conservative publication, takes the NSA apologists to task and calls them out on their inaccurate claims regarding the data mining.

What spying apologists don’t tell you about “thwarted plots”
http://www.salon.com/2013/06/10/what_sp ... u_to_know/
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., explained on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday that in one of the signature uses of the dragnet collection of every American’s phone records, the NSA managed to track one of our own informants, David Headley, as he helped Islamic terrorists plan attacks. She did not mention that it did nothing to prevent the 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai, which killed 166 — and in which Headley had a role in planning.
It also didn't stop the Boston Bombers, did nothing to stop the jihadist at Fort Hood and done nothing to thwart ANY of the terrorist attacks that have taken place on US soil since Barack Obama took office and actually ramped up the data mining.
Headley’s attacks are not the only ones cited by Feinstein and Clapper. Feinstein also cited the case of Najibullah Zazi, an Afghan immigrant to the U.S. who plotted to blow up the New York subway in 2009. FBI’s success in thwarting Zazi’s attack is probably the most serious publicly known example of a thwarted attack. To the extent the NSA’s programs played a key role, then, it is a significant success.

But even there, the claims appear fuzzy or overblown. Feinstein, for example, describes the success this way (emphasis added): “[Zazi] made the decision that he was going to blow up a New York subway, who went to a beauty wholesale supply place, bought enough hydrogen peroxide to make bombs, was surveilled by the FBI for six months, traveled to go to New York, to meet with a number of other people who were going to carry out this attack with him, and were arrested by the FBI, who has pled guilty and in federal prison.”

It’s an interesting use of the word “surveilled,” because according to sworn court testimony the lead that identified Zazi was an email account identified in a British terrorism case, which the NSA tracked. That account, not Zazi, was surveilled. Days, not months, before Zazi’s planned attack, he sent an email to the account asking for help making explosives, which led the FBI to uncover his plot.
Like ObamaCare and Gun Control, PRISM is not about catching terrorists. It's about PEOPLE CONTROL.
At the very least, the fuzzy cases Feinstein and Clapper are boasting about demonstrate the need for far more transparency on these tools. If they’re justifying a gross incursion on American privacy, in part because they helped track down an informant our intelligence services lost track of — and created false positives based on hair bleach purchases — then we need to seriously reconsider their use.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by Astana » June 13, 2013, 1:50 am

That's exactly right WBU its about social control its relationship with power and legitimacy.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » June 13, 2013, 2:25 am

SOME PEOPLE are true to their principles. No matter who does something WRONG, it's still wrong, and Greenwald doesn't give Obama cover just because Greenwald has a liberal philosophy about politics.

Greenwald: Media Filled with 'Slavishly Partisan…Democrats'
http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism ... -democrats
You can't say the same about for the rest of the media, though, which is something Greenwald is recognizing among his left-wing media comrades. When it comes to a choice between principled consistency and circling the wagons to protect Obama, we all know which way most of the media is going to swing:

- Greenwald told Business Insider late Tuesday night that he thinks some left-leaning members of the media — such as Time magazine's Joe Klein and The New Yorker's Jeffrey Toobin — have shifted stances on surveillance and civil liberties for "principle-free, hackish, and opportunistic" reasons.

- "I'm not surprised," Greenwald said in an email. "I've been amazed and disappointed for a long time at how the most slavishly partisan media Democrats who pretended to care so much about these issues when doing so helped undermine George Bush are now the loudest apologists and cheerleaders for these very same policies. …

- "To call them principle-free, hackish, and opportunistic is to be overly generous."

Greenwald is an authentic left-wing civil rights liberal. Much of the rest of the media are nothing more than partisan leftists driven by hate, not principle.
The media's double standard rears its head in virtually everything that involves this White House. It also rears its head in this forum. They vilify Bush over Iraq, even though he went to Congress to get authorization -- there and in Afghanistan -- and received overwhelming support. You don't hear a peep about Obama side-stepping the War Powers Act and involving troops in Libya -- and then the resulting murders in Benghazi.

And look at the economy and gas prices! When the media was lambasting Bush over gas prices, they were LOWER than they are now. Don't hear a peep out of them about gas prices with Obama.

The media has been shockingly forgiving even with all the LIES that have been fed to them regularly by this White House.

I don't agree with Greenwald's political philosophy, but I give him credit for being consistent and pointing out the "lapdog" mentality of his colleagues.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » June 13, 2013, 9:16 am

Another Democrat shocked by the scope of the data mining ...

Dem rep: We were “astounded” by what we heard in our new classified briefing about surveillance
http://hotair.com/archives/2013/06/12/d ... veillance/

Well, she’s specific in saying that there are things happening that go beyond what’s been publicly revealed. (Although maybe not for long: Remember, Glenn Greenwald’s promised further leaks.) Read Ed’s post this morning about other members of Congress sounding grim and you’ll see she’s not the only one on whom the classified briefings made an impression. Nor is she the only person lately to refer to data-mining of phone records and Internet communications as the “tip of the iceberg.” Former NSA official turned whistleblower William Binney has used that phrase too in describing what he suspects is the full scope of federal record-harvesting. I think that’s what Sanchez is probably getting at here — it’s the sheer scope of what they’re vacuuming up that would blow our minds if we knew, not necessarily that they’re using technologies we weren’t aware of.
Exit question: How is that we can bug virtually the entire Internet but Clapper’s going around saying things like this about our cyberdefenses?

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » June 13, 2013, 9:26 am

And yet ANOTHER DEMOCRAT speaks out.

Sen. Wyden: Top Obama Security Officials Lied to Congress About PRISM
http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government ... bout-PRISM
On Tuesday, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) suggested two prominent Obama administration national security officials lied to Congress about their knowledge of the National Security Agency's phone and Internet spying programs.

