American Embassy Warning

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American Embassy Warning

Post by glalt » December 15, 2014, 11:55 am

The pictures of those injured kids could have been the result of lunatic suicide bombers. They don't care who they kill, they just want to kill as many people as possible. How can anyone defend the fanatics?

That said, I wasn't very popular among my friends when I was against sending our troops into Iraq. I still think we should allow them to sort out their own problems. I would be for keeping both sides equally armed so they can kill each other more efficiently.

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American Embassy Warning

Post by bumper » December 15, 2014, 3:32 pm

Gone this weekend to the motorcycle races in Buri Ram. As luck would have it I met an American working a a civilian in Afghanistan. His wife was one of races so our conversation a to hie work was very limited, He did tell me this after Fienstien released the report all civilian employees were placed in bunkers for several hours. He went on to say he didn't believe they would be there much longer

I get home turn on the news am see this hostage situation in Aussie land. I the incident connected to the release of the report I don't know. But that was my biggest fear ISIS them selves they couldn't ask for better P.R. and they are pretty good at it.

The ones we know about we can watch. It's the ones we don't know about hat is the major problem I would think, Something like this can bring out all the nut buckets. Did we screw with the prisoners trying to get information. I would have said yes to that before they released the report.

I can still remember the thread we had on here betting the VOA was housing the terrorist for interrogation. I was betting against simply because I didn't think a Thai couldn't keep his mouth shut. The P/M has denied any involvement o in Thailand I think he is telling the truth as he knows it. That same night the local news said they were housed in the airport. We have three here two are a possibility. They key isn't if they did or didn't it is if the the terrorist believe they did.

Poland admitted to the CIA flying into their Country but they didn't know anything about torture being used. Does that take them off the bad guy list probably not.

Se. Bush a Veteran an former head of he CIA realized that taking out Sadam would upset the balance of power in the region, Thai is why he stopped the attack. Jr a non veteran went ahead anyway, that was huge mistake. Did he have E Weapons of mass destruction, I suppose that would depend on how you define that. If that should include wiping out an entire village with chemical weapons. Then Sadam did have that and he had already used it.

Had they left the majority of Sadams a Army intact, we may no have seen the blood bath over the ten years or so we, were there. Huge mistake.

We opened the door, But, now it about Sunnis and Sheits and who is going to control they been working on the at least 4,000 years now

Difference in culture, they can have anyone they want a long as it harms no other. But, they have made it very clear there is only one culture and theirs they will settle for no less.

Political correctness, I have had enough. The cancelled a Christmas celebration at College. Why because Muslims objected to it. Lets see one nation founded under God, how did that get changed. The don't have to celebrate Christmas. But, we do have freedom of religion all religion not just theirs.

This is a terrible mess and some people will be treated wrongly by both sides of this. Why inflame it when it serves no real purpose other to endanger others. Oh that's right we have to get the majority of the Senate back. That is what releasing that report was really about. Do you actually believe for a second that Fienstien really cares. Watch closely not one hair on her will be harmed.

As to the guy I met I told not to worry about having a job they will just operations somewhere else. We are stuck in that region and when I say we I don't mean just the U.S..

The Aussies did torture happen in their country, I don't know. But they are currently participating in the bombing, So maybe that is what set this guy off, who knows. But, I do believe we will see more of this.
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American Embassy Warning

Post by bumper » December 15, 2014, 6:04 pm

parrot wrote:bump: "You may also may not know that the things they speak of in the report are pretty much them same training air crews go through in the event capture."

The people who went through that training in 1970 were told (in effect).....this is what the enemy might do to you to make you talk. We were also told that we (the US) didn't subscribe to such things....rather we complied with the Geneva Convention. I don't think even John McCain subscribed to the idea of an eye for an eye or a sliver of bamboo under the fingernail for a sliver of bamboo under the fingernail.
Does it a say anything about Bamboo in he late 80's I was a load Master in the Reserves on a C-130 I was lucky enough to miss survival training but I sure talked a lot of guys who did and they experienced water boarding. Probably at the length of time that it could be done. No sleep Hunger Cold, stuck in miserable positions. Survival training was a 2 week course, the last three days you were a prisoner. After being stuck out in the wold with instructors trying to catch you. Your job was to evade. They knew where you were all the time. They caught you when it was time to be a prisoner. It was not a lecture and it wasn't fun.

