Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by jackspratt » July 31, 2013, 7:36 pm

WhoUrDaddy wrote:Keeping You Up To Date
Playboy magazine
reportedly offered Sarah Palin $4,000,000 to pose nude in an upcoming issue.
She was also offered a $10,000,000 bonus if she promised to keep her mouth shut for the entire shoot. Unfortunately (for her, but not the residents of Planet Earth) , the deal fell through. :-#
Last edited by jackspratt on July 31, 2013, 7:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by BobHelm » July 31, 2013, 7:38 pm

Oh dear...
One of the most inept American Presidents in history & his opposition are reduced to silly jokes & cartoons.
Not a idea of note amongst any of them...

America is completely a busted flush going on the evidence presented here... :D

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 3, 2013, 5:16 pm

Barack Obama continues to stand before the American People delivering speeches -- in quick succession and making the same tired points. Only he now believes that he making the speech of the century.

Either Barack Obama is unaware of technology and our ability to compare what he says now to what he said before, or he is playing the American People for fools.

Obama's recent tour of words and no substance was vintage Obama. Lots of fanfare, no details, a distortion of his record in the economy, a lack of accountability and responsibility, and blaming others for what he has been unable to accomplish.

What exactly has he been unable to do? How specifically has he been prevented from doing it? We get no details on that either.

Obama continues to try to portray himself as an outsider vs the Washington political class that he not only heads, but continues to grow. He posits the idea that he can grow the economy from the middle out. How does that happen? No details there either. He professes to be the defender of the middle class and the little guy, but at the same time creates hindrances that has been devastating for the middle class.

And then there are the claims of "phony scandals" that he himself was supposedly "outraged" over their occurrence. He was going to get to the bottom of it, remember? Well, now they're phony.

The worst is that Obama believes the answer to everything is Big Government, not the American People.

Here are the facts after 5 years of Obama:

- the economy is still stagnant
- unemployment and annual deficits remain high
- national debt and unfunded liabilities are an economic threat to the society
- ObamaCare hangs over the economy and every employer
- the country is in steady economic and military decline
- Obama and his INjustice Department and administrative agencies are riddled with scandals and gleefully flout the Constitution, the rule of law and the legislative branch

MILLER: Obama’s doomed attempt to save his legacy
The White House adopts a strategy of deception by distraction
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/201 ... is-legacy/
The economy has never grown much more than by minuscule amounts during the Obama administration. Gross domestic product has grown at an anemic pace since he’s been in the White House, barely sputtering at 1.8 percent in the first quarter of 2013. Unemployment under Mr. Obama has averaged a discouraging 8.8 percent and still tops out at 7.6 percent.

Gas prices are rising again, but Mr. Obama spent a long stretch of these speeches touting the doubling of “clean energy” production on his watch. He claimed to have “saved the auto industry,” but didn’t mention that Detroit has gone bankrupt.

Most absurdly, he cited as a point of pride that “our deficits are falling at the fastest rate in 60 years.” He left out two key points: The congressional Republicans demanded spending cuts for increasing the debt ceiling, and the rate of decrease is high because the deficits themselves have been the largest red ink in U.S. history. Spending was $1.4 trillion more than revenue in 2009 and $1 trillion more in 2012.

The Congressional Budget Office projects a $642 billion deficit for this fiscal year, but that’s mostly because Mr. Obama hiked taxes on Jan. 1 to pay for his spending habits.
Despite all of this, Obama and his Ozombies tell us that everything is great and would be even better if it wasn't for the obstructionist Republicans.

If everything is so wonderful, why is Obama flying all over the country trying to convince us of something that we should be able to see for ourselves?

Obama refuses to accept responsibility for his policies. His blame game has reached not epic, but comical proportions. It is the mentality of drones. No amount of failure can prove their failure.

Obama has no new ideas, and even his speeches are the same. He has this Utopian Religion that wants to grow and grown government even more and more and more, while the private sector shrinks to nothing. The private sector: the origin of tax revenue. Obama's liberal philosophy tells him that growing government is paramount. It must come before everything else -- even economic growth and prosperity for the very people to whom Obama claims allegiance -- the middle class, the little guy.

