Thai Cough Medicine

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Thai Cough Medicine

Post by parrot » January 1, 2014, 3:04 pm

A year or so ago an elderly neighbor came down with a vicious cough. 83 years old, he was still working his sizable garden where we'd visit to buy his veggies. When his cough didn't go away, my wife stopped at a local pharmacy and bought a bottle of brown liquid cough syrup....gave it to the man....and a few days later, when we visited again, he proclaimed himself cured of the cough and thanked us for helping him.
Last week, our maid came down with a similar type off my wife went to buy another bottle of the medicine. The box is marked 19 Baht, but the pharmacy sells it for 15. Before giving the medicine to our maid, I decided to see what might be in the medicine. Interesting stuff!
The maid's cough is cured.

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Thai Cough Medicine

Post by merchant seaman » January 1, 2014, 3:25 pm

Been using this for at least the past 15 years. Don't really know how much opium is in it, but can confirm it works very well and is cheaper then any other cough medicine on the local market.
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Thai Cough Medicine

Post by Stantheman » January 1, 2014, 9:03 pm

Funny thing is the camphorated Opium Tincture, while suppresses coughs, had been used for years for diarrhea.

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Thai Cough Medicine

Post by Barney » January 2, 2014, 2:50 pm

Does the label have any recommendation for kids? Or does it look to potent.

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Thai Cough Medicine

Post by parrot » January 2, 2014, 6:07 pm

The Thai instructions read:
เด็ก 6-12 รับประทาน ครั้งละ 1/2 - 1 ช้นชา (2.5 - 5 มิลลิลิตร)

My translation = children 6-12 years old, take 1/2 - 1 teaspoon (2.5 - 5 milliliters)

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Thai Cough Medicine

Post by Barney » January 2, 2014, 9:54 pm

Thanks Parrot,

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Thai Cough Medicine

Post by Allen A Hale » January 3, 2014, 8:02 pm

My friend, a pharmacist in the USA, is familar with it and says pharmacists used to make "Brown Mixture" in the USA so it is an internationally known product. It works very well and is cheap.

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Thai Cough Medicine

Post by Sakhonnick » January 18, 2014, 1:50 pm

5 weeks ago i had a head cold, not severe but when on a flight my ears blocked up bad, anyway that cleared up but then i started coughing, i have not stopped in 5 weeks though some days it seems like its getting better, i just bought a bottle of the same stuff above, just a note he gave me a bottle the same box that was 30 baht i asked if it had opium he said no thats this smaller one 19baht so be aware there are 2 boxes that look the same

Just had my first sip, its strong but im hoping it can rid this cough once and for all

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Thai Cough Medicine

Post by Sakhonnick » January 18, 2014, 10:04 pm

Well........ What can I say unreal, I've had 3 sips cough almost gone, if it's even there, this is a great thing to know about, thanks

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Thai Cough Medicine

Post by pf-flyer » September 10, 2015, 11:10 am

My wife and I came down with a cold. My wife and I were watching some Muay Thai and they advertised this medicine and they called it " Dum Dum " ( I am a neophyte in the Thai language ) I was skeptical about this medicine and for the first night I was using the Tiffy cold medicine. I did not get very much sleep because I could not stop the coughing. I thought about the advertisement on TV and this post on Udon Map. On the second evening I finally decided that I had enough of the coughing. I only have one thing to say. IT WORKS. Both of us are using it.

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Thai Cough Medicine

Post by Laan Yaa Mo » September 10, 2015, 6:31 pm

Fisherman's Friend will ease any sore throat and stop your coughing. They are available at your local 7/11.
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Thai Cough Medicine

Post by FLICKFLACKER404 » September 10, 2015, 6:42 pm

Laan Yaa Mo wrote:Fisherman's Friend will ease any sore throat and stop your coughing. They are available at your local 7/11.
i bet youve sucked a few fishermans friends in your time :D

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Thai Cough Medicine

Post by Laan Yaa Mo » September 10, 2015, 6:49 pm

Thousands, mostly of the spicy mandarin flavour. 55+
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