So we are the ---- sticks fine, how does justify burning our sources?

Good idea hep the U.S with the war on Terror, so they can throw to the wolves later. Just like we did Vietnam, we were supposed to replace equipment piece for piece as part of the agreement, we didn't fund it. So when Uncle Ho tested it it fell apart.

I'm far more ashamed of how we have treated our allies them someone being water boarded. The bottom line is we can not be trusted. Hope Fienstien is happy
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American Embassy Warning

Post by FrazeeDK » December 15, 2014, 6:50 pm

I can't see that there was that much in the heavily redacted report that wasn't either already known as fact or certainly talked about in detail by the media.. A simple Googling of "Rendition Flights" gets a plethora of information to include tail numbers of the aircraft used, their itineraries and probably good guesses on which of the most notorious terrorist was on what flight going where.... I frankly don't see a huge uproar in the world by the unwashed masses just the talking heads and politicians.. Perhaps after Friday prayers this week the Muslim "street" might get fired up..

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American Embassy Warning

Post by JMT42 » December 16, 2014, 12:18 pm

This is just BS to keep the people pumped up so they can accept being continually at war. The USA hasn't gone home from WW2 yet and that's the problem. It's very expensive to be continually at war so you have to keep the people cranked up so they will accept paying the bill . It's about money for arms manufacturers and the military.

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American Embassy Warning

Post by bumper » December 16, 2014, 5:22 pm

84 Children killed in school today in Pakistan, Taliban gunman. This is a mighty screwed up world we live in. I found them I would think electrodes to the testicles would be in order, But, then again I don't care to be politically correct anymore. You can be a bleeding heart if you care to. I have no compassion at all for these pukes.

At least they stopped trying to hanging cops in the news now :-"

Doesn't bleed enough now
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American Embassy Warning

Post by glalt » December 16, 2014, 6:24 pm

Anyone who can justify killing children has to have a few screws loose.Why would anyone defends these lunatics. If the liberal bleeding hearts defend these lunatics, they are as sick as the lunatics.

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American Embassy Warning

Post by jackspratt » December 16, 2014, 7:04 pm

glalt wrote:Anyone who can justify killing children has to have a few screws loose.Why would anyone defends these lunatics. If the liberal bleeding hearts defend these lunatics, they are as sick as the lunatics.
Where has anyone defended this slaughter? Why are you setting up straw men?

Is it just a feeble excuse to attack liberals? :-k

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American Embassy Warning

Post by glalt » December 16, 2014, 7:21 pm

Are you a liberal who needs defending? Are you also a rabid Obama fan?

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American Embassy Warning

Post by jackspratt » December 16, 2014, 7:30 pm

I see you prefer not to answer my questions. Better to obfuscate I guess. ;)

In my experience, most of the politically rabid occupy the far right side of the spectrum. You seem to be living proof of that. :D

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American Embassy Warning

Post by bumper » December 17, 2014, 10:54 am

Well the numbers are higher now. I was wavering a bit on supporting the CIA Then I found out the practice was stopped in 2005. The world was a much different place in the time frame the actions were committed, We have had a stark reminders of what is really happening, in this past week or so. Best I can tell seven attackers. If there is any chance that actions like we saw yesterday can be stopped. I don't give a damn what they do to them. Fienstien is the worse of American Politics. You know hindsight is 20/20. We rounded up all the Japanese Americans we could find and stuck them in camps through the war. Today that sounds cruel and harsh, in the time frame probably seemed like the safest thing to do.

It should be clear to everyone, these idiots are not tryi8ng to establish a Country they want the entire world. If they ever get it all of us with out habits an views will probably be lined up and be executed. You want to feel sorry for them go ahead I don't.

Something can't be done with kid gloves
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American Embassy Warning

Post by jackspratt » December 17, 2014, 11:03 am

bumper wrote: It should be clear to everyone, these idiots are not tryi8ng to establish a Country they want the entire world. If they ever get it all of us with out habits an views will probably be lined up and be executed. You want to feel sorry for them go ahead I don't.