Middle class has been left behind by Obamanomics
http://washingtonexaminer.com/middle-cl ... le/2533547
Median household income has fallen by 5 percent since 2009 — when the recession ended and Obama came into office — as the Wall Street Journal pointed out after Obama’s speech.
Government grows, the wealthy, the big, and the well-connected pull away, and the rest of us struggle.

One reason: Obamanomics leans heavily on trickle-down economics. How does Obama promise to create jobs? With more loan guarantees to sell jumbo jets and more subsidies to make solar panels — taxpayer transfers to the big companies with the best lobbyists, with some crumbs hopefully falling to the working class.

Also, Obama’s regulations crush small businesses, protecting the big guys from competition. This hurts Mom & Pop and would-be entrepreneurs, but it also hurts the working class. New businesses are the engine of job growth, but new business formation has accelerated its decline in the last few years, hitting record lows.
Even when you measure what Obama inherited, he has not made a dent in anything. In most cases, things have gotten worse. There are millions who have given up and left the workforce. They now join the Entitlement Class -- the dependency rolls.

Exclusive: Signs of declining economic security
http://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-signs-d ... 30441.html
Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.

Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.

Nationwide, the count of America's poor remains stuck at a record number: 46.2 million, or 15 percent of the population, due in part to lingering high unemployment following the recession. While poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics are nearly three times higher, by absolute numbers the predominant face of the poor is white.

More than 19 million whites fall below the poverty line of $23,021 for a family of four, accounting for more than 41 percent of the nation's destitute, nearly double the number of poor blacks.

"Hope and Change" ... pretty hollow when you consider that he is nothing more than a street-corner community organizer spouting the liberal line of class warfare and division at a time when Americans need solidarity. Obama doesn't aspire to economic growth. He isn't about growing anything except government to redistribute what the productive have earned.

All of this is why Obama's speeches focus on class envy, resentment and class warfare. He attack producers and the wealthy and promises to thwart them, which stifles growth.

With the flame of the entrepreneurial spirit and liberty of the American People being attacked and stifled, America is destined for nothing, but decline. As long as Barack Obama remains in office, the world and Americans will witness the "new normal" when it comes to the US Economy.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Study: Record Number 21 Million Young Adults Living With Parents
http://washington.cbslocal.com/2013/08/ ... h-parents/

Unemployment Rates Rise in 90% of US Cities
http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government ... -US-cities

Workforce participation: 2008-2013

Workforce participation 2008-2013, compared with 2000-2008

The surge of part-time employment

953,000 jobs “created so far in 2013. Only 23% -- 222,000 are full time jobs

But everything is ok in Connecticut, Florida and New York. :lol: :lol: :lol: Right.
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by LilRed » August 4, 2013, 9:07 am

"Here are the facts after 5 years of Obama:

- the economy is still stagnant
- unemployment and annual deficits remain high
- national debt and unfunded liabilities are an economic threat to the society
- ObamaCare hangs over the economy and every employer
- the country is in steady economic and military decline
- Obama and his INjustice Department and administrative agencies are riddled with scandals and gleefully flout the Constitution, the rule of law and the legislative branch"

"Facts?" Looks like PUBS to me.

Even our very worst presidents did some good things; made some good decisions. Failure to acknowledge ANY "good things"; to obsessively argue; to arrogantly judge - "You ain't got nothing", etc., is symptomatic of a severely unbalanced wa... Ask the Nuge.

President Obama's doin a fine job. Bless him.


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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 4, 2013, 11:35 am

LilRed wrote:

"Here are the facts after 5 years of Obama:

- the economy is still stagnant
- unemployment and annual deficits remain high
- national debt and unfunded liabilities are an economic threat to the society
- ObamaCare hangs over the economy and every employer
- the country is in steady economic and military decline
- Obama and his INjustice Department and administrative agencies are riddled with scandals and gleefully flout the Constitution, the rule of law and the legislative branch"

"Facts?" Looks like PUBS to me.

Even our very worst presidents did some good things; made some good decisions. Failure to acknowledge ANY "good things"; to obsessively argue; to arrogantly judge - "You ain't got nothing", etc., is symptomatic of a severely unbalanced wa... Ask the Nuge.

President Obama's doin a fine job. Bless him.

Paragraphs and multiple sources, and that's all you got.

