Dentist Updates???

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Dentist Updates???

Post by jackspratt » February 12, 2013, 9:53 pm

Parrot it sounds like you are potentially up for every disease known to mankind - except hypochondria of course. :D

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Dentist Updates???

Post by Asiaphile » February 12, 2013, 10:00 pm

semperfiguy wrote:With all the uproar these days about the side effects on the body as a result of mercury vapors escaping from the old-fashion silver amalgam fillings in teeth, I have considered having all of mine replaced with the newest white colored resins. However, if the dentist is not equipped to perform the latest techniques in patient safety protocol, the end result could present more risk to the patient and technician than just leaving them in. Has anyone had a satisfactory and safe experience with having this done in Udon and can you recommend the clinic? If you're unsure about what I am referring to, take a few minutes and watch this video. It could potentially scare the pants off of you!
SF, Be wary of scaremongering. Youtube shouldn't be your source of reference for taking such drastic steps. Consult serious sources. Personally, I would consider the Mayo Clinic website one of them: ... gs/AN01508:
... "there's no need to replace metal dental fillings because of concerns about mercury in the fillings."

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Dentist Updates???

Post by rick » February 13, 2013, 12:02 am

I think Asiaphile is right. Never heard any evidence that mercury fillings cause any measurable poisoning to the patient, and like parrot i have a mouth full of them. In the Uk there was a scare about the mercury years ago, and the resounding advice was changing your fillings purely because they were amalgam was a waste of time. The NHS in UK still offers only amalgam fillings unless there is a cosmetic reason. All fillings have a life expectancy, when it needs replacing use something else if you prefer. You can only fill a tooth so many times, because every time the filling gets bigger. So don't use up one of your tooth's 9 lives just to get rid of mercury.

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All on 4 Implants

Post by kakariki » February 13, 2013, 4:04 am

Hi All
I'm looking to get 'All on 4" implants done, 4 locators that hold your existing denture. Has anyone had this done in Udon and can tell me where and their reviews.
Thanks Barry

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Dentist Updates???

Post by rick » March 2, 2013, 11:48 am

i have just completed a course of dental work at Bangkok hospital, Udon, this week. I have been impressed with the care and patience of the dentist; time was never an issue and i am not the easiest of patients. Took about 4 months in all, as needed some work on Jawbone and gum to allow a crown to be done and recovery time needed between operations - about 10 hours work over about 10 sessions in all. Had one broken tooth removed and one broken molar capped (some complications due to position and size). Total cost was about 12,000 baht, only slightly above initial estimate.

I am happy with the quality of work done. Equipment isn't the newest, but adequate. Dentists name (lady) Ranchana Surapattananon. English spoken.

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Dentist Updates???

Post by thex » March 2, 2013, 12:35 pm

There are two dentists after you pass the prison on your left.

The second dentist is US trained and offers a very good service.

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Dentist Updates???

Post by SJP17 » July 7, 2013, 5:44 am

Can anyone recommend a dentist where i can get an implant done

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Dentist Updates???

Post by semperfiguy » July 7, 2013, 5:58 am

SJP17 wrote:Can anyone recommend a dentist where i can get an implant done
The is a previous recommendation on Udonmap by member Parrot:

We've done bi-annual cleanings at Rakfan Clinic (042-222-935), Amphoe Rd, the one-way side road between Phosri and Srisuk Rds, grid k-12. It's just before Maya Restaurant, same side.
Two female dentists, one capable of dental implants. Thorough cleaning 500 baht, single xray 100 baht. Clean, AC, speaks excellent English. We almost always just walk in, no appointment. Dr. Saranya Kaewmat (สรัญญา แก้วมาตย์) D.D.S., Cert of Oral Implantology
Colossians 2:8-10...See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ. For in HIM dwells all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily; and you are complete in HIM, who is the head of all principality and power.

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Dentist Updates???

Post by Asiaphile » July 7, 2013, 8:11 am

thex wrote:There are two dentists after you pass the prison on your left.
The second dentist is US trained and offers a very good service.
How much does he/she charges for check-up/cleaning?

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Dentist Updates???