Something can't be done with kid gloves
I suspect climate change is going to present a far greater danger to future generations than a few Islamist fanatics. I know which one is of greater concern to me.

Maybe we should get the kid gloves off with the polluters, and the oil companies, and the coal burners etc etc. =D>

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American Embassy Warning

Post by ronan01 » December 17, 2014, 11:55 am

jackspratt wrote:
bumper wrote: It should be clear to everyone, these idiots are not tryi8ng to establish a Country they want the entire world. If they ever get it all of us with out habits an views will probably be lined up and be executed. You want to feel sorry for them go ahead I don't.

Something can't be done with kid gloves
I suspect climate change is going to present a far greater danger to future generations than a few Islamist fanatics. I know which one is of greater concern to me.

Maybe we should get the kid gloves off with the polluters, and the oil companies, and the coal burners etc etc. =D>
Being concerned that the climate is changing when climate has always changed seems a bit unhinged to me.

Conflating so called climate change and islamic terrorism is even more unhinged. And about 30 000 to 40 000 IS fighters is hardly a "few Islamist fanatics".

Seeking retrtibution against "oil companies" is straight out of the central committee handbook and complaining about "coal burners" is just plain loopy.

Why dont you remonstrate with China over their coal burning Comrade?

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American Embassy Warning

Post by jackspratt » December 17, 2014, 12:40 pm

ronan01 wrote: Being concerned that the climate is changing when climate has always changed seems a bit unhinged to me.
Not worrying about climate change - of the anthropogenic variety we are seeing now - seems to be a lot more than "a bit unhinged" to me. :shock:
Why dont you remonstrate with China over their coal burning Comrade?
I would have thought that even as someone as loopy as yourself would have understood this bit:
Maybe we should get the kid gloves off with the polluters ........ and the coal burners
But clearly I give you too much credit. :roll:

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American Embassy Warning

Post by merchant seaman » December 17, 2014, 12:56 pm

Climate change will have absoultly no affect on my well being whereas a terrorist has more of a chance.
No man has a good enough memory to be a succesful liar.

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American Embassy Warning

Post by ronan01 » December 17, 2014, 1:40 pm

jackspratt wrote:
ronan01 wrote: Being concerned that the climate is changing when climate has always changed seems a bit unhinged to me.
Not worrying about climate change - of the anthropogenic variety we are seeing now - seems to be a lot more than "a bit unhinged" to me. :shock:
Why dont you remonstrate with China over their coal burning Comrade?
I would have thought that even as someone as loopy as yourself would have understood this bit:
Maybe we should get the kid gloves off with the polluters ........ and the coal burners
But clearly I give you too much credit. :roll:
Conflating so climate change and terrorism is unhinged.

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American Embassy Warning

Post by glalt » December 20, 2014, 10:32 am

Maybe Jack has something. Bringing climate change into a thread about terrorists could have some connection. Putting lunatic terrorists, Al Gore and Michael Moore together seems to make some strange sort of sense. All I know for sure is that I would NEVER want to be in the same camp as Gore and Moore. They really should try to put a carbon tax on volcanoes.

And Jack, you didn't answer my question. Are you a rabid Obama fan boy AND a bleeding heart liberal?

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American Embassy Warning

Post by BossHogg69 » December 20, 2014, 11:04 am

Well said Garry, there are so many uneducated people about who clearly never went to school, we were taught about how the climate changes all the time from ice age to hot and back again over the years, man can have such a very very small effect on this to be considered irrelevant. All total government crap to rip us all off with taxes for them.

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American Embassy Warning

Post by glalt » December 20, 2014, 11:14 am

It's interesting that no one has ever been able to figure out what caused the Ice Age. Do you suppose the cavemen had too many camp fires and blotted out the sun? Mother earth does many strange things and if man thinks he can change that, then he is pretty stupid or he has an agenda such as the carbon tax.

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American Embassy Warning

Post by Jing Jing » December 20, 2014, 2:09 pm

The lone wolf attack in Sydney, Australia on December 15, 2014, resulting in the deaths of two hostages, is a reminder that U.S. citizens should be extra cautious, maintain a very high level of vigilance, and take appropriate steps to enhance their personal security. This Travel Alert expires on March 19, 2015.
US State Dep.

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