Refute it. I really don't think the evidence exists, but I also don't think you have the capacity to do it. You never have -- not once with any verifiable source. Just talk and opinions based on nothing -- no details. That's your typical response.

But here's a simple way to solve it all. You are Obama's supporter and promoter. You should be well versed and have the ability to tell us all what a fine job he's doing by listing all the economic policies and programs in an economy that has been on the brink since the day he took office. Specifics. Way back in 2009, Obama said he wasn't going to sleep until Americans were back to work.

List Obama's economic policies and programs over the past five years that have been of benefit to ALL Americans -- promoting free enterprise and individual liberty -- AND was supported by the MAJORITY of WORKING Americans.

NOTE: Before you even begin -- if you ever begin -- your "good start" ObamaCare does not meet that criteria. It doesn't benefit all Americans and is not supported by the majority of working Americans.

The Child Emperor has been in office almost 5 years now. I contend that he has done NOTHING -- but talk and promise rainbows and unicorns -- with no details, no specifics. Come to think of it, you and your hero have a lot in common in that regard.

And I'm not being "aggressive" as you like to call it, Mr. Red. I'm smiling, and I'm anxious to see your list. :D

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by LilRed » August 4, 2013, 7:18 pm

I have, several times, listed President Obama's many successes... I'll spare you all another round.

I will not swap url's with anyone, unless I feel like doin so. The crap that Briebart, Heritage, and Fox News spew is not worth reading, except to keep eye on on what the Teabillys are saying... And, yes, I have followed their links to supposed sources, more than a few times, only to find that the source was no longer available, or, that their content was so spun as to be twisted into meaningless, misleading ranting...

Sadly, we seem to have a coupla ranting Teabillys in our forum... I KNOW Teabillys well, up close and personally... And, closet racists trading in hatred and worse... I am, after all, not only the son of a rocket scientist, but am (distantly) related to General Nathan Bedford Forrest, CSA (through the issue from one of his scandalous liasons...)...

I found this pic of a Teabilly Constitutional expert... which reminds the rest of us, a whole lot of you Teabillys, here in the forum...
TEA PARTY CONSTITUTION.jpg (27.96 KiB) Viewed 2953 times


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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by LilRed » August 4, 2013, 7:34 pm

Oh, and about President Obama's silly drone program...

Most Westerners, do not understand that when the bad folk whinge about "innocent civilian casualities", they are being despicably hypocritical...

How many times have we seen the same reports as below?

A red hot URL for our constitutional fundamentalist....

http://edition.cnn.com/2013/08/03/world ... ?hpt=hp_t3


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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by papaguido » August 4, 2013, 7:48 pm

LilRed wrote:
Sadly, we seem to have a coupla ranting Teabillys in our forum... I KNOW Teabillys well, up close and personally... And, closet racists trading in hatred and worse... I am, after all, not only the son of a rocket scientist, but am (distantly) related to General Nathan Bedford Forrest, CSA (through the issue from one of his scandalous liasons...)...

I found this pic of a Teabilly Constitutional expert... which reminds the rest of us, a whole lot of you Teabillys, here in the forum...

Yep, them folks in the tea party are racists :lol: ...

Image Image Image

Too bad you're not a chip off the old block, otherwise you'd know what the tea party stood for...here's a clue...


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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 5, 2013, 9:23 am

LilRed wrote:I have, several times, listed President Obama's many successes... I'll spare you all another round.

I will not swap url's with anyone, unless I feel like doin so. The crap that Briebart, Heritage, and Fox News spew is not worth reading, except to keep eye on on what the Teabillys are saying... And, yes, I have followed their links to supposed sources, more than a few times, only to find that the source was no longer available, or, that their content was so spun as to be twisted into meaningless, misleading ranting...

Sadly, we seem to have a coupla ranting Teabillys in our forum... I KNOW Teabillys well, up close and personally... And, closet racists trading in hatred and worse... I am, after all, not only the son of a rocket scientist, but am (distantly) related to General Nathan Bedford Forrest, CSA (through the issue from one of his scandalous liasons...)...

I found this pic of a Teabilly Constitutional expert... which reminds the rest of us, a whole lot of you Teabillys, here in the forum...
I've got one word to describe your responses: pathetic.