Post by wayne747 » August 15, 2013, 7:52 pm

I went to Rak fan again last time in Udon (Feb) and it was again good experience.
Fixed a cavity and cleaned teeth.

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Dentist Updates???

Post by semperfiguy » August 15, 2013, 8:13 pm

Dropped into Rak Fan Clinic today after lunch and went right in to see Dr. Saranya without an appointment. She's very friendly and speaks excellent English. Prices for services rendered are posted in the lobby. Amalgams are priced at 500 baht and I had one cavity in a rear lower tooth. Total bill was 800 baht. When I asked why the price was 300 baht more than the posted price, the answer was "because the cavity was below the gum line"! Yea...okay...that makes a lot of sense! Holy crap...what a deal...I would have expected to pay up to double for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-k :confused: gotta' laugh a some of the stuff they can come up with in Thailand when they just want to get a few extra hundred baht out of you.

However, aside from the silly criticism, I was very pleased with the service and will go back if I need dental work done in the future.
Colossians 2:8-10...See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ. For in HIM dwells all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily; and you are complete in HIM, who is the head of all principality and power.

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Dentist Updates???

Post by wayne747 » September 2, 2013, 2:59 pm

Perhaps bring the wife along next time, she can maybe screen for special "farang pricing" :mrgreen:

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Dentist Updates???

Post by SJP17 » January 24, 2014, 11:54 pm

Hello , where would i find a good dental hygenist for a scale and polish of my teeth ?



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Dentist Updates???

Post by luangtom » January 25, 2014, 1:02 am

I will keep going back to Rak Fan for all of my work whenever I am back in the Isaan. You may wish to check them out.

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Dentist Updates???

Post by SJP17 » January 25, 2014, 7:16 am

Do you have any address or contact details for Rak Fan Denistry ?



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Dentist Updates???

Post by luangtom » January 25, 2014, 8:04 am

Its physical location is on Amphoe Road, between Phosri and Srisuk Roads. Last phone-number I have is 042-222-935.

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Dentist Updates???

Post by Asiaphile » January 25, 2014, 11:39 am

It's definitely not on Amphoe Rd. It's on Soi Ratcha Phatsadu, Google coordinates 17.404696,102.790483, the same soi of Maeya Restaurant.

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Dentist Updates???

Post by Allen A Hale » June 10, 2014, 2:41 pm

My recommendation - Udom Clinic (second dentist on the left after the prison on your way north) I walked into the clinic today at Noon without an appointment. Rak Fan Clinic last week said that they could not fix the porcelain filling on one of my front teeth. After waiting a while, I was sent in to a male dentist who seemed to speak good English - he didn't talk all that much. He said that I had to have two fillings on that tooth replaced. He then proceeded to go to work. He worked quickly and efficiently. I ended up with a beautiful tooth that matched all the others in color. Total cost 1,800 Baht Total time, including waiting time - 30 minutes. I think that I was in the chair for 10 to 15 minutes. My dentist by choice - Udom Clinic

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Dentist Updates???

Post by grievous » June 10, 2014, 6:21 pm

I found Wattra to to have a clean and modern clinic. The dentist was very informative, spoke perfect english and only encouraged me to have necessary dental work done. I had two wisdom teeth including two x-rays and two needles for 1400 Baht.

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Dentist Updates???

Post by 430xc » June 18, 2014, 2:21 pm

I visited the RakFan clinic today to have a chipped tooth fixed. My dentist in the USA told me that just the top was broken off and a simple filling would fix it but I could not get in to see him at the time.

I was told I was seeing Dr Saranya. ??? Waited 45 minutes in a hot waiting room then ushered into a very small (claustrophobic size) treatment room. It was also hot. First impressions are not always accurate, but this one was terrible. She had the appearance, demeanor and attitude of a common construction laborer. I was informed that the only option was to extract the tooth. She said it was a third molar ( I think I believe her) and not much of a problem, and only 1000 baht plus for the procedure. Without prior personal experience, trust in a healthcare professional depends a lot on first impressions, subtle cues and sixth sense. For me this experience was three strikes and no balls.

Out I went and I will be looking for a dentist that gives me more confidence than my 50 baht haircut barber. Really, I trust the barber more.

I appreciate the recommendations of people on this forum and will try another clinic.


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