LilRed wrote:WBU:
The American health care system provides much lower performance, at a much higher price. Clearly, the "free market" approach to health care costs more and is less effective than some other systems.
You keep saying this. That doesn't make it so.
Why are you (that's the collective "you"...) willing to tolerate this... Maybe, as "the price of having a free market"?
My health care was not only fine, but wonderful before Obama decided it was the role of the federal government to control it.
Initial reports from users under Ocare, report much "competition" in rates being offered by PRIVATE insurance companies... It appears to be as a direct result of Ocare...
You keep saying this, too -- with nothing to back it up. Nothing, as usual.
Time to start getting our money's worth for our health care dollars, wouldn't you say? If the "free market" health care system does not produce superior results, it's time for change.
I got my money's worth just fine. Please provide some tangible and specific "superior results" to this health care system that you think is already working.
President Obama has started it very nicely with Ocare.
Except it hasn't started.
Yes, I know Congress was held by the Demos when Ocare passed... Damn, good thing too. (I was jes testing to see how carefully you read others posts...)
Yeah, right.
Your Obama obsession, is clouding and unbalancing your reason.
I won't bother to ask how because you can't even refute facts with any sources. This is just another one of your opinions being used to make this personal and insult me. That's your style. I have come to expect it every single time.
My obsession is with the Constitution, free enterprise and individual liberty. Who the president is does not matter. Anyone ignoring those things and destroying the society with big government tyranny would get the same attention.