You haven't provided any list anywhere of Obama's economic successes that are good for ALL Americans and were supported by the majority of working Americans. Just another hollow, off-handed remark that shows your inability to refute anything with substance. And I'm not interested in what your father did, and you shouldn't be interested in mine. It's about Barack Obama and your pathetic responses and excuses that are based on nothing but your tepid carbon dioxide.

And then you dredge up that same tired TEA Party diatribe again. Yeah, the same speech ... just like someone else I know. Bringing that into the discussion helps to support your case for Barack Obama? Pathetic. The last time you threw that same tired argument out there, you couldn't even articulate your own position on that issue when I asked you about it. Instead you made a reference to what someone else thought they were. Pathetic.


Later, DUDE.
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by LilRed » August 5, 2013, 9:46 am


I am curious about the notes one of our Teapartiers claims to be keeping on other members... May we know more about these notes, WBU?

Because, I jes cain't see how such is on thread.


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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by LilRed » August 5, 2013, 9:51 am

PG, PG, PG... Thank you so very much for explaining what Teaparty means, again.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 5, 2013, 8:13 pm

Yes, it's just another promise from the Child Emperor that had a hidden expiration date. 8)

HHS Official: I Can't Say If Obama's $2,500 Premium Promise Will Come True
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/ ... _true.html
CAMP: Well, the president promised, that I'm quoting, to lower premiums for the typical family up to $2,500 per year. Is that going to happen? And obviously, we’re a couple of months away from implementing it. People are concerned about the costs, how they're going to meet these obligations, is the average family in mid and northern Michigan going to see that kind of rate reduction?

COHEN: I think that the average family living in Michigan will have in a marketplace, more options and for better coverage at an affordable price, once the Affordable Care Act is...

CAMP: So they will see a $2,500 reduction.

COHEN: I can't say. We’re not releasing any information.

CAMP: Certainly you can understand why citizens are concerned on what is going to be a very large expense for their families. We can't even have any sort of prediction in terms of where this is going to be after several years of so-called implementation.

COHEN: I actually think that predictions have proven not to be very useful. It would be more useful to look at the rates states have actually released.

Just more unicorns and rainbows ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by jackspratt » August 5, 2013, 8:30 pm

From memory, Obama's "promise" of a $2500 saving was made in 2008, when he was still a Senator, and well before the Republican congressional troglodytes bastardised the initial Obamacare bill.

But that is just a mere detail. :D

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/23/us/23 ... alink&_r=0

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 5, 2013, 8:56 pm

Barack Trayvon Obama is sure making a name for himself. :lol: :lol: :lol:

More Americans on Welfare. More Americans on Disability. Now we have 77% of new jobs so far in 2013 PART TIME???

Why not? Obama is the part-time president.

Cheaper labor: 77 percent of 2013 jobs were part-time positions
http://p.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/ ... re-part-t/
Fully 77 percent of positions added to the market in 2013 have been part-time, in contrast to the positive economic news making the media rounds, according to payroll reports released in recent weeks.

Only a handful of the positions have been full-time, benefit-providing opportunities, one economic analyst reported on the blog, Zero Hedge.

In June, there were 360,000 part-time jobs added around the nation — but at the same time, the number of reported full-time positions dropped by 240,000. And in July, it was more of the same dire economic news.
Helping that middle class, boy. Stand up for "the little guy." Yeah, right. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by LilRed » August 6, 2013, 10:18 am

JS, I dunna see eye to eye with you sometimes, nonetheless, I really appreciate your courteous post manners.


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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 6, 2013, 10:25 am

Yes, they keep calling it a recovery, but nothing has recovered. Many areas of the economy have gotten much worse. Of course, according to authorities on here, things are fine in CT, FL and NY. :lol:

Young Americans Left Out Of Obama's 'Jobs Recovery'
http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorial ... nomics.htm
We keep hearing the job market is "improving" or even "solid," with 162,000 new positions created in July and unemployment falling to 7.4%, the lowest since 2008.

But one group is sitting it out. And it's the one that most enthusiastically embraced Barack Obama in both of his presidential elections: America's young.

Their unemployment rate is a shocking 16.1%.
Increasingly, those ages 18 to 29, the so-called millennials, are being left out of the market, with tenuous or no ties to the workplace. Just 43.6% of this group have full-time jobs, according to Gallup.

