Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
Good article Parrot!
Finally, looks like da end is in sight...
From the sound of it, the masses appear to like OCare pretty well... And, the sound of the insurance rates dropping already, is deafening!...
Finally, looks like da end is in sight...
From the sound of it, the masses appear to like OCare pretty well... And, the sound of the insurance rates dropping already, is deafening!...
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
Both of which are already insolvent, and in which over $700 Billion in Medicare contributions by American workers into that system was stolen from the program to fund ObamaCare.It’s a fascinating moment, akin to the dawn of Social Security or Medicare.
Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare *VIDEO* In their own words
http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/ ... _obamacare
From ABC News in 2009:
Of course, ObamaCare is NOT deficit neutral according to the CBO, and THAT is why only 51 votes will be needed to eliminate it -- because eliminating it will REDUCE the deficit. If slashing a program REDUCES the deficit, then it is NOT deficit neutral. Just another lie. Move along. Nothing new to see or hear.TAPPER: “One of the concerns about health care and how you pay for it — one third of the funding comes from cuts to Medicare.”
TAPPER: “A lot of times, as you know, what happens in Congress is somebody will do something bold and then Congress, close to election season, will undo it.”
OBAMA: “Right.”
TAPPER: “You saw that with the ‘doc fix’.”
OBAMA: “Right.”
TAPPER: “Are you willing to pledge that whatever cuts in Medicare are being made to fund health insurance, one third of it, that you will veto anything that tries to undo that?”
OBAMA: “Yes. I actually have said that it is important for us to make sure this thing is deficit neutral, without tricks. I said I wouldn’t sign a bill that didn’t meet that criteria.”
Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
ROFLMAO...and the nuts are going nuts that "Obamacare" and other hard fought initiatives are working as advertised. Go ahead...grasp at straws...silly little people... 

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
"grasp at straws" -- 30++ times and counting.
- jackspratt
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
parrot wrote:"grasp at straws" -- 30++ times and counting.
But I am the one who is obsessed..........

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
Don't let facts get in your way.
Sources to the facts are linked throughout the article (GAO, CBO, state insurance commissioners, insurance companies, the Federal Reserve, Dept of HHS, Assoc. of American Medical Colleges, etc.).
ObamaCare Turns Three: 10 Disturbing Facts Americans Have Learned
http://news.investors.com/032113-648891 ... htm?p=full
1. Boost insurance costs.
2. Push millions off employer coverage.
3. Cause premiums to skyrocket.
4. Cost people their jobs.
5. Tax the middle class.
6. Add to the deficit.
7. Cost more than promised.
8. Be a bureaucratic nightmare.
9. Exacerbate doctor shortages.
10. Leave millions uninsured.
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9 are already happening. There will be many more than 10 disturbing facts before it's all over.

Sources to the facts are linked throughout the article (GAO, CBO, state insurance commissioners, insurance companies, the Federal Reserve, Dept of HHS, Assoc. of American Medical Colleges, etc.).
ObamaCare Turns Three: 10 Disturbing Facts Americans Have Learned
http://news.investors.com/032113-648891 ... htm?p=full
1. Boost insurance costs.
2. Push millions off employer coverage.
3. Cause premiums to skyrocket.
4. Cost people their jobs.
5. Tax the middle class.
6. Add to the deficit.
7. Cost more than promised.
8. Be a bureaucratic nightmare.
9. Exacerbate doctor shortages.
10. Leave millions uninsured.
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9 are already happening. There will be many more than 10 disturbing facts before it's all over.
Refute it, nay sayers. Anyone can scream "BS!" at the top of their lungs or try to make cute jokes, that won't change the facts.ObamaCare backers typically tout popular features that went into effect almost immediately. The law expanded Medicare's drug coverage, for example, and let children stay on their parents' plans until they turned 26.
But the bulk of ObamaCare doesn't take effect until next year. That's when the so-called insurance exchanges are supposed to be up and running, when the mandate on individuals and businesses kicks in, and when the avalanche of regulations on the insurance industry hits.

Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
You might want to try actually using the facts.
WTH is that chart about anyway? Those aren't years on the x-axis. WTH is...oh, wait. It appears to be each provision's cost arranged in such a way as to LOOK like it represents time, but it is actually the estimate of costs by provision reference number (?) arranged in ascending order...
That is soooooo pathetic.
The real facts are here:
An entire website to dispel myths posted by the many morons still living in Nuttyville opposite Reality Mountain.
WTH is that chart about anyway? Those aren't years on the x-axis. WTH is...oh, wait. It appears to be each provision's cost arranged in such a way as to LOOK like it represents time, but it is actually the estimate of costs by provision reference number (?) arranged in ascending order...
That is soooooo pathetic.
The real facts are here:
An entire website to dispel myths posted by the many morons still living in Nuttyville opposite Reality Mountain.
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
lol! I stayed away from this thread for 14 pages. Did I coincidentally repeat a recurring meme?parrot wrote:"grasp at straws" -- 30++ times and counting.
Reality and youknowwho remain out of touch with each other. I'll try to leave it at that. Fight the good fight with facts. Carry on, I suppose. It's been going on this long. I'm surely not needed.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
Ah, ok. The "e" is for estimated. Whatever. The site I posted has the real facts.
To wit:
"Obamacare is projected to cut the national deficit by over $200 billion during it's first 10 years and over $1 trillion over the next two decades. This helps offset the up-front cost of ObamaCare. Please be aware the cost estimates are changed on a regular basis and are often quoted as being between $1 and $2.6 trillion. Our cost estimate is taken directly from the front page of the official CBO report on ObamaCare's costs. ObamaCare is paid for through collected taxes, penalties, spending cuts and reformations to the health care industry."
To wit:
"Obamacare is projected to cut the national deficit by over $200 billion during it's first 10 years and over $1 trillion over the next two decades. This helps offset the up-front cost of ObamaCare. Please be aware the cost estimates are changed on a regular basis and are often quoted as being between $1 and $2.6 trillion. Our cost estimate is taken directly from the front page of the official CBO report on ObamaCare's costs. ObamaCare is paid for through collected taxes, penalties, spending cuts and reformations to the health care industry."
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
So let me get this straight.
Barack Obama doesn't know what's going on in the IRS, a department under his direct control in the Executive Branch. He had no idea about the ATF's Fast & Furious Operation, another department under his direct control in the Executive Branch. Obama had no idea that journalists were being targeted by HIS Justice Department, another department under his direct control in the Executive Branch. As Commander in Chief, he refuses to tell Americans where he was during Beghazi. Obama secretly expands data-mining of the phone records, emails and credit card purchases of Americans and then lies to Americans telling them that everyone in Congress was aware of it.
And yet he KNOWS EVERYTHING about ObamaCare and everyone is supposed to believe what he says when FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NUMBERS contradict him?
Obama has proven since he was in the US Senate that will lie about anything in the beginning and change his story later -- and yes, it's true with ObamaCare, too. Those ten facts in that previous article come from the very sources -- the Congressional Budget Office and the Government Accountability Office -- where Obama should be getting his numbers. But they're different because Obama made up his own numbers and estimates. I'm not willing to trust someone with their own version of math when the government offices that score these costs come up with something entirely different.
Keep making excuses for him. Go ahead and believe him -- AGAIN.
Barack Obama doesn't know what's going on in the IRS, a department under his direct control in the Executive Branch. He had no idea about the ATF's Fast & Furious Operation, another department under his direct control in the Executive Branch. Obama had no idea that journalists were being targeted by HIS Justice Department, another department under his direct control in the Executive Branch. As Commander in Chief, he refuses to tell Americans where he was during Beghazi. Obama secretly expands data-mining of the phone records, emails and credit card purchases of Americans and then lies to Americans telling them that everyone in Congress was aware of it.
And yet he KNOWS EVERYTHING about ObamaCare and everyone is supposed to believe what he says when FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NUMBERS contradict him?

