We will have to wait & see what Khun Paul comes up with Uncle...
However I don't believe that anything has significantly changed in the English legal system by interference from the EU.
Plaintiffs have certainly taken their cases there when they have exhausted the UK system & won, much to the chagrin of the Government.
The early years of the beast were badly marked by quotas & subsidies as countries attempted to protect their farming community but much of that has been worked out of the system now. The waters around Europe were heavily overfished in a way that was totally unsustainable. Fishermen lost jobs for certain but they would have done anyway without some sort of action.
I am far from saying that the EU is the best idea anyone ever had. However (& it is a huge however) it has stopped World War 3 happening there &, with the exception of Russia flexing its' Crimean muscles Europe is probably as peaceable as anytime during the last 100 years..
In general people do not like change & like something to blame as that is the easy option. But in doing that it is far too easy to miss that things usually change anyway.
If someone could come up with a better alternative I would listen intently. I do not, personally, believe that taking the ball away because the game is getting tough is a particularly sensible way to go.
England needs Europe for its energy supply & so needs to export to them to pay for it. It is as simple as that.
Telling people over whom you have no control that you want all the plus points of a deal & none of the minus points (which are their plus points) rarely works..