2009 Toyota Hilux Vigo VN Turbo Diesel- 440,000 (neg)

Cars & Trucks For Sale/Wanted in Udon Thani and surrounding area
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2009 Toyota Hilux Vigo VN Turbo Diesel- 440,000 (neg)

Post by CHUCK » October 22, 2014, 3:14 pm

2009 Model, four door,3L , turbo diesel,auto

Owned by Toyota Udon from new until February 2014 when purchased by me.

Used by Toyota as demo and to take displays to shopping centers etc

It has traveled only 31,000 km and in excellent condition inside and out- licensed until October 2015 and still with Toyota Sure Guarantee

(Identical model for sale at Toyota Sure Udon for 578,000 bath (66,000 km traveled

For early sale at 440,000 baht
Contact Graeme-- email- daviesg005@gmail.com or 0834579124 (English) or 0912798546 ( Luk-Thai)

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2009 Toyota Hilux Vigo VN Turbo Diesel- 440,000 (neg)

Post by kevh » January 2, 2015, 1:28 am

Is this still for sale?

Posts: 76
Joined: June 10, 2014, 12:21 pm

2009 Toyota Hilux Vigo VN Turbo Diesel- 440,000 (neg)

Post by Hammerheads » July 2, 2015, 12:42 pm

Hi is this vehicle still available?

Posts: 275
Joined: September 6, 2012, 4:53 am

2009 Toyota Hilux Vigo VN Turbo Diesel- 440,000 (neg)

Post by NongKhaiLee » July 4, 2015, 7:33 am

I see he is not answering, so I will. I had a deal going to see this truck, but he messaged me and told mevhe already sold it.

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2009 Toyota Hilux Vigo VN Turbo Diesel- 440,000 (neg)

Post by glalt » July 4, 2015, 9:00 am

I have seen this situation with a number of ads. A person would think the original poster would have the courtesy to at least mark the ad sold, canceled or whatever. Maybe Udon Map should allow the ads to run for a couple of weeks with the option to renew the listing. If the ad is not renewed, it should be removed.

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