So what are they doing? As a new Pew Research report shows, many are just hanging around their parents' houses; 21.1 million young Americans live with their folks, more than ever.

Over at Power Line blog, Joe Malchow crunched some not-very-pretty numbers on youth labor-force participation. Participation among 18-to-19-year-olds has declined 11.3% since Obama took office. For those ages 20 to 24, it has dropped 3.4%.

These are the biggest declines for any age cohort. And if they aren't bad enough, teen unemployment among blacks is an unbelievable 41%.
Add the fact that the burden of ObamaCare is being placed on these same young Americans who are now forced to purchase health insurance or face fines. They wouldn't listen. They thought Barack Trayvon Martin Obama was the "Second Coming." Nope. Sorry. He played you.
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by Udon Map » August 6, 2013, 10:35 am

Mod note: Some ad hominem comments have been removed from this thread and will continue to be removed without notice and sometimes without comment. Let's discuss the issues, not attack or denigrate other UM members!!

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 6, 2013, 10:43 am

And yet another double standard rears its head in ObamaCare. While HHS has been granting waivers to "certain" businesses and not to others, and not releasing the criteria used to grant such waivers, Emperor Barack has now decided that members on Capitol Hill do not need to follow the law either.

Since when does a president just waive a law for certain individuals? There is no authority for any president to do such a thing.

Emperor Barack has decided that he is going to help out members of Congress and allow them to ignore the statutes of the law that Emperor Barack demanded. Emperor Barack is going to let taxpayers foot the bill in the form of subsidies to cover their costs.

Congress's ObamaCare Exemption
The President intervenes to give Members and staff a break.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142 ... 87548.html
President Obama told Democrats in a closed-door meeting last week that he would personally moonlight as HR manager and resolve the issue.

And now the White House is suspending the law to create a double standard. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) that runs federal benefits will release regulatory details this week, but leaks to the press suggest that Congress will receive extra payments based on the FEHBP defined-contribution formula, which covers about 75% of the cost of the average insurance plan. For 2013, that’s about $4,900 for individuals and $10,000 for families.

How OPM will pull this off is worth watching. Is OPM simply going to cut checks, akin to “cashing out” fringe benefits and increasing wages? Or will OPM cover 75% of the cost of the ObamaCare plan the worker chooses—which could well be costlier than what the feds now contribute via current FEHBP plans? In any case the carve-out for Congress creates a two-tier exchange system, one for the great unwashed and another for the politically connected.

This latest White House night at the improv is also illegal. OPM has no authority to pay for insurance plans that lack FEHBP contracts, nor does the Affordable Care Act permit either exchange contributions or a unilateral bump in congressional pay in return for less overall compensation. Those things require appropriations bills passed by Congress and signed by the President.
Yes, this great health care plan isn't good enough for those who threw it together, but the rest must just get in line, close their mouths, put their heads down and accept it.
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 7, 2013, 1:00 am

Yes, everything is okay in Florida ... :lol: :lol: :lol: NOT according to CNN Money.

Where Obamacare premiums will soar
http://money.cnn.com/2013/08/06/news/ec ... index.html
Behind the numbers in 3 key states. In Florida, for instance, officials constructed a hypothetical silver-level plan based on the offerings available today. Then they looked at how the cost of that plan compares to the average silver plan that will be available on the exchange. Florida found premiums will rise between 7.6% and 58.8%, depending on the insurer. The average increase would be 35%.

The main driver of the premium increases is the Obamacare mandate that coverage be offered to everyone, said Kevin McCarty, Florida's insurance commissioner. There are just short of a million enrollees in the individual market in Florida, while 3.8 million are uninsured. The state does not allow new entrants into a "high-risk pool," which provides coverage to the sick.

"People who are in their 50s with high blood pressure have no coverage options," he said.
No coverage options ... as in NO CHOICE. Good old Big Government. They always know what's best. Big Government is also slowly learning that it isn't going to work. It can't be implemented effectively or efficiently. Besides, Libs only believe in choice when it comes to killing a child in the womb.

I also notice there's still no list of programs and policies that benefit ALL Americans -- AND -- were supported by the majority of WORKING Americans. Know why? It doesn't exist in Obama's Agenda.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by papaguido » August 8, 2013, 5:28 pm

What he say? Impeach Obama...he must be racist :lol:

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