Wyden, who is on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and National Security Agency Director Keith Alexander did not give lawmakers "straight answers" when they appeared before Congress earlier in the year.

“One of the most important responsibilities a senator has is oversight of the intelligence community,” Wyden said in a statement. “This job cannot be done responsibly if senators aren’t getting straight answers to direct questions.”

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » June 13, 2013, 9:51 am

The Benghazi "story" changes again. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dempsey: No, special forces were not told to stand down during Benghazi attack
http://hotair.com/archives/2013/06/12/d ... zi-attack/
“They weren’t told to stand down. A `stand down’ means don’t do anything,” he said. “They were told that the mission they were asked to perform was not in Benghazi, but was at Tripoli airport.” …

Sens. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., questioned Dempsey about Hicks’ testimony at a hearing on the military budget.

Dempsey explained that when the four members of Army special forces contacted their command center in Stuttgart, Germany, they were informed that Americans in Benghazi were “on their way and that they would be better used at the Tripoli airport because one of them was a medic.”

He also said that “if they had gone, they would have simply passed each other in the air.” …

Dempsey and former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta had told the Senate in February that the military couldn’t get resources to Benghazi in time and scrambling jet fighters wasn’t the right course. Dempsey told Ayotte that after he learned of Hicks’ testimony last month, he checked back with officials on what orders were given.
Gee, unprepared to give testimony the FIRST TIME on something so important? It's called, "Let's attack the truth-teller."

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » June 13, 2013, 4:50 pm


Then Senator Joe Biden, now Vice President to Barack Obama, objecting to data mining in 2006.

Just like most Libs ... anything Republican = Bad. Anything Lib = Good. No matter what.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by gudtymchuk » June 13, 2013, 6:55 pm

Dozens of lawmakers and aides are so afraid that their health insurance premiums will skyrocket next year thanks to Obamacare that they are thinking about retiring early or just quitting.
Guess they didn't read the bill before passing the bill :-" :-"

Just another example of the many problems with the Liberal takeover of the healthcare system...
http://www.politico.com/story/2013/06/o ... html?hp=f2
What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » June 16, 2013, 1:24 pm

Our Disappearing President
http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/ ... nopager=1#
So the president wants a debate, but he doesn’t want to participate.

We’ll acknowledge that this is a tough spot for Obama. He opposed programs like these as a senator and railed against them as a candidate. And less than a month ago, he declared an end to the global war on terror and announced a return to a pre-9/11 approach to al Qaeda. So he’ll face tough questions about why he changed his mind and how he can justify continuing these programs in the face of a diminished threat.

Too bad. The president decided to continue these surveillance efforts for a reason. Intelligence officials who have spoken with The Weekly Standard about the programs say they are critical components of the U.S. effort to prevent attacks and that losing them would leave gaping holes in the intelligence picture we’ve developed of al Qaeda, its friends, and its sympathizers. Sober, nonhysterical officials tell us that if the programs were gone, we’d be considerably more vulnerable to large-scale mass-casualty attacks.

But skeptics of the programs raise legitimate concerns about privacy and overreach. It’s precisely because these are difficult questions that the president owes the country a detailed explanation of his decision to continue the programs and a robust defense of them. This will almost certainly involve providing specifics on the role they played in thwarting attacks, an unfortunate but necessary step after the misleading leaks about what the programs do.
Still leading from behind. It's what he has always done. His explanations about each of his programs have been found out later to be laced with lie after lie after lie.

This NSA over-reach will be no different. He has already lied when he said that Congress had been told of this ramp-up. He has already pointed fingers at both the courts and Congress as being involved in this -- as if his decision to move forward with a larger scope means nothing. Republicans and Democrats both stepped up and said they knew nothing about this new expanded net. Republicans and Democrats have both objected to this over-reach and power grab.

So what's Obama doing during all of this? Going to Ireland and planning a trip to Africa. Yeah, that's important business. It's called 'running away'. Leading from behind.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » June 17, 2013, 12:34 am

Another DEMOCRAT not very happy about the NSA wiretapping WITHOUT WARRANTS.

Nadler: NSA told us analysts can conduct warrantless wiretapping
http://hotair.com/archives/2013/06/16/n ... retapping/
Congress believed it had proscribed this option in its 2008 revamping of the FISA laws, which then-Senator Barack Obama supported. The law forbids the NSA or any other intelligence agency from targeting “US persons” without a warrant.
However, we all know now that Barack Obama's statements and beliefs have expiration dates. :D
Intelligence committee members have insisted that the NSA programs are conducted with plenty of oversight, and the controversy may still turn out to be hyperventilating over relatively minor issues of scope. However, it’s at least clear that Congress hasn’t exercised enough oversight on these programs, and that most of them still don’t know what the NSA is really doing.
But wait a minute ... Emperor Barack told us that everyone in Congress knew. Another lie? :^o Of course.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » June 17, 2013, 6:22 am

What is your mission in Syria, Mr. President? You demanded to know that from President Bush regarding Iraq. What is your mission in Syria, Mr. President?

What is your exit strategy, Mr. President? Have you told Americans? What is our national interest in Syria, Mr. President?

All were questions from the Left put to President Bush during the Iraq War. Where are those hypocrite inquiring minds now? Where were those inquiring minds regarding Libya? Where were those inquiring minds regarding the funding of revolution in Egypt? Where are those inquiring minds with the ramping up of operations in Afghanistan and the death toll of Americans there?


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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by parrot » June 17, 2013, 8:21 am

Obamacare......the end to an American way of life
http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/20 ... e-baby/?hp

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