Obama has proven since he was in the US Senate that will lie about anything in the beginning and change his story later -- and yes, it's true with ObamaCare, too. Those ten facts in that previous article come from the very sources -- the Congressional Budget Office and the Government Accountability Office -- where Obama should be getting his numbers. But they're different because Obama made up his own numbers and estimates. I'm not willing to trust someone with their own version of math when the government offices that score these costs come up with something entirely different.
Keep making excuses for him. Go ahead and believe him -- AGAIN.
Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
I'm pretty sure mental healthcare is covered. Thank goodness. There are many who need it.
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
The reactions to the article sure are refreshing:
http://www.thepeoplesview.net/2011/07/t ... f.html?m=1
http://www.thepeoplesview.net/2011/07/t ... f.html?m=1
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
It appears to me that OCare is a good start at changin a horribly expensive medical system which produces unacceptable results.
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
I know I'm wasting my time asking you for proof. But you threw it out there.LilRed wrote:It appears to me that OCare is a good start at changin a horribly expensive medical system which produces unacceptable results.
How is ObamaCare making care less expensive and providing better results? Got some case studies? Got some official data? Some links to something credible?
Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
There is a pink elephant in many online forums where there is a loud, but very teenie-tiny angry minority flailing to be heard. They are desperate to somehow overwhelm the GLOBAL majority with pathetic but "vociferous" posts. Their entire purpose in life seems to be to "take down" Obama. While such behavior might be excused in the run-up to an election or re-election, after a re-election some readers become concerned that perhaps such posters are probably mentally unstable. It's like...what's the point? He was re-elected by a wide margin. He and his policies are what the People want.
There are some very interesting points of view on the matter of why those people desperately twist facts and want history to believe/record Obama is/was "dead in the water":
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/clarence- ... 87906.html
:-" :-" :-"
There are some very interesting points of view on the matter of why those people desperately twist facts and want history to believe/record Obama is/was "dead in the water":
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/clarence- ... 87906.html
There is a tradition of partisan opposition between the two major parties in our country. Most of the time, notwithstanding speeches in Congress or criticism in the press, there is usually a commonality of noblesse oblige, of decency underlying even some of the most vociferous rhetoric.
It it now clear that the Republican Party is dominated by persons who, under no circumstances, no way, no how, in this life, or the next, will accept the legitimacy of Obama, as an African-American, as president of this great nation. Few people have the guts or the courage to tell it like it is, lest they be criticized for "playing the race card,"...
Note well that such desperation is promoted by a minority of members of a particular and declining American demographic. It is rare to find such points of view outside of that particular American demographic.I am not suggesting or advocating any kid-gloves treatment of Obama because of his ethnicity. However, any careful observer of the media or listener to talk radio across our nation can only conclude that the antagonistic opposition to Obama is because of who he is, pure and simple. Ex-constitutional Harvard Law Review president, no-drama Obama, has obviously unhinged a substantial segment of our body politic.
Otherwise, how else to explain the bizarre behavior of the Republican Party leadership...
:-" :-" :-"
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
Anyone who starts making this an argument about Obama's race and skin color has lost the argument. :-"
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
WBU ALUM wrote:I know I'm wasting my time asking you for proof. But you threw it out there.LilRed wrote:It appears to me that OCare is a good start at changin a horribly expensive medical system which produces unacceptable results.
How is ObamaCare making care less expensive and providing better results? Got some case studies? Got some official data? Some links to something credible?
*CRICKETS* ... Once again.
Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
LilRed doesn't need to respond, IMHO. Nevermind that LilRed may not even be aware there is a reply to the post.
It's amazing how hate - veiled or blatant - obsesses some people so much that they feel the need to post the same repetitive straw arguments throughout multiple unrelated threads. If that hate could be packaged and sold, it might go a long way towards solving America's long-term energy problem.
Oh, but wait...Obama has already gone a long way towards solving America's long-term energy problem despite Republican opposition...ain't dat a b**ch?
It's amazing how hate - veiled or blatant - obsesses some people so much that they feel the need to post the same repetitive straw arguments throughout multiple unrelated threads. If that hate could be packaged and sold, it might go a long way towards solving America's long-term energy problem.

Oh, but wait...Obama has already gone a long way towards solving America's long-term energy problem despite Republican opposition...ain't dat a b**ch?
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
Once again, another who can't refute.
Veil it all in phony charges of racism and hate.
It's a sure sign that someone has lost the argument. And this coming from someone whose avatar characterizes an elected representative as a devil.
Hypocrisy much? Hate much? Too funny.
Being passionate about one's stance is acceptable for only one side of argument. The other side must be silenced because they are crazy and racist and hate-filled. I get it now.
Veil it all in phony charges of racism and hate.

Being passionate about one's stance is acceptable for only one side of argument. The other side must be silenced because they are crazy and racist and hate-filled. I get it now.

Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?
Looks like you are the first to do so.WBU ALUM wrote:Anyone who starts making this an argument about Obama's race and skin color has lost the argument. :-"
Clearly, you missed it. That's not what my posts were about. That might be what the articles were about, but my posts were about some of the possible reasons behind why SOME people struggle to convince others (on a Thailand forum, no less) that Obama is dead in the water. Because clearly, he's not. He and his team continue to make significant progress despite the efforts of Republicans to go so far as to make Congress dysfunctional and even abort their own ideas and positions in an effort to thwart his progress, legacy, and his assured place in American history.
He shall be on Mt. Rushmore and they hate it. Don't you? The thought of you hating makes me giggle.

Please stay on topic and stop making